My Grandmaster Submission, 1 Year, 6 Months And Still NOT Uploaded.

Rhys wrote:
1Tokimeki2003 wrote:
upload it for the upcoming 2.3 patch, which, is still no where to be seen.

Hey, sorry to hear about your ordeal. It's possible that your GM was one of those few tricky ones that required a bunch of extra work to fix up and make work properly. I'm not sure of the details exactly, perhaps Dan (our GM expert) has some idea.

However! I just checked the Hall of Grandmasters and I did find your GM there. Loosk like it was indeed included in the 2.3.0 patch. Note, however, that we currently have too many GMs to fit in the map, so we don't currently spawn around 1/3 of them(?) (chosen at random), so it's possible you looked but didn't find your one there simply because you got unlucky.

Last I checked, we had completed almost every Grandmaster, though there are still new ones being submitted in dribs and drabs.

I ran 50 runs at the start of 2.3, and Support said, it hadn't been finished, I went ahead and offered 5EXalted for the entire community, to get a screen shot of my grand master, and suddenly now its in it ;)

Okay, as long as it is in, I'll take it as a win.

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"God's in his Heaven, All's right with the world!" IGN: Libritannia
Last edited by 1Tokimeki2003#6663 on Jun 15, 2016, 10:53:33 AM
Should definitely write straight to Chris if GGG was ever this sloppy. They are generally on the ball. But do seem to have a tendency to sideline top tier supporters at times.
It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (
It's a conspiracy, dust those hats off lads!
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I also have a problem with microtransactions, three months written with support and get the same answer if I was talking to a machine ...

good luck for your case:)
wirus_pp wrote:
I also have a problem with microtransactions, three months written with support and get the same answer if I was talking to a machine ...

good luck for your case:)

Would you honestly prefer different answers?
Hi 1Tokimeki2003,

I'm sorry it took so long to get your Grandmaster into the Hall. I'm not sure why Support told you it wasn't finished in time for 2.3.0, but that's incorrect.

Zahndethus wrote:
I'm not sure that mine is in either, assuming that is up to date and correct.

It's not up to date. Your Grandmaster is in.

For those curious, the following Grandmasters are able to spawn:

2.3.0 Grandmasters
Sinner_Mighty (Level 90)
Prazac (Level 99)
ObscuriestTheSecond (Level 93)
Pirteloli (Level 95)
stormheretic (Level 90)
AvalScion (Level 94)
Athezna (Level 60)
__santoni__ (Level 92)
CallMeCopyAndPaste (Level 93)
runc (Level 65)
xxxSelenaxxx (Level 87)
Nerdstalgicice (Level 89)
Dokeo (Level 87)
Major_Bowner (Level 85)
PantsConsumedInFire (Level 91)
HomeCritPuncture (Level 88)
gucci_balls_of_steel (Level 96)
Malaegys (Level 86)
FacebreakerBane (Level 92)
Hrimfjolldr (Level 94)
CheaterCheater (Level 87)
Gulbi (Level 83)
OMGThisIsntDiablo (Level 83)
SadyArc (Level 84)
Harem_POE_Depresses_Me (Level 72)
FyPeRoN (Level 70)
DrArrowtotheKneePHD (Level 79)
ForRipsSake (Level 87)
SirAttacksAlot (Level 86)
PurifyMe_In_YourFlames (Level 89)
Danbroleis_Flameblast (Level 73)
Xukai (Level 90)
Master_Roac (Level 91)
Shatterken (Level 90)
BallSlammer (Level 83)
_SAROUMAN_ (Level 77)
MisterMuffin (Level 91)
higeriche (Level 28)
Obitussus (Level 67)
GivenBo (Level 2)
Chuck_of_the_Nightcrow (Level 85)
Subinadad (Level 91)
Eleijoas (Level 88)
Kaoms_Heart (Level 91)
Grandolth (Level 29)
ImReallyAKoala (Level 95)
PeachYogart (Level 63)
Troyl (Level 88)
alshanti (Level 1)
SirLordDarthVaderham (Level 89)
Helga_Dominus (Level 93)
The_Fire_Within (Level 86)
PlsNoFlameBlastTzTeosh (Level 83)
MirTotem (Level 86)
bowbowbowss (Level 84)
Magnus_Semper_Beyond (Level 94)
JackHit (Level 90)
JorgMonson (Level 98)
Roduun (Level 90)
Rage_Yukine (Level 3)
BURNING_ASS (Level 84)
SilvanRampMara (Level 81)
Vrega (Level 74)
SummerTyme (Level 93)
Icecas (Level 82)
LagKaiser (Level 87)
Animorum_Ignis (Level 90)
Notive (Level 80)
XyloOneWeek (Level 2)
_Shoryuuken_ (Level 71)
albaSonOfThor (Level 90)
lazysporker (Level 90)
MoonlitEmbrace (Level 90)
SeaSlug (Level 83)
simone_and_ZARfunkel (Level 92)
Claude_Trapper (Level 87)
Sylveils (Level 72)
Nophramel (Level 92)
Dalkorendar (Level 90)
rAMPAIDS (Level 96)
WaxenDiesAlot (Level 78)
GRiZLAZ (Level 93)
HaloxRon (Level 74)
QueenKii (Level 81)
Aureliee (Level 84)
Blenderface (Level 90)
Katalyne (Level 88)
xXOpferKlopferXx (Level 84)
Sady_c (Level 85)
Syviss (Level 82)
Choaaa (Level 60)
Kiththirvius (Level 85)
SKDeadeye (Level 94)
PoJama_ReepMama (Level 89)
BodyBurnBuddy (Level 84)
Felua (Level 100)
FlameBlasten (Level 88)
OasisOfHentaiTentacles (Level 94)
Laradyne (Level 85)
Easy_L_Crit_Split (Level 87)
TanteBums (Level 99)
Vexcid (Level 100)
Chainsavvvvv (Level 57)
Bleak_Grip (Level 81)
GUNDAM_cyc (Level 76)
DetDunnizz (Level 56)
Zeekinator (Level 94)
Mze__ (Level 95)
PewPewZombie (Level 75)
MeNameIsNADAN (Level 89)
Intisar (Level 90)
ThorMedBino (Level 89)
ImmolationScion (Level 89)
MasterofBlowjob (Level 74)
Jentinator (Level 90)
ReturnOfTheLivingDad (Level 91)
AdramelechTheSummoner (Level 72)
Aliciousness (Level 88)
Kardistrazra (Level 86)
EviLeptiK (Level 99)
FrostigaFia (Level 85)
volcaccc (Level 93)
Ephixa_Godbless (Level 89)
TheUnbalancing (Level 83)
Flashcaterino (Level 96)
Lonely_By_The_Reaver (Level 75)
Kroelletop (Level 75)
SAiNT_T_T (Level 56)
GrandmasterJones (Level 91)
HH_Ghostly_Swim (Level 81)
Daudgy (Level 90)
Saebo_BOMBER (Level 90)
CrEePeRCuTTi (Level 84)
Zenocide__Genius (Level 84)
Dongaldos_Froststorm (Level 84)
Magnissen (Level 82)
FireHC (Level 97)
Zhaolei (Level 90)
LatticeSixteen (Level 80)
THatduc (Level 92)
Vectrex_Regeneration (Level 83)
SparklyFingers (Level 92)
CatnessDark (Level 89)
CelestialRetribution (Level 73)
Jin_TeK (Level 63)
ZPSS (Level 82)
GayyLmao (Level 92)
Gary_Superman (Level 78)
Lolthlorian (Level 82)
Eniq (Level 79)
Kaomio (Level 65)
Zwodill (Level 70)
__Alustriel__ (Level 94)
GuessImIncinerate (Level 80)
Herqulees (Level 34)
_Mirror_Mirror_ (Level 92)
mull_gubben (Level 94)
not_done_yet (Level 68)
Rashraiden (Level 88)
Sleven_Spectral (Level 92)
BroSnipe (Level 92)
PoopTrainConductor (Level 88)
Gass_Overtrykk (Level 87)
Lampx (Level 94)
ToofSmack (Level 31)
BillNyetheRanger (Level 64)
Yamizou (Level 87)
goodcake_GH (Level 93)
Kriath (Level 86)
Helanha (Level 98)
Zana_with_blonde_hair (Level 100)
Wissahickon (Level 91)
GroundSlammerton (Level 77)
Beyond_Fukt (Level 86)
RectalStrike (Level 90)
_Num_ (Level 84)
Godrach (Level 90)
TuJodidaMadreRecords (Level 88)
DaemonRush (Level 50)
_QQmorez_ (Level 85)
Audemus (Level 90)
BeastTheMuthaFuckinG (Level 91)
Isildria (Level 90)
BooWaok_Slasher (Level 38)
Viscountess_Astelania (Level 95)
Rizzari (Level 2)
Smorfisk (Level 66)
SidraChaos (Level 95)
Bumbaklaat (Level 37)
peer (Level 91)
kineticlbastbitches (Level 87)
QuetzalCoatle (Level 91)
AlexeiKanov (Level 77)
Nahahil (Level 60)
KS_Oblivion (Level 2)
grejpfruitarcer (Level 64)
___iEternity___ (Level 96)
Isseni (Level 51)
Umir (Level 86)
ElectrifiedCheese (Level 69)
LivingSnack (Level 94)
Rightous_NoNamium (Level 92)
Jakeyshitzel (Level 12)
DrDamnationSWT (Level 85)
NerfMinions (Level 100)
Lantador (Level 92)
Lacerta_ClawEs (Level 20)
Creepisake (Level 50)
Ashtaroth_Bael (Level 93)
Fiery_Talon (Level 91)
___PSYCHO___ (Level 90)
VarthDuelist (Level 70)
X_Rectile_Disfunction_X (Level 85)
EneMeneTotem (Level 43)
ZombieHerald (Level 47)
Pillanatragaszto (Level 85)
AstranielleKeldorn (Level 88)
Squirrely_Catastrophe (Level 81)
Etness (Level 77)
Bowforus (Level 90)
tormentet_ST (Level 86)
GGeksal (Level 97)
WynonaSoto (Level 64)
Beriol_Gorthard (Level 86)
Dwarf_Shredder (Level 79)
Arafiel (Level 78)
Diablo_II_Whateve_Build (Level 90)
RomsFire (Level 96)
QBotU_DyNess (Level 94)
HaveStaffWillTravel_ (Level 90)
Zyrinc (Level 41)
PingeeeFace_NoSpace (Level 85)
Enthinen (Level 90)
Crim_totem (Level 74)
XOhashiX (Level 43)
panchamukha (Level 13)
Tarastar (Level 88)
EKoP_ulse (Level 86)
ChimeraLotus (Level 46)
Orgasmiconvulsions (Level 78)
MercilessStormCrow (Level 61)
Launtrec (Level 68)
Casual_Killer (Level 61)
CeLLTeKK (Level 62)
ElectricSquirrel (Level 86)
JohnyJaguar (Level 78)
Prepix (Level 93)
Xzendersb (Level 65)
MacheteMight (Level 90)
MacCalister (Level 2)
DownInIce (Level 84)
Maedre_BearAndBlade (Level 91)
Meninskirtz (Level 90)
Snaje (Level 84)
InjuriousBolt (Level 90)
The_Powerthirst_Girl (Level 87)
Interpol (Level 90)
Lady_Windmark (Level 89)
KabbageMagick (Level 87)
Code_Armageddon (Level 1)
Gucci (Level 100)
All_Names_Where_Taken (Level 71)
CryoSeraph (Level 60)
GetInMyVanIveGotCandy (Level 87)
Pizzarugi (Level 83)
LightArcherx (Level 92)
mysteranger (Level 82)
HeavyMetalGear (Level 88)
Aythusa (Level 93)
LetsMakeBiscuits (Level 87)
RikuriTukimoto (Level 73)
Wandmiteinerhand (Level 88)
Xottii (Level 97)
xCriticalMiseryx (Level 97)
SyphilisOnslaughtQc (Level 75)
NerfMasterSuckTown (Level 89)
u_channel (Level 55)
Christ_on_a_Bicycle (Level 87)
XeXTHeX (Level 76)
Siveo (Level 79)
Ragooody (Level 94)
SwagMcGillicudy (Level 80)
Tiny_G (Level 37)
Airele_torn_a_part (Level 90)
HarageJohnson (Level 68)
Van_Buuren (Level 80)
HalKaari (Level 46)
Pokemasterxy (Level 90)
chain_saw (Level 94)
BonumNox (Level 80)
FrozenRemains (Level 84)
Akulu (Level 85)
PjarPew (Level 86)
DigitalDivinity (Level 88)
LordSpooge (Level 46)
Ilyas_RFArcer (Level 85)
DaughterOfTheKraken (Level 88)
ArciSparki (Level 72)
BlameitonGod (Level 89)
shhhaddowwpeenggg (Level 81)
GronaKB (Level 76)
Arkanus_Infernalis (Level 78)
SuchCritz (Level 79)
QueenVampyre (Level 53)
uhhhhhWTF (Level 91)
SaphynArc (Level 80)
Qube_Smash (Level 72)
unholynemesis (Level 90)
MidWestThrowz (Level 92)
DukeLBH (Level 100)
Kribox (Level 85)
WhatTheFucck (Level 90)
Blok_Head (Level 91)
sneakY__witcH (Level 100)
DescrySeraph (Level 86)
Azaeliosez (Level 89)
PhageAtziriKiller (Level 86)
Banal_Gesticulation (Level 86)
Nico_B (Level 97)
MiyuDesu (Level 88)
DahWTFSmack (Level 67)
golua (Level 91)
Screwfire (Level 95)
Criticool (Level 93)
cGGG_BxDD (Level 62)
Vorackis (Level 56)
Divenia (Level 62)
xMacDre (Level 42)
FartInTheWind (Level 91)
SrsPro (Level 85)
JustSomeGenericCycloner (Level 79)
Fyuree (Level 90)
Mattiau (Level 61)
Khyray (Level 14)
FranklinTheConqueror (Level 1)
Mundanee (Level 84)
HippoRace (Level 79)
TheMagicalFire (Level 87)
Armanick (Level 67)
DoubeTrouble (Level 85)
WulfgarLothbrok (Level 90)
Sublime_ArchAngel (Level 85)
Pistar (Level 70)
pRoZoro (Level 83)
n_channel (Level 76)
Saggitae_of_Karui (Level 85)
A_BLE (Level 88)
RichJWindrips (Level 67)
Mrs_Enfeeble (Level 90)
CritBeamzy (Level 71)
Clacapulte (Level 83)
zXsArC (Level 73)
Pukedancer (Level 94)
ReaverSaw (Level 86)
Jokaah (Level 93)
DuckyDuckDuck (Level 34)
Pannendienst (Level 97)
ProfessorFaultsy (Level 92)
__copypaste (Level 84)
Velora (Level 47)
ZeUs_INa_PiCka_FINA (Level 90)
FlickeringFlamberge (Level 81)
Oooold_Man_River (Level 92)
IDunnowoot (Level 86)
MarauderChanKawaiiDesu (Level 90)
Saku_Spirit (Level 77)
Incineratinator (Level 86)
Frostbot (Level 82)
Nam_PunchYourFace (Level 85)
DamnedSummons (Level 87)
Wraspberry (Level 84)
ScaryCyclone (Level 98)
Quintoon (Level 98)
mta (Level 92)
Sloans (Level 67)
PhantomScion (Level 88)
I_Out_For_Blood_I (Level 90)
OldManErock (Level 84)
ItBurnzWhenIPvP (Level 95)
Tisse_Phephemol (Level 92)
BigRoom (Level 93)
Mokeous_fire (Level 90)
Kwanggae (Level 94)
eZ_Supp (Level 68)
TaipanYaki (Level 97)
RizzelDizz (Level 94)
InCinernity (Level 87)
SuperdenseConflagration (Level 94)
Whisprex (Level 78)
Meuh______Meuh (Level 12)
ShadowHeroFinalX (Level 88)
PhatCatSantos (Level 23)
Taoikj (Level 81)
ManOam (Level 83)
FlubberRipper (Level 91)
OneM_HC_ImSirRipAlot_IV (Level 69)
PrincessTulip (Level 90)
BlendomaticNineThousand (Level 84)
Narfuria (Level 90)
Nado_Lad (Level 90)
Cyxthmaster (Level 86)
firefirefirecold (Level 63)
xTheZeus (Level 43)
Strikedeezy (Level 92)
Aethiz (Level 40)
I_Made_A_Mistake_ (Level 72)
_LEVIATHAAAN_ (Level 28)
Grave_leacher (Level 71)
Shieldstower (Level 81)
VisceralThorns (Level 80)
Miss_Bleed (Level 83)
Mexehh (Level 92)
StandTallAndBURN (Level 76)
TwinEcho (Level 96)
VnoNoPants (Level 41)
Degenvasion (Level 32)
OldManGnar (Level 92)
WhoKnowsWhatTooBee (Level 80)
Tricksey (Level 92)
AwesomeSaunce (Level 83)
LeHeup_Palendrome (Level 89)
Felcatcher (Level 79)
RampagingPeriodCramps (Level 84)
Sabaody (Level 87)
Goristroy (Level 86)
TouchMyErqi (Level 68)
medicc (Level 90)
Pleb (Level 88)
Dawntracker (Level 92)
BurningNeedsFIRE (Level 92)
Orangear (Level 77)
ComradBlack (Level 66)
SpinnerOG (Level 45)
Saraeana (Level 70)
Replicant (Level 95)
SaucyBloot (Level 91)
Eyes_of_Darkness (Level 54)
witchzard (Level 45)
PixelKitten (Level 84)
MaraudingMadness (Level 35)
X_SheLikesSkulls_X (Level 90)
EzTotezEzLife (Level 4)
Despia (Level 88)
Sorojinn (Level 93)
Mandred_Thorgridson (Level 86)
SuperSS (Level 7)
AirQuake (Level 34)
WhomperStomp (Level 53)
Arcscape (Level 70)
lazerpickle (Level 90)
AATT (Level 64)
Omgidontwanttodie (Level 78)
AbyZaps (Level 89)
_EXILE___ (Level 93)
Fools (Level 91)
Compelete_loss (Level 85)
Juniper_Berry (Level 88)
Darkith_Lite (Level 92)
Warlord_Drago (Level 50)
Vrazmaski (Level 76)
billayers (Level 99)
HD_Alexiel (Level 10)
ShadowDrauka (Level 49)
StoutyIsSwordNBored (Level 84)
CerarienX (Level 89)
Eplasafi (Level 81)
AngryBlender (Level 91)
CrittingCucumber (Level 66)
GhettoNerd (Level 57)
Poisocanal (Level 89)
Hourai (Level 72)
LAxHotz (Level 85)
MR_Dakery_Jones (Level 85)
ClapTrapz (Level 92)
LibritanniaES (Level 100)
JohnCosmo (Level 92)
Bowyers_Dream (Level 93)
KT_YupItSpark (Level 89)

2.3.0 Hall of Grandmasters Stats
Total Grandmasters: 485 (300 spawn at any one time)
Average (mean) Grandmaster level: 79
Most common Grandmaster level: 90 (48 GMs)
Level 100 Grandmasters: 9
Level 1 Grandmasters: 4

If you have submitted a Grandmaster prior to the release of 2.3.0 and do not see their name on this list, send me a PM!
Gameplay & Level Design
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Last edited by Dan_GGG#0000 on Jun 15, 2016, 6:31:38 PM
Holy crap Dan

that is a metric ton of GM
Just multiply that by the minimum amount of money you had to spent to get a GM and you now have how much GGG made on those supporter pack.
It's a shame they don't have the time and resources to fix the GMs to what they are now. I know mine, ArkiSparki, was doing around 15K dps with Blood Rage and Arc prior to 2.0 but skills and passives changed to the point that the dps dropped to 7K.

Now I've fixed ArkiSparki for 2.3 she's back up to 10K dps and I still need a few skills to finish her off so it'll still climb. She was also a CI build when submitted but isn't now and has a much higher survivability. :)
"I reject your reality and substitute my own." - Dr Who (Tom Baker, 1976).
Last edited by Elcardil#2413 on Jun 15, 2016, 10:22:15 PM
and now this piece of shit Grandmaster is even bugged! i have a shavrones wrappings and i have 6k es left from more than 7 but i am dead cause my life is gone!
HO HO HO what a bullshit
ING Infuriateground

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