Mathil's Shield Charge FaceBreaker - The... Pinball?

How about dropping one ring for Voidheart? It still gives a little bit of physical damage, some increased % phys and has the amazing bonus of adding bleeding and poison to every hit, wich could improve boss kill speed by a lot while still compensating clear speed.
EXP past level 97 is an illusion, exile.
Ridelith wrote:
How about dropping one ring for Voidheart? It still gives a little bit of physical damage, some increased % phys and has the amazing bonus of adding bleeding and poison to every hit, wich could improve boss kill speed by a lot while still compensating clear speed.

Because RIP resistances.
TheWarguyFTW wrote:

Because RIP resistances.

I could -barely- fit it all together with stellar resistances astral+boots and mediocre resists on the other ring+amulet. That takes in account you're getting diamond skin.


The only problem I see here is that with Voidheart you lose about 10% of flat phys damage, wich transfers into 10% lost damage. On the other hand, you get scaled Poison (with area modifiers and flat damage modifiers) and Bleeding, wich I think compensate by far, even more when factoring the totem (conc effect double dipping and such).
EXP past level 97 is an illusion, exile.
Hello Mathil, what about Bronn's lithe, 50% scaling with shield charge?
Does having a legacy Meginord make the Megi vs Leather belt choice a no brainer?
I get that Slayer bring a lot of AoE and leech, but what about a Champion Ascendancy ? Going slayer, you can't use all those +%2H dmg; Champion bring a lot of damage, and defense through armor and evasion, also it frees up a slot. What's the downside in your opinion ? Don't you have enough AoE from the gem + nodes ?
Last edited by Epsi_#0245 on Jun 11, 2016, 8:28:35 AM
is this viable for HC? and which ascendancy do you think is better for HC?
IGN: hyrenfreak
ptops002 wrote:
Hello Mathil, what about Bronn's lithe, 50% scaling with shield charge?

I have the same Question. 50% increase dmg , shield charge gains +2 to the gem and you get attack speed.

I bought a perfect rolled one now and am going to test it out but I mean this could be huge.

Have you done any testing?
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Having an absolute blast playing this! I am wondering did you guys stop leveling Vulnerability at some point ? I am struggling with the int even with int on the tree. I have been switching between Vulnerability / Hatred / Enfeeble depending on what I need but would need to fix my jewelry to get the last few levels of the curses.
Idyar wrote:
Having an absolute blast playing this! I am wondering did you guys stop leveling Vulnerability at some point ? I am struggling with the int even with int on the tree. I have been switching between Vulnerability / Hatred / Enfeeble depending on what I need but would need to fix my jewelry to get the last few levels of the curses.

I picked up a cheap Turquoise Amulet...23 dex/int implicit, with 25 all attrib. I also made sure to get some phys mana leech on it as well then just crafted 5-9 Physical onto it since I didn't feel like spending too much on it just yet. I do plan to get a better Ammy at some point with better Phys, but it can wait. My rings have neither dex nor int rolls either.

Since I got the mana leech from my amulet (the .32 is enough to make mana no longer an issue) I didn't have to path to the Spirit/Vitality Void cluster. I used the 3-4 points that I saved there and picked up the Dex and Int nodes (the set right to the right of Bloodless and the set to the right of Resolute Tech). That solved all of my Dex/Int issues. Once I get better jewelry, I can probably spec out of some of those +30 nodes.

Hope that can help you figure out a bit where to scrimp some points together to get the int ya need. Just remember one thing...just because there is a tree listed for a build, doesn't mean that that is exactly what it has to be. Play with it a bit to make it fit the equipment you have or your play style/preference.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."

"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
Last edited by Aragorn14#7418 on Jun 11, 2016, 11:55:59 PM

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