[2.6][HC-SC]CHAMPION inexpensive Cyclone.League starter build.Uberlab farmer

I'm using it and I also have huge mana problems, forcing me to use bm (which isn't so bad except no luck so far finding 5 link and it lowers dps terribly).

Also, I would like to know too why no resolute technique?
Same as most, having mana probs.Using Warlords and mana leech from vitality void area and erleon ring still no go..Constant mana flask spamming. Cyclone in a 4l cant imagine a 5l .. lvl 43 currently..
Mana problems should be solved with blasphemy and Warlords Mark.
I am leveling using the Spirit Void mana leech cluster and using Blasphemy/Warlords mark. Even running Hatred, my mana is not a problem. Will eventually respec out of that cluster when I get some gear that can replace it.
Have people never heard of mana pots?
Literally press 1 button every 20 seconds to stay at full. Thats if for some reason warlords mark isnt out-regening costs. Only up to a 4-link so far but a 5th wont even raise costs enough to not stay at full. This is all with 60% reserved as well.
Playing this build atm, feeling pretty squishy(lvl 70, 3.7k hp 55% phys reduction capped resist and fortify) and i think i am lacking damage a bit(currently 18k tooltip), hoping to get stronger
with lvls i gues/getting better gear(not worth showing, everything is crap atm)
Probably getting a coil as soon as i will be able to sustain that -60 res with other gear.
Last edited by LostSinner666#2701 on Sep 6, 2016, 8:48:19 PM
Thx for updating the Build. I added it to the Buildlist.
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Does it have to be dual thrusting swords, if not, what are some good alternative 1 hand sword (rare or unique)?

Hey thanks for build. It's pretty nice and im impressed how tanky it is at low life i'm now. Did merci lab at lvl 70 and it was peace of cake. I have died few times now in maps, cause beards corpse explosion, some unexpected dmg spike. Still mostly feeling pretty safe.

Now just leveling in tier 2-6 maps and trying to find end game trials and fill up nodes in passive tree.

Weak point with build is life, movement speed and mana. Im pretty low with life only 4 k. I know i have devoto helm and it lacks life but movement speed boost is really nice for clear speed. Mana problems gone pretty much with mana pot but still sometimes (not so often) cyclone stop because of mana, but I'm gonna get enlighten to help reserve pool.

Question, what should I upgrade next? Belly of beast, new sword, amulet (no life atm, but intel needed hardly)?


Hey nice build playing it atm iam level 85 but i have a question i see you got 60k cyclone damage in the city... my gear is not bad i think.. ( nearly as good as the one you postet in your guide)

come all the damage form a 6 link ? i use atm a 5 link cyclone > melee dmg > faster attack > added fire >increase AOE. when i stand in city i have 20k on my clone.... i got all the dmg nodes

i use 290 Pdps 1 hand rapier with 30% crit multi and attack speed and crit chance.. even better then the weapon you have. how its possible iam only at 20k in the city ? i use phys dmg on rings amulet and gloves


I see you use Conc effect on the screenshot and not inc. AOE.. but even with conc effect my cyclone sits at 30k in Town... yours at 60k hows that possibly ? my gear is realy similar
Last edited by forsi#7846 on Sep 7, 2016, 8:04:48 AM

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