Name your 3 most broken things in PvP

Yeah unfortunately Frost Bomb doesn't affect Zerphy as it's flat gain.
IceDeal wrote:

Imo this make RT irrelevant, with this (very cheap) amulet, Evasion become a non existant problem (not like anyone was building on it anyway) as well as blind. It allow you to go the crit way or just build it enough to use Elemental Overload. In both scenario it open 2H to extra damages, surgeon flasks and status on crit.

Right now I see no reasons at all to gimp yourself with RT except for some really specific Mjolner Builds.

Completely agree, even if you can only squeeze low crit chance and moderate multiplier out of your build its worth it over RT. Especially if you have supporting ascendancy passives.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Jun 21, 2016, 4:26:48 PM
lapiz wrote:
MullaXul wrote:
Casters have always been the best option since day 1 of beta.

Except that EA was literally unbeatable just before ascendancy..

MullaXul wrote:
Where's that RT melee you were going to make Lapiz, 1h or 2h I don't remember what you promised to unleash on the community. Not trying to be a dick with anything I wrote I'm just curious.

I'm sure you as well are aware you appear as a dick to others even without trying. But yeah since you don't play the game you wouldn't know. That talk was before ascendancy where I actually made the char right away. It did beat or at least had a fair chance against pretty much everything except EA (but then again there weren't that good many chars out there anyways).

Now creating such a char would definitely be harder since everything got buffed so hard. Even summoners are great now (against life builds at least)..!? But even still I'm fairly sure that sort of melee would beat everything but the absolute best builds at the moment. It's harder now though because the general quality of pvp characters has gone up for some reason. Ascendancy made everything easier, which I guess is a good thing. The amount of actual hard counters to basically anything has been going up a lot recently.

Head_Less wrote:
IceDeal wrote:

I am curious to know what kind of RT you are talking about because if you use this amu+kaom
good luck having the right amount of overcapped resist using a 2h.

Yea shield users can use this amu and still get lot of resists but for 2h you need close to perfect jewleries then.

You forget you dont have to go hrimnor's helm anymore with melees I guess? Also there are so many ways around resist problems I dont think its even a remotely valid argument for not using certain unique combinations..

The RT char that could work is some sort of bleedpoison one that isn't wearing kaoms but instead using a 6link and mind over matter.

The real problem of melees is that they have a grand total of zero skills/interactions to get past block and dodge. For an example, casters can just ignore all of that and not even use BCR pretty much.

EA beating casters was because of ES mechanics and arena control. Didn't change the fact casters still have the best tools and utility in PvP. Abusing DoT and constant ways to reduce ES recharge has been one of the best tools versus a caster since the first day. Why 2+ years ago I had a puncture bow just to beat Shadow.

I only appear to be a dick because Its a hobby of mine to point out hypocritical dip shit replies and downplaying. I do play the game by the way, I just don't see shit with blinders on. I play rarely because I have other things to do, I can't no life on here all day theory crafting ways to better deal with GGG's lack of effort toward PvP balance.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Jun 21, 2016, 4:41:38 PM
MullaXul wrote:

I only appear to be a dick because Its a hobby of mine


Also I think the biggest issues facing pvp are EA, LA, and Cast when X gems. Players shouldn't be rewarded for doing as little as possible. I can understand stuff like Cast when Stunned, but everything else, no.

Really, GGG's only responsibilities with pvp right now is just reduce damage for skills, just give everything a reduction and then fine-tune it. Not that hard.

Oh, and fix projectile AoE shotgunning.
Lavender or Leave.
PvPresident, 2016
You'd better run.
“EA is fine” -relith
ocd_xana wrote:
MullaXul wrote:

I only appear to be a dick because Its a hobby of mine


Also I think the biggest issues facing pvp are EA, LA, and Cast when X gems. Players shouldn't be rewarded for doing as little as possible. I can understand stuff like Cast when Stunned, but everything else, no.

Really, GGG's only responsibilities with pvp right now is just reduce damage for skills, just give everything a reduction and then fine-tune it. Not that hard.

Oh, and fix projectile AoE shotgunning.

Basically the first place to start.

Ya the thing with lapiz is simple though. He assumes everyone has no life, that they want to make new characters and swim with the current every patch because that's what he does. When the bottom line is this, the PvP meta hasn't been worth re-thinking your character in a long time. Take a quick look at whats dominant in PvP and you just want to laugh. But when you're a mega nerd try hard you don't get it and anything that contradicts that mind set quickly equals butt hurt and disbelief. This is all the guy has, if he couldn't constantly make new characters with abusive things patch after patch so he can get some wins he'd probably off himself.
IGN: MullaXul
mulla and lapiz, guys, i dont accuse any of you but every pvp feedback 'OP, broken shit listing' threads turns out to your argument about something totally irrelevant.

i think lapiz had very important points about whats broken in new meta here.

i remember my first match vs VA_killingfloor. i know that he is not into making expensive builds.

then again, he was flickering and 2 shotting me from 6k life. i thought he is using a mirrored dagger and went inquisitor, stacked shit loads of ele dmg with conversion gems(phys to light, added fire)

then i realized that he is using herald of thunder's lightning damage itself.

everything which is unblockable, dodgeable is broken in the game and on top of that hot deals good damage too. i see a big problem here.

vortex is as everybody knows OP and people are dominating the meta right with vortex now through cwdt triggers.

its hard to explain to people that crit bow is not a big thing in meta right now. MAybe the thing is that crit bow builds(barrage, blast rain, LA) bashes inferior builds very blatantly like no other build does, so it appears like LA or blast rain are OP builds. Please note that im not saying 'inferior' players, inferior builds.

a 6k life build is doomed to be one shotted by a crit mirrored bow. a build with less than 60-70 movespeed can be outplayed totally by a crit bow build. My Blast rain(130k tooltip with inquisitor) deals 7k-11k damage which is much better than LA at the moment. all these makes people think that crit bow is complete broken thing in meta, that said, as everyone can agree pvp is not simple as 'who does better damage' as many of us stated there are a lot ways to get tanky in cheap ways nowadays and they do work really good. Lack of defences in bow builds nowadays gets punished very harshly. rangers had mobility monopoly before ascendancy but now with flask builds, mobility is owned by just one subclass, others are completely out of competition. i must say that, offscreen meta changed to, 'who has better mobility and defences' meta, since everyyone can 1-2 shots others while having 8 OP ascendancy points.

i changed my build to have +%72 movespeed, lowered some damage, still i feel some weaknesses which can be exploit about my build. things are changing.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on Jun 21, 2016, 7:48:08 PM
I've always said that secondary damages are the absolute worst in PvP. Fortunatly GGG moved away from this mechanic a while back but we are still plagued by those old remnants of failed skill design.
I'll be honest, I do what I can to go with whatever I can to combat whatever it is that passes as "current pvp meta" as long as I don't have to rebuild entirely or really go out of my way to do it. rlowe's my only character that's even remotely competent (I'm sure you're all dampening your keyboards with tears of pity right about now), and that's mainly because I don't have the gear, currency, or luck to just make a new obnoxious character on a whim.

As for Vortex, yes, it's powerful, but I'd say "it's powerful" can be said for literally everything introduced since 2.0 since none of it got touched for pvp. The only real reason I use it is because it's good constant damage that can't be blocked. Since Aegis is such a fucking annoyance (You can't pretend it's not), it's good to have a fairly solid counter against it for cold casters like myself. Says a lot that I can actually fuck some shit up with it and I'm mostly spec'd for Icestorm, though.
Lavender or Leave.
PvPresident, 2016
You'd better run.
“EA is fine” -relith
All things considered, it's rock paper scissors for all builds... every build has a counter that they can't beat.

Having said that, some builds are easier to abuse than most. I'll give my top 3

1) EA or inquistor crit EA
=> secondary damage spam. But can be countered by cwdt+dash, as long as you have the hp to tank some damage.

2) Mines
=> shotgunning spells is stupid, I can setup 11 gc mines each avg 12k - pvp reduction is only 10% less dmg, so potentially, you get hit for 120k avg, no one survives that unless cwdt+dash. Only real solution is to offscreen, anything short of that have no chance of beating miners

3) Herald builds
=> ignoring block/dodge is op in pvp. Also don't need a lot of gear investment, add that with pathfinder's pots, it's pretty easy to kill things and sustain. But can't kill high regen builds, and can be outplayed by traps/mines

The only build I've seen that's close to being able to take on everything, is Shin's build. Funny how he's the only one that never complains :P
gump124 wrote:

The only build I've seen that's close to being able to take on everything, is Shin's build. Funny how he's the only one that never complains :P

Shin is the only player left who take PoE PvP seriously, everyone else reached the conclusion that it's just an absolute clusterfuck of bullshit on top of failed game design and that it's only gonna get worse over time (cf vortex and Grand Spectrum).

Doesn't mean it can't be fun tho ^^
Last edited by IceDeal#5895 on Jun 22, 2016, 5:28:18 PM

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