Developer Questions and Answers
Since we now have the info about experience penalties, i'll just post the second question i had, left unanswered until now :
" Edit : Well i just checked the Talk:Prophecy page and we got an answer in fact. Only difficulty matters. I wasn't playing much lately, i missed it. Last edited by Harest#1598 on Jun 29, 2016, 8:03:38 AM
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Are more skills/skill points/character progression going to be tied to the labyrinth in the future?
With that said... I understand Chris Wilson has stated that people who dislike the Lab are a vocal minority. I disagree, I think its split 50/50 to be honest. A simple test would be to remove Ascendancy points from the lab, and see how many people run the Lab content because its "fun". If activity dips, you'll have your answer. Good to know when making design decisions. |
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Is there any lifter in the office¿?
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Will you bring back the Super Frogs, if not, will you allow a refund for those who bought it during the time the bug was active?
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Hallo GGG and Co,
Stupid question: Do you guys ever plan on adding some character sorting/grouping/filtering functionality to the character selection screen? Would be awesome. Thanks ███░░█░░███░█░█░░░███░███░░░█▀▀░█░█░█░█░░░█▀▀░░░▄█▄░▄█▄░░
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I have a couple of Questions.
1) With Perendus league now come and gone, for the most part it was a great way to achieve total self found within a league, but outside that style of conditioning, the whole concept was great but alittle too rewarding. Would using Perendus and the coin system in Labs be a good idea giving players a reason to open hidden chests, finding secrets, and opening silver chests for coins and allow perendus himself as a NPC Vendor within the Final Treasure Vault of Izaro? 2) Would you guys consider Designing a Unique map around warbands all in different fractions around the map with colour theme effects such as chaos warbands, graveyard. Red warbands, Kaom lava pits and such. 3) Will Talismans and Rigwald be making a Return, I feel talismans should be implemented in such a way, Such as Drops from certain map and lab bosses and i also believe Rigwald deserves to be permentaly ingame, even if he has to be in Etheral Form such as kaom and Deresso Dreams. 4)Are there any plans on making content for mutliplayer groups? such as a Dungeon Tower that increasingly gets harder and pits you against evil combonations of monsters alike, so that Tank taunting meat heads, or the gaurdians roles could be more consequential at the start of leagues. Even Design content where you cannot enter without a player limit of 3 or such. Thanks for listening and Keep up the hardwork GGG Galihurst I cannot support the Direction of this game anymore due to the fact the PC verson of the game will be compromised due to the limitation of the console verson, which explains alot of the current state of the game. Last edited by galihurst#7690 on Jun 29, 2016, 8:39:07 AM
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Is there a chance Ngamakanui (Karui's home island/archipelago) will be introduced either as a future act or part of an upcoming expansion/league?
If and how will Act V be different in relation with other previous acts? If are there plans to make the game questline more dynamic? At what stage is Act V development? Has a concept already been approved? Time travel in poe - sci-fi aside, is that a feature it would be/was ever discussed? Can we expect for the Lore part of the game to have any added focus in the future, not counting the relative expansions? Or is the actual concept/budget given, of not revealing a great amount to the community - if we exclude wiki content, part of the company's ideology? Back to The Melee (Reaving Insight): view-thread/1240462
Fusion Skill Engineering: view-thread/1095291 |
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1/ First question is about french traduction...We are waiting since a long time and always reading someting like "we are working on it". And still nothing, it's like if you don't care and you are not honest with your answer. I think french comunity would prefer a traduction with little mistake instead always same answer and nothing. Or just be honest and say "we won't do this traduction"! (grim dawn is just a new small hack and slash and already have french trad) 2/ Hideout saving, another thing that comunity is asking for but still nothing. It could be something for MTX... 3/ Every patch you seems to be proud announcing new unique item. But it seems that for many player most of this unique item are just crap. Some of them are just for leveling, but you know people plays more on map (maybe am i wrong?)? When we are leveling we can use some decent unique for 2-3 hours and drop it after...But it could be a better idea to create useful item on "end game" Even with the prophecy that we allow us to trade 5 for 1 and the fated unique our stash are still full of crap, and even for 1 alch no one want to buy them. Most of this item are unusable on low level map!!! And when some of them are a little stronger they are nerfed, maybe too much. The nerf on maligaro's virtuasity (via nerf of crit mult) was useless i think. We can get yellow item for less than 5 chaos that are better. Most of unique weapons have ridiculous dps and sometimes without "build enabling" stat. SOme of this unique item have high level requierement (60+) but still unusable on map. What can we do with somthing that have level 60+ requierement, no stat of build enabling, and crap dps??? 4/ With new labyrinth some player are so strong, why don't you add some higher map for this player like t16? Or new unique map for very end game? Maybe this is more for standart, but even in league character can be more strong but end game is still the same. P.S. Sorry for my bad english and thanx for your next answer. |
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" They implemented lags. |
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Why are skills like Flicker Strike not usable while being unarmed? In my opinion it'd make more sense to make Flicker Strike and a few other skills viable for unarmed playing too.
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