Developer Questions and Answers

- Can we get some QoL improvements with Raise Spectre -

- Summon Skeletons needs to follow the player now -

- Lab needs some kind of check point system -

- Can we get real perma death in hc (mtx!) -

- Melee (range) lulz for life? -

- Will power creep ever fade -

- Trade improvements coming still? -

- Older melee skills ever going to get love -

- Particle slider -

- Option to hide to some degree party members pets -

- Reduction in the number of difficulties -

- Why weren't div cards bound or why didn't you choose a supporter perk that didn't conflict with your ideology on this -

- PVP! ; ; -

- Rain toggle option -

- Some older projectile spells could use some spark treatment, arctic breath etc -

- Add a non-lab option to get points -

- Why is spike damage so prevalent as your answer to difficulty? -

- Any chance we can get a slower development cycle to allow for more quality overall? -

- Any chance the endgame stuff you teased won't be rng/trade based? -
Last edited by GeorgAnatoly#4189 on Jun 29, 2016, 1:11:56 AM
Q1. if you use a diamond flask when at capped crit (95%), does increase my effective crit chance to 99.75%?

Q2. more of a design philosophy question but: Why is crit called at 95% in the first place?

Q3. does projectiles(and which if any) have different sizes to their collision detention? ie. does a wand proj have a wider/bigger collision than an arrow.
twitter: LeonoftheChan
What does 'hearing a sound in the distance' do?
Hi GGG! :D

I have a few questions of my own. I confess that I didn't scour through all 15 pages of replies, but I did try to skim through them to see if there were similar questions. So apologies in advance if I unintentionally mime a previous question. Off to the inquiries then!

1.) Trade has evolved greatly even since I joined at around the end of talisman. What improvements would you, the devs, like to see added to the game to make the trade process more streamlined? Even with, it can be very aggravating to see someone is online, only to find out that they're afk. Any chance of collaborating with the site managers of to add a feature to see if someone is afk or not? Or has any thought been put into integrating some of the sites features into the game? Third party sites made by fans are great and I do support them, but at times I do wish that I could look things up in game. Sometimes alt+tabbing can make the client crash and I lose my place in the game.

2.) Scamming is still very much an aggravating issue in the game. I recently got taken for some currency by a guy claiming free uber lab services, then wanted money for a key, then took my currency and put me on his ignore list. Contacting support yielded nothing, and I feel that not having anything in place to prevent things like this merely encourages unsavory types to continue their con game. Is there anything that you guys may have to help crack down on those who are dishonest and seek to steal from other players? (as of right now, the best option I have is to buy ZenocideGenius' ty4scam shirt. Not that I would mind, but I digress. lol )

3.) What would the developers like to see the game be like in 5 years? I know it's been a while since the early days of 2012 and the game overall has taken a great turn for the better imho, but I'm curious to see what ideas are being floated around and what goals the devs have for the game down the road. I read all the dev manifestos, but they don't say much in the way of further down the road than short term goals.

4.) I know mums the word on a lot of behind the scenes things for upcoming leagues, but what can you guys tell us about whether or not we're going to have a new act and/or a new class in the future? At the very least, can you tell us that at some point you'd LIKE to have another act and/or class?

5.) I know there isn't much in the way of racing this league and I'm glad that you guys made a post about it. But will we be going back to regular full racing seasons starting next league or the league after? One of the things that keeps me glued to the game outside of its build diversity is the racing. The mods can be combined for some crazy and challenging content and I'm very much addicted to it.

6.) I've been hearing some talk among community members that they'd love to see masters get ascendancy classes of their own. Anything you guys can comment on that being a possible implementation to the game at any point? I know I'd love to have a jewel master, or a flask master, or something to that effect.

7.) This may have been asked already, but it's an important question to players, so in their interest I'll also ask it...
What are the plans to retune maps? As it stands, you get far too low experience running rippy t12+ maps compared to spamming gorge and plateau maps to reach 100. It feels very strange getting more overall xp from tier 7-10 maps and much less incentive to play more challenging content. I feel that if a build can successfully do twinned core, they should get a much higher chance of a chase item to drop or something that makes playing the most difficult maps worth the player's time. As it stands, like I've said, a player can just make a fast clear build and farm either lab, uber lab, or t9-ish maps quickly to have more chances for items to drop as well as have much more increased overall xp gained. Specifically with uber lab, there's so much more incentive to run that to build currency than to do the more challenging maps available.
Last edited by tacotiklah#2882 on Jun 29, 2016, 1:32:48 AM
I posted a few questions earlier but these came to mind.

Have you considered a 2nd, or 3rd tab to character inventory? I have played a few games, where you increase the (inventory) like a bag that can be purchased from a vendor to expand inventory, each bag one tab, a max of 3.

Have you ever considered removing elemental reflect and physical reflect from map mods?

Lastly just a thought....I love your Divination Card addition and while playing a new card idea came to mind.

A Wild Card - called The Joker. (you could even use a Jester like image on it.) It would be used to complete any set of Divination Cards, but only 1 per set. (again just a thought)

Keep up the good work!!!!

Hi and keep up the great work!

- Will u reduce bots-tradechat spam?

looking on the new active league here, prophecy - the bots who we report with the report-function are so annoying!
Solution: Only characters with level 25+ can use tradechat cause we cant trade earlier anyway. If thats too hard for u, do at least level 10. This makes the botting lot of harder than the seconds they need now to create a new acc.
Another solution: Make a posting cooldown of 20 seconds or similar AND reduce the possible maximum of lines and linked items in one message AND reduce the channels at the same time (more players in one channel but less spam of same items)
Beside this, solution for global-chat spam could be: Make it usable only with level 5+

- Will u, as soon as we completed the masters quests in masters missions, give us a portal to the master? Or something else that players dont need to run 1-3 minutes a boring way back? (i think on gorge-mission here)

- Will u raise the capacity of possible masters in the hideout if they hit the max level? Its annoying to kick/reinvite the level 8 masters every day for the daily-quest.

- Will u improve the ignore-list with
1: a list of the ignored names
2: make a note editable (like on friendlist) where i can write why i ignored the player
3: let a player get a reponse from the system if he whispers a player that ignored him/her (like: u have been ignored by this player)
4: a bigger list

- Will u add golem-options? Like passive (dont attack) and active (attack with player)

ty for reading :)
Guild "Metal" /// POE 2 and POE 1 /// NO voice-chat necessary
Last edited by Infarkt#5723 on Jun 29, 2016, 1:34:51 AM
when that horrible xp rate system will be realy balanced to make end game leveling pleasant again?

by now,it is a triple punition above lvl 90 : ridiculous map drop rate + ridiculous xp gain + 10% xp lost on death......

learning is a painful process ... knowledge is the most deadly weapon.
DarkHeart69 wrote:
This thread has degraded in quality, previous two pages before my post never even touched mechanics. All game development and bug questions, sorry GGG will have to sort though this....

He specifically says in the OP to not ask questions about game mechanics in this thread. Go to the other Q&A.
Will the lag spikes when killing big mobs be fixed. Whenever I try to kill a big pack with lightning arrow my game freezes for 2-5 secs, and there have been times just standing that the game will freeze or lag then go at x3 speed for how ever long it lagged for.

I have only one question for PoE/GGG devs.

When are you going to fix your game engine?

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