Mechanical Questions Thread

KCCO wrote:
Will an Animated Guardian using and item with a lab enchant receive the enchant bonus? For example, if I equip my animated guardian with boots thay have the lab enchant regain x% health and mana when hit, will it work on the animated guardian? Do all lab enchants work on guardians?

It should since AG inherit of all mods/affixes on equipment they wear.
Last edited by KevT90#3108 on Aug 10, 2016, 9:10:52 PM
Abdiel_Kavash wrote:
How does The Three Dragons interact with Elemental Conflux? I've read elsewhere that "cannot" modifiers always override any other modifiers, is it true in this case?

Abdiel_Kavash wrote:
If a hit deals purely Fire damage, will it Chill, Shock, but not Ignite?

Abdiel_Kavash wrote:
If a hit deals combined Fire and Cold damage, will it only Shock?

no, the cold portion can ignite and shock. The fire portion can shock and chill.
Last edited by KevT90#3108 on Aug 10, 2016, 9:11:18 PM
KoKid wrote:
Abdiel_Kavash wrote:

If a hit deals combined Fire and Cold damage, will it only Shock?

no, the cold portion can ignite and shock. The fire portion can shock and chill.

Ah, so the target will be Chilled for a time proportional to the Fire portion of the damage, Ignited for damage proportional to the Cold portion, and Shocked for a time proportional to the combined damage? Is that right?
Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on Aug 10, 2016, 6:13:44 PM

I am not sure that the Ground Slam radius enchant 8% or 12% is working correctly. I have both an 8 and a 12 and there is only a minute difference in the radius when I ran some tests (with conc on, without conc, etc). I have provided 2 screenshots below for reference.

I am using a rug decoration to mark the line of the regular ground slam with conc with the 12% helm off, you can see it just goes up to the edge of the rug.
Then in the other screen shot with conc and the 12% helm on, the animation of the rocks go a little more into the rug passing over the edge.

I would imagine 12% would go further into the rug?

In comparison the “Headsmen” node for the slayer, the 20% area on kill is very noticeable when it procs, as it fills the area more. 12% is only 8 less, so it just seems like something is off about this enchant?

Can someone there confirm if this is a bug with the radius enchant, or I am just not understanding something correctly about how the radius works?

Thank you,

12% Helm off

12% Helm on

Last edited by LiquidBronze#3916 on Aug 10, 2016, 7:03:39 PM
Abdiel_Kavash wrote:
Ah, so the target will be Chilled for a time proportional to the Fire portion of the damage, Ignited for damage proportional to the Cold portion, and Shocked for a time proportional to the combined damage? Is that right?

LiquidBronze wrote:
I am not sure that the Ground Slam radius enchant 8% or 12% is working correctly.

It is true the difference is slim but I guess it should be, especially using conc effect which reduces the aoe considerably.

It appears on the picture that the radius in the actual state would be somewhere around 40 ... 12% of 40 is only 4.8 so it explains ...

It should provide a more visible gain without conc effect.
Last edited by KevT90#3108 on Aug 10, 2016, 9:29:15 PM
MauranKilom wrote:
1. Do characters take time to turn around? If so, what is the angular speed at which they turn?

I don't believe the game as a animation when turning around but this is somewhat of a weird question. No matter on long it would take, if ever there was a very short animation, option B would always remain the fastest because option A requires that you move your mouse cursor from where you shoot to where you want to move between each firing which takes much more time in itself regardless of a animation or no animation. And sometimes depending on the circumstances you would have to use option A regardless ...

MauranKilom wrote:
Does this mean that I have ~41% more (or a sqrt(2) multiplier on) the "width" of the spectral throw when shooting in particular directions (straight upward, downward or sideward on the screen)? (Imagine trying to hit a bunch of pots.)

Can you explain where ~41% comes from and what exactly you are trying to say here ?
Last edited by KevT90#3108 on Aug 10, 2016, 9:57:06 PM
Hello, I have question about Righteous fire. Can I increase RF damage with fire damage, damage over time , spell damage and elemental damage from passive skill tree ?
Last edited by osman256#0957 on Aug 11, 2016, 1:38:06 PM
I don't know how to delete this message, sorry for spam :/
Last edited by osman256#0957 on Aug 11, 2016, 1:42:46 PM
Mark_GGG wrote:

kot0005 wrote:
Also do the poison stack with the ascendancy affixes in the assassin tree?
Meaning, will the ring affix apply another stack of poison if I already applied poison from the flat % that Noxious strikes gives?
Any given hit either does or does not apply poison. It cannot apply multiple instances of poison.

Mark_GGG wrote:

a_z0_9 wrote:
Is it possible to apply Bleed, Poison and Maim by a single 'lucky' hit if Noxious Strike (assassin) node is allocated?
Yes, but only if the enemy was already bleeding and poisoned. Noxious Strike cannot apply poison unless you hit a bleeding enemy. If you hit a non-bleeding enemy, and caused them to bleed, you still hit a non-bleeding enemy.

With the above answers in mind, how does this interact with Tornado Shot(with GMP):

i) Does the initial hit and secondary projectiles count as 2 separate instances?
i.e: the parent projectile apply bleed and the secondary projectile apply poison (assuming assassin's noxious strike is taken) (or parent projectile apply curse and secondary projectile apply poison - assuming cospri's will is equipped and a CoH on glove implicit)

ii) Does the secondary projectiles (from each parent) count as separate instances - hence capable of applying bleed/curse and/or 1 stack of poison each per (i)?

iii) Independent of the above questions, does the secondary projectiles from Tornado shot inherit the parent's rolls? : i.e: crit/miss

Last edited by SieghartX2#4360 on Aug 11, 2016, 5:43:36 PM

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