[2.6][HC-SC]CHAMPION inexpensive Cyclone.League starter build.Uberlab farmer

KeenSenses wrote:
inwardheel8 wrote:
how did u get ur rapier stats?

I bought them on poe.trade,just filtering +270pDPS+AS or Crit chance

Would you mind telling me what you paid for them? Never tried to purchase 1h swords and would like to know if I have the currency for them. Thanks again.

Depends on "tier" of rapier:
Sword with enough damage to farm T4> maps going to cost less then 5c
Decent sword going to cost 5-20c
Best on PHC rapiers cost 20-150c;

Depends on "tier" of rapier:
Sword with enough damage to farm T4> maps going to cost less then 5c
Decent sword going to cost 5-20c
Best on PHC rapiers cost 20-150c;

I am mainly going for high tier mapping and uber lab. Can you do a "or" search on poe.trade or did you just run multiple searches looking for as and then crit? Is there a base rapier you would stick to for the searches.

Thanks, lvl 50 now and still mowing through stuff.

Edit: was able to snag a couple of swords. Not the best base, but at least they have the 30crit multi in them.

How far do you think those will get me?
Last edited by KeenSenses#3990 on Jul 8, 2016, 2:27:24 PM
KeenSenses wrote:

Depends on "tier" of rapier:
Sword with enough damage to farm T4> maps going to cost less then 5c
Decent sword going to cost 5-20c
Best on PHC rapiers cost 20-150c;

I am mainly going for high tier mapping and uber lab. Can you do a "or" search on poe.trade or did you just run multiple searches looking for as and then crit? Is there a base rapier you would stick to for the searches.

Thanks, lvl 50 now and still mowing through stuff.

There is a search that you can use after 60+ lvl to get desirable sword:
Hey, love your videos, you kill the boss like it was nothing, lol
but this build is good to clean maps? i mean, cyclone range its kinda short... or you just use your mov skill to reach the mobs like a maniac and spin2win?

good job creating this, tank ftw <3
Also, its required 6link to be very effective?
arthur1744 wrote:
Hey, love your videos, you kill the boss like it was nothing, lol
but this build is good to clean maps? i mean, cyclone range its kinda short... or you just use your mov skill to reach the mobs like a maniac and spin2win?

good job creating this, tank ftw <3

Yea this build is pretty decent to clear maps,esspecially maps,where mobs staying close to each other,for expample T11 -Crematorium,Academy.ALso this maps often cheaper then other,so it makes more profit.

Also, its required 6link to be very effective?

6link not required,even its useless a little cause 6s gem is WeD,which provide not a lot of damage,but multiple mana anyway.
So 5 link is more then this build require
45 lvl now and still goes very fast and easy!

My question is why do you use lightning coil? If you reached 90% phys mitigation and, for example, you take 10000 phys damage, you will take 10000 * 0.1 = 1000 damage. And with LC you will take 7000 * 0,1 = 700 and 3000 * 0,25 = 750, 1450 damage in summary.
Or maybe i don't understand something?

And second question - what do you think about swap your WED gem with IncCritChance or IncCritDamage? Or mb another gem?
Last edited by JamesDeGrizz#5662 on Jul 14, 2016, 1:52:20 AM
How would you adapt this for SC? Go Gladiator since you dont need to be so tanky ?
JamesDeGrizz wrote:
45 lvl now and still goes very fast and easy!

My question is why do you use lightning coil? If you reached 90% phys mitigation and, for example, you take 10000 phys damage, you will take 10000 * 0.1 = 1000 damage. And with LC you will take 7000 * 0,1 = 700 and 3000 * 0,25 = 750, 1450 damage in summary.
Or maybe i don't understand something?

And second question - what do you think about swap your WED gem with IncCritChance or IncCritDamage? Or mb another gem?

Armour is most effective in mitigating small hits and least effective in mitigating very large hits.

PhysMitigate = Armor/(Armor + 10 * incHit)

For example, you have 10 000 Armor, Lightning Coil, cap of elemental resistance(75%) and initial hit is 10 000 phys damage:
1) 30% of initial hit you take as lightning damage 10 000 * 0.3 = 3 000. Then reduction by elemental res
3000 - 3000* 0.75 = 750 elemental damage taken.
2) 70% of initial hit you take as phys damage 10 000 * 0.7 = 7 000. Armor mitigation is
10 000(10 000 + 10 * 7 000) = 12.5%, Phys damage taken 7 000 - 7 000*0.125 = 6 125.
3) Total damage taken is 6 125 + 750 = 6 875.
Without LC 10 000/(10 000 + 10 * 10 000) = 9% mitigation -> 10 000 * 0.91 = 9 100 damage taken.

For example, the same gear but initial hit is 1000 phys damage:
1) 1000 * 0.3 * 0.25 = 75
2) 1000 * 0.7 = 700;
10 000 /(10 000 + 10 * 700) = 58.8% mitigation
700 * 0.412 = 288.4
3) Tatal damage taken 288.4 + 75 = 363.4
Without LC 10 000/(10 000 + 10 * 1 000) = 50% mitigation -> 1 000 * 0.5 = 500 damage taken.

So, Lightning Coil is very very good for hard hits, where armour "dont work".
Last edited by Dmytro_Semenakha#6104 on Jul 14, 2016, 4:59:03 AM
Dmytro_Semenakha wrote:
JamesDeGrizz wrote:
45 lvl now and still goes very fast and easy!

My question is why do you use lightning coil? If you reached 90% phys mitigation and, for example, you take 10000 phys damage, you will take 10000 * 0.1 = 1000 damage. And with LC you will take 7000 * 0,1 = 700 and 3000 * 0,25 = 750, 1450 damage in summary.
Or maybe i don't understand something?

And second question - what do you think about swap your WED gem with IncCritChance or IncCritDamage? Or mb another gem?

Armour is most effective in mitigating small hits and least effective in mitigating very large hits.

PhysMitigate = Armor/(Armor + 10 * incHit)

For example, you have 10 000 Armor, Lightning Coil, cap of elemental resistance(75%) and initial hit is 10 000 phys damage:
1) 30% of initial hit you take as lightning damage 10 000 * 0.3 = 3 000. Then reduction by elemental res
3000 - 3000* 0.75 = 750 elemental damage taken.
2) 70% of initial hit you take as phys damage 10 000 * 0.7 = 7 000. Armor mitigation is
10 000(10 000 + 10 * 7 000) = 12.5%, Phys damage taken 7 000 - 7 000*0.125 = 6 125.
3) Total damage taken is 6 125 + 750 = 6 875.
Without LC 10 000/(10 000 + 10 * 10 000) = 9% mitigation -> 10 000 * 0.91 = 9 100 damage taken.

For example, the same gear but initial hit is 1000 phys damage:
1) 1000 * 0.3 * 0.25 = 75
2) 1000 * 0.7 = 700;
10 000 /(10 000 + 10 * 700) = 58.8% mitigation
700 * 0.412 = 288.4
3) Tatal damage taken 288.4 + 75 = 363.4
Without LC 10 000/(10 000 + 10 * 1 000) = 50% mitigation -> 1 000 * 0.5 = 500 damage taken.

So, Lightning Coil is very very good for hard hits, where armour "dont work".

Thanks for answer, i didn't know this armour mechanic!

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