Development Manifesto: Prophecy Changes

I'd def like to see Prophecy added to the core game.
i <3 minesweeper
FarmerTed wrote:
Sure_K4y wrote:

Even at this point I get the prophecies way more often than I get to find the regarding "base-uniques". Granted, for some players it might be the other way around. However you can always buy these prophecies or the uniques on the market, so I really don't see how reducing the overall occurrence would pose much of a problem to begin with... Unless you are going for Voidhearts in particular, it should be very easy and relatively cheap to pile up on fated uniques in the weeks to come.

As for hunting certain rares, it really is a matter of luck. I had to track down an axiom-thunderguard once and I literally had like 24 prison-instances open, until I found that one rare thunderguard to get the prophecy out the way. And that's when things get irritating, because your "couple minutes" turned into about 20 minutes for me, which was extremely unrewarding, to say the least. And that's got nothing to do with whiners, or jerking off for that matter. The economy is there for a reason, so you might as well use it instead of insulting players who are unhappy about how things are at this point in time.

Not everyone is interested in playing the trading game. GGG reducing the occurence of some prophecies based on some people whining about it slowing the game is BS. You go use the economy to buy prophecies you want so you don't have to deal with the RNG.

It was not "some" people "whining", it was a quite considerable number of the playerbase, just so you know. And GGG did not change things because people "whined" about it, they changed it, because -as has been stated- they *agree* to said "whiners", so your point is invalid.

If you're not interested in clicking a few times to get your shiny stuff, it is your problem. On that note, if you're not willing to use to buy something every now and then, because you think trading is not supposed to play a role for you, then you will have to accept that things move along slower for you than for others, and that's how it's always been. Don't even try to tell me otherwise.

I have to deal with the RNG no matter what. If you're trying to tell us, that you are afraid of not getting your fateds, because of some tweaks made to the entire system, then you might want to have a look at how long this league is still going to last.

Some prophecies slow the progress down to a crawl, because of the RNG involved, when it comes to finding certain rares. If you haven't already, you'll notice that for yourself sooner or later. If you run a lvl 90 character through the prison, along the ledge or god knows where else in early merciless, looking for a rare spawn, your exp/hour will take a considerable nosedive, no matter how fast your build is, and don't get me started on drop penalties...
[quote="ScrotieMcB"]It's just, like, people's opinions, man.

But I cannot respect motherf♪♫♫♪rs calling something a simulator, when it isn't one.[/quote]

Mors edited this post first.
Chris wrote:
It's also a good candidate for being rolled back into the core game in some form afterwards, so we're keen to hit a balance that everyone likes.

Yes Please!

My 2 cents:
I've been loving the prophecies league so far. In particular, I love fated versions of items that make them more viable in late game (not all fated fit that). Currency, rares, quality gems, etc are all welcomed too. I'd like it to be slightly easier to craft some great quality rare items instead of depending so much on uniques.

I love the rewards for challenges too, but I don't expect that to carry forward.
First, want to admit I am super casual playing Path of Exile. I do not plan any skills or strategies for my characters beforehand, I never trade for anything - using only what I RNG while vendoring the rest, no matter how alt-class useful - and moved from hardcore to scrubcore after GGG's Lab introduction.

Next, prophecies are fun and I am happy they'll remain part of the game. The anticipation is generally worth the reward with them. Any thoughts on how introducing these in the core game will affect new players? It's just one more thing to try and figure out and there is a ton to learn already.

I've been a player for years and it would still require significant research to learn about things I still don't fully understand, so I can't imagine someone off the block trying to roll into PoE brand new...

I support this game with all my heart. I die a lot and I never make it past level 70 or so, but I will support this game until the plug is pulled. I love you GGG even though it's laggy the first time I log in for the day and I crash but then I relog & everything is fine.

Kindest regards,


Im not a fan of leagues, i would much rather more cotent injected into standard. Name tags for pets as a micro transation. A Fair, a gambling house, an auction house so we no longer need to use PVP to be fleshed out. Larger maps, More maps, Extra Acts, Randomised Acts as item drops (Like Maps but with a quest chain, multiple maps, npc's and bosses). Rotate View.
Hope it does roll to standard (although i do have Prophecy char.) :D
tnt533 wrote:
How about performance issues? The changes you guys made to the sound system and the way the game loads initially has done nothing but create new issues for me. I would rather wait an extra 2 minutes for the game to load then be presented with a client that appears to be ready but doesn't allow real game play for the same duration, sometimes longer, and will crash if you try to do anything while ram is loading up. I never saw random crashes in game until now as well.

I would rather you guys put effort into sorting that out than tweaking game balance at this point. It feels like all you did was take away the loading screen.

For now, if you want to turn off background preloading, I suggest you to check this url: .

Fantastic! Thank you so much for pointing me to that thread. The change only added about 15 seconds to my load time but all the issues are gone so far.
The Fated Unique system seems far too good to confine to just a single one-off league like this. Suddenly all those crap early-game 'leveling' uniques nobody uses past the first twenty minutes of their run can be adjusted late-game with a prophecy to gain a niche in endgame builds. Already have a few Fated uniques on hand for interesting later build ideas, and a few others on my list of 'Obtain before the league ends and you can't get them anymore.' Kaom's Way is pretty killer for Juggerdischarge builds, Signal Fire can be used with a few quirky Blast Rain things I've been tinkering on planners with, Hrimburn is like Three Dragons without being Three's sweet to see these 'vendor trash' drops start gaining a point.

It allows the team so much extra flexibility in designing uniques that really, truly can stay with your character throughout the game. I'd be terribly depressed to see the system go.

Also ya srsly...when're we getting Talismans back in the main game? @_@
Fixed several mild exploit cases with Prophecies that we're not going to describe in these notes for obvious reasons.

Finally thank you
SSF since ~OB
Vhlad wrote:
It better be rolled into the core game, along with all of the current fated uniques.

As a standard player I'm starting to feel really REALLY neglected.

Temp Leagues = National Basketball Association

Standard = Womens National Basketball Association
No one cares about standard. It's literally a recycle bin, just press empty.

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