Developer Questions and Answers
Not sure this is a game mechanics question perse, however.. Will there be any upcoming changes and/or quality of life additions for graphics? I know I myself am plagued with the small issue of certain environmental and/or lighting effects that make my FPS drop below 10. That is partially due to using a laptop for game play as well as integrated Intel HD graphics, however.. It hinders my play style quite a bit when selecting new builds. Most things are rain and/watery effects, others are stuff like Strong boxes and this previous league, Perandus. The packs of Perandus mobs always made both my FPS and latency go low and high.
The Fey will never lose, as one of their members, Chap, has taken it upon himself to right their wrongs and see to it that Liesel and Magiere are safe.
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will you guys every add gender options to character classes?
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game questions
What do you think about official modding support? Item filters have been a great enrichment, and following that, there could be some room for potential UI modding/scripting (such as allowing white lists/custom loading for UI files like the globe girls or further down the line scripting to adjust the layout of the UI or add elements that are normally not in the game) or in game custom content creation. Will there be a major revisit of existing mechanics? For example, adding a number of new nemesis modifiers, new shrines, new strongboxes, changing or adding forsaken masters etc. Will there be a raise of the level cap eventually? Thoughts on an official linux port? (perhaps with vulkan?) Name one thing you really love to add to the game, but can't add (yet) because it would take too much time/resources to do. What happened to the French/German localizations? other questions A list of questions here intended for an interview, but perhaps also interesting to answer some of them as you deem them fit: How many programmers do you have working on the game? What areas do they work on? Is there a legal reason for the strict no name & shame policy? Prefer reddit or official forums? Why is GGG one of the few (gaming) companies that actually has good support? ----------------------- broad questions Not sure if those would be better suited for video or manifesto due to the potential length of the answer, but these are covering a broad area of interest: What are GGG's thoughts on the current state of (and which direction you want to take those things): * Trading (and trading versus self-found play) * Endgame * Labyrinth * Ascendancy classes * "clear speed meta" * Crafting * Itemization * Flow of information * the poe wiki * data extraction from client * leveling * challenge leagues * racing * pvp * overall balance * balance of melee vs ranged/casters * balance of new skill gems and old gems being "left behind" |
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1) Considering what seemed like a successful upgrade of Shield Charge (now viable in a lot of builds), do you have any plan to review more extensively all the underused skills (mostly old ones) ? Do you think it's better to upgrade/rework existing skills, or to keep adding new ones ?
2) Are you happy with the current state of movement skills ? Is there any plan to make them more viable against each others, and if so, which ones do you feel are currently too slow or fast ? 3) Do you plan future leagues with the idea they will make it to standard game some day, or do you just go on with leagues and think about keeping them to standard only when you see how the playerbase reacts to them ? 4) What's your stance on all the exploiters and peoples abusing various bugs and unwanted mechanics during the first days or weeks of a league, either breaking the economy or gaining unfair advantages ? Is there anything done to act against those and protect the whole playerbase ? |
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can you add more spell slots?
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I know it's not the priority and never will but can we at least some sort of balancing in high level dueling? Not even balancing, more of a pvp tune down for damage at least. Thank you
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A buddy and I have a running joke that mirrors only drop when Chris Wilson presses a button. Is this true? How often do you really dust that thing off and can we see a picture of it?
IGN: Strudely
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Okay heres my few questions i currently have concerning the game.
1- Where do you guys currently want to go with the direction of the combat ? Right now its kind of a mix between ARPG Hack n' Slash and Vanilla ARPG. What i mean by that is, the majority of the game feels like a hack n' slash while a handful of fights dont (such as Atziri, The Pale Council, Izaro). Do you guys currently like that setup or do you have plans to make map bosses/monsters a bit more skill based than DPS/Stat check based ? 2- Are you guys currently satisfied with how skills function ? Many express the opinion that it gets boring using the same skills and would love to see a bit more interaction by being able to use multiple skills, is this something you guys have considered or is it something that you guys arent currently considering or thinking about because it has alot of implication of changing a large amount of the game ? 3- Do you guys have plans to make building or layering defenses more intuitive ? As it currently stands its extremely difficult to get enough defenses and the main defense players use is Enfeeble and Temporal Chains. Theres also the fact that everyone uses fortify as well too. Is the fact that most people use these indicative to a need for a global rebalancing concerning monster damage ? 4- Are there any plans to buff mana ? As it currently stands the investment for mana and mana regen is really insane, this is especially true if youre playing CI. Are there plans to possibly change or buff how mana and mana regen works because as it currently stands, with faster casting and spell echo alone its very easy to go over 3 casts per second and on a 5-6L thats anywhere from 75-200 mana per cast which becomes quite literally impossible to keep up without a mana flask regardless of whether someone heavily invests into mana and mana regen. 5- Are there any plans on adding and making it possible to play purely physical builds ? Right now one of my biggest concerns is maps double and triple dipping into damage which makes it very hard to run higher tier maps (especially as melee). If you play a converted skill youre really hurting your damage in maps, and theres also no aura choices that give you a physical damage buff either and since theres a very small variety of physical support gems youre kinda forced into Weapon Elemental Damage and Added Fire. 6- Are there any plans on making melee more viable ? As it currently stands there is still a very large discrepancy between ranged and melee, "true" melee lovers, such as myself, find it very difficult to continue to play the game when we cant play our favorite builds at a higher level. I think those are probably my biggest questions as it currently stands. Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in! Labyrinth salt farm miner. "But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years. Last edited by Tin_Foil_Hat#0111 on Jun 28, 2016, 8:52:31 PM
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Is the Voice actor for the Duelist Canadian? Because I noticed him say "Eh?" at the end of a sentence in one of his dialogues.
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