Developer Questions and Answers
For a perfect game.
1.Battle with any unique Boses more long and in fundal of music of battle(boos wit more life replish) 2.Unique items more rare chance but more quality(more diversity options and more unique in game). 3.Player with 100 all rezistence and die in one or two shot of magic destroy game(or 50% reduced psihical dmg and die in one or two hits of booses unique with psihical dmg same) 4. player who enter in lv 80 is good to have a quest to socket and link an unique item with full soketed and linked (for player moral) I wait a answer for these request (probably game will by more enternement and fun. |
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when is the auction house coming?
TRUMP 2016 IGN : FourTwenty_Yolo_BlazeIt
Twitch : Website : www.OneEightSeven.Enjin.Com "We will no longer surrender this country, or its people, to the false song of globalism. The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony." -Donald J. Trump |
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(Q1) The Ascendancy expansion introduced a new type of passive node (in the Ascendant tree) in which the player is offered a selection of passives to choose from instead of having a set-in-stone benefit. These nodes allow for greater build depth/diversity in a way that would otherwise clutter the tree*. Do you have any plans to add more of this type of node to other ascendancy classes and/or the regular passive tree?
*(For example, the keystone passive that currently houses Avatar of Fire could instead be a multi-node that offers either Avatar of Fire, Avatar of Ice, or Avatar of Lightning.) (Q2) During my initial run-throughs with many of my current end-game characters, I was less knowledgeable about the game mechanics and was a poor judge of the value of Bandit quest rewards. Seeing as a Bandit reward respec is costly (20 Orbs of Regret...), the idea of trying to respec all of my characters is daunting to say the least, and I am now left feeling punished for my earlier choices. Are there any plans to lower this cost in the future? Have there ever been discussions of including Bandit rewards as part of the global one-off respecs that are typically granted with major updates? |
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Why are there so few items that interact with mines in the game?
Is there any way you would consider giving all accounts 1 premium tab for ease of trading? (or giving all new and old accounts without a premium tab a market tab upgrade? so that they don't have to jump through hoops to be able to trade like those of us with the available income to purchase these things) And last question, Even though you seem to have improved the quality of gameplay (framerate and loading time wise) there are still issues for people on lower end systems which would be solvable by having lower graphics settings (as far as I know). Wouldn't it be beneficial to have settings that lowered the quality of skill graphics, turned off ambient creatures, and got rid of unnecessary other things (because I can't think of a proper term for it right now) like the rain in Dominus's area the blinking eyes in The belly of the beast, and other such things that do tend to have even minor effects on lower end systems ability to play the game. The last bit I can vouch for out of personal experience. Especially any and all rain effects. |
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Does this game still support windows xp?
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Why have you not sold me a auto sorting map tab yet?
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Obviously, pick any/all/none of these to answer as you see fit and dice out anything you want to ignore. Probably none. I just figured that maybe writing them up as possible discussion points would be a fun little exercise between calls on a (mostly) slow night at work.
1.) Many older melee attack skills often feel clunky to use, as they require a player to click directly on a valid target to initiate the skill, or use Multistrike to trick the game into autotargeting for them. Chasing monkeys in Act 2 with Dual Strike is sheer agony @_@. Ranged skills, most spells, and newer melee/pseudomelee attacks such as Earthquake, Sunder, Lacerate, and the older Reave, on the other hand, target a specific point on the screen or a direction-clicked, and most of them are great! Does GGG have any plans to update older, manual-target-only melee attacks to use similar autotargeting attack mechanics? How much of a bear would it be to recode these attacks to target ‘nearest valid target to point-of-click’, like the Multistrike gem currently does, rather than requiring the player to actively hunt down a hitbox to click on? Does GGG want to see epic slap fights on YouTube with people waving Dual (Multi)Strike madly in front of them in PvP to see who is the lamest 90-pound nerd of them all? Did someone else ask this question in the thirty-odd pages of thread I didn’t have time to read while posting developer Q&A questions between calls at work? ONLY YOU KNOW THE ANSWERS, GRINDING GEAR. 2.) A lot of the fun with Path of Exile is coming up with funky combinations of skill and support gem to do something cool – but in recent days, with the introduction of a slew of somewhat controversial support gems, this seems to be mostly made up of “how many ‘More’ gems can I cram on the end of this skill?” Are there any limitations on GGG’s end that restrict what types of effects can be integrated into support gems? As an example: are there technical, balance, or vision/direction reasons why something like a “ [X]% chance for Supported Skill to spread Burning/Chilled/Shocked Ground on Hit” gem, or other more utility-focused options as opposed to the newer generation of “+[X] More damage, -[X] Something Else” supports? Everybody loves damage – but a lot of folks also love delicious combos. Support/set-up skills like Orb of Storms are the best kind of game-changers – can we look forward to combolicious support gems as well in the future? 3.) Are there any plans for new ‘Trigger’-type skillgems or support gems? Many players are endlessly intrigued by the possibilities of Thing 1 being a product of accomplishing Thing 2, with clever builds like Cast When Drinking Potions showcasing new and interesting ways of playing path of Exile. However, the constant, looming Bogeyman presence of Cast on Critical Strike and its numerous dastardly Discharge-y variants and their game-breaking overperformance has stunted the development of any new and interesting trigger gems for quite some time, due to balance concerns. With the impending ‘love’ slated for Cast on Crit, is there any chance that GGG will check out possible new options for trigger gems, and the quirky builds that go with them? On a somewhat less serious note… 4.) Has GGG ever considered adding throwing hammers to the game? Not Spectral Throw with a hammer, but a hammer weapon base type which is, by default, a one-handed ranged thrown weapon like ol’ DII’s Javelins? If they have considered doing so, have they ever considered changing Mjolnir to this new throwing-hammer base weapon type and inciting legendary nerdrage across their forum as every single fifty-exalt Mjolnir Discharge build ever made breaks in half whilst people using GMP Barrage get to make absolutely hilarious videos of dual throwing hammer builds where they huck fifty hammers at Merveil’s entire face? On an only very slightly less serious note… 5.) Does anyone at GGG currently own guinea pigs? If so, what is their opinion on guinea pig ownership? Would they recommend it to friends and family? Has GGG noticed any correlation between guinea pig ownership and productivity in the workplace? If such a correlation exists, has GGG ever entertained the notion of instituting mandatory guinea pig ownership for all employees as a means of boosting workflow efficiency and enabling a quicker pace of production? Would GGG recommend guinea pig ownership as a means of improving a person’s chance of breaking into the video games industry? |
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" Same things.
I play this game not to long, starting in Perandus, but that i see:
1. If you not have a ton of DPS - you just die at boss fight, because bosses deal a ton of damage. If you have a ton of DPS - you able to easy farm endgame content, because bosses just die in 1-3 seconds at the fight start and just don't damage you. Bossfight mechanics, realy? Just take OP build and crash em off! In some game, even in Dark Souls, bosses have a ton of resists that mean you must to join that bossfight mechanic with any build. Ultra Greed and Hush in Isaac have a cap of incoming damage that mean you don't oneshot em even with OP build. But also boss in this game don't oneshot you. 2. 90% of all unique is a crap and just have some stats. No unique at all. Items that change some mechanics or add new one - is rare thing. Sorry for my bad English E = mc^(OMG)/wtf
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Just because I'm curious: what's Zerphi's connection to The Beast?
Also, who originally came up with the in-game economy idea? |
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What is the strangest animal encounter one of the members of the team has been involved in?
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