[2.3]Milkys Doomfletch's Prism Crit Inquisator
You might have a point, I might have more crit than I need on the tree.
See if this link works for you. http://poeplanner.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 Fresh builds all day. Last edited by DarthPwn#1332 on Oct 17, 2016, 5:16:34 PM
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" Congrats ! Thanks for the tip, didn't thought about warlords mark, i'll try it later. But I keep Cospri's, I love this chest. |
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" The Lioneye's Fall route costs 16 points and grants us: 205% crit chance 25% crit multi 52% increased phys access to 20% life for 3 additional points 10% chance to gain endurance charge on crit (this is actually always up even on my level 65 build with 60% crit chance) I think the free endurance charges makes it unnecessary to use Enduring Cry or Daresso's Defiance. Just some quick napkin math regarding crit chance and crit cap. We need roughly 1070% increased critical strike chance with an Inc Crit Chance gem to reach crit cap. We need roughly 966% increased critical strike chance to reach crit cap against enemies cursed with AssMark. I'm not really sure if it's really even important for us to be at crit cap but for the sake of argument let us assume we are trying to reach this goal. 482% inc crit chance from your tree 108% inc crit chance from 20q Inc Crit Strikes gem 75% inc crit chance from perfect Rat's Nest 150% inc crit chance from power charges 38% inc crit chance on a quiver 38% inc crit chance on an amulet 891% increased critical strike chance so far. This leaves us to get 966-891 = 75% increased crit chance that we need to get on jewels. Pretty easily achievable across 4-5 jewels. Maybe my tree DOES have excessive crit chance, at least since I was originally planning on using AssMark also. On the other hand, my 4 spare jewels can all be potentially crit multi focused or physical/projectile damage %. How often are you using Blood Rage to generate Frenzy charges versus using your actual Frenzy 4 link? Do you only Frenzy/Curse on Hit/AssMark on bosses? Fresh builds all day.
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The biggest letdown on the lioneyes route is that you can cut it out of the tree to have a realistic character level.
I wouldnt like speccing traveling nodes in the mid 80s,thats the point where i wanna finish my wheels or pick jewels :p the other route would be speccing the shadow cluster last. Frenzy was up all the time if the mapmods were not annoying for it (no regen, vulnerability). frenzy + pcoc stuff is for bosses to keep those charges up, 1-2 shots ever 9sec do the trick there. Edit: count 4 pcharges... well at least i would pick alira in merc on critbuilds :p Nowadays even your 60% critchance on the 'low lvl char' is enough in my opinion, if a diamond flask is used, at least until guardians where the flask is not up 100% https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Oct 11, 2016, 10:26:20 AM
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I'm going to push for level 90 or so and see how it feels, I may end up respeccing and getting out of using Lioneye's. Originally, my goal was to be near crit cap and maintain good clear speed without the headaches of charge management and without the annoyance of blood rage + vaal pact. Frenzy charges are looking more and more tempting to me though.
Fresh builds all day.
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Hi guys! I was watching Mathil and he started a doomprism build also, here it is https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Mathil/characters Doomismyprism is the character name. So I ended up here in this guide. What do you guys think about his tree? Cant really point out the pros and cons of his and this guide's tree. Only one I can think off is that this guide has more evasion due to the acrobatics node. Need your opinion and comments guys. Thinking of what tree to follow. Thank you!
Here is the tree use by mathil http://poeplanner.com/AAMAATxBQU1GQVFBQWNnQmVBTzRESGdTekMyRVBxeEV2RlNBV3Z4bUtHYlFhT0I5QklYWWoweVAySklza19TYVZKeThxQ3lvNEtrMHJDaXpwTFlNd2ZESDZNb2sxa2pmVU9kUTYyRHd0UHlkRHlFcklUWkpPS2s4RVVVZFZTMWZpV2xKYnIxM3lZZUpsVFdqeWJxcHZKMl95Y0ZKMXkzYjNkLVY3dzMxMWZ5dUNtNE5mZzh5RXhZYXpoczZKMDRya2pEYU5mWTlna0ZXWEJwcHFtN1diN0tDZm9nQ2ppcWlhcjJ5MThyYy11LU85TnI2bndHYkJNOE02eEtMR3J0Ti0yTDNkRGVGejUxVHFZdTBnN1RfdUR1OTY4Ql8yb19uZF9nci11dl9lQXBZTVVwSnVuSHVvdWJ4VzBuenRZUT09ABBBQUFDQUFmUUFRSDBBUUFBAAA= Last edited by McGoodness#1636 on Oct 17, 2016, 2:35:54 AM
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" I don't think Mathil fully understands how the scaling on Doomfletch Prism works, it doesn't make any sense to take the elemental damage nodes by Templar like "Catalyse" and "Elementalist" over the physical bow nodes like "Heavy Draw" and "Deadly Draw". Physical scaling is the most important for this build, not elemental scaling. Even if the points were of same value, the physical bow nodes you get more percentage per passive point by a large margin. The 8% elemental nodes by "Elementalist" are incredibly weak compared to the 15% physical nodes by "Heavy Draw". I know Mathil is a famous streamer and all that, but honestly his tree is weaker than both Milky's or my own. Fresh builds all day. Last edited by DarthPwn#1332 on Oct 17, 2016, 5:20:34 PM
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" He respec and using this one now http://poeplanner.com/AAMAAURBQU1GQVFBQWRRQmVBTzRESGdTekJpTUxZUS1yRVM4VklCYV9HWW9aamhtMEdmNGJBUjlCSVhZajB5UDJKSXNrX1NhVktnc3FPQ3BOS3dvczZTMkRNSHd4bmpINk5aSTMxRG5VUEMwX0owUElTc2hOa2szalRpcFBCRkZIVlV0YVVsdXZYZkpoNG1WTmFQSnVxbThuYl9Kd1VuWExkdmQ3Rkh2RGZYVl9LNE5mZzh5RXhZYXpoczZKMDRya2pEYU5mWTlnbHdhYWFwdTFtLXlnbjZJQW80cW1WNmZVcUpxdmJMWHl0ejY3NDcwMnZxZkFac0V6d3pyRW9zYXUwMzdXaXRpOTNRM25WT3BpN1RfdGctNE83M3J3SF9hai1kMy1DdjZQX3JyLXlQX2VBcFlNVXBKdW5IdW91YnhXMG56dFlRPT0ACEFBQUFBUUFBAAA= so the phase acro? should I get it? |
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" Since we have no other form of damage mitigation, I don't see why we wouldn't want to take Phase Acrobatics. I feel like taking the extra movement speed from Aspect of the Eagle/Lynx is kind of a quality of life thing for faster map clearing but doesn't really help with survivability or killing bosses which is what this build is a bit weak on in general. This tree will end up with only 152% increased life when he's done with the scion life brick. I'm going to start my own build guide so I stop hijacking Milky's thread. Sorry Milky! Fresh builds all day. Last edited by DarthPwn#1332 on Oct 18, 2016, 1:33:19 PM
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No problem, i am glad that the community answers some questions due to my lack of time now :P
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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