Mechanical Questions Thread

How does Saboteur's "Chain reaction" and "Bomb Specialist" interact?
Suppose that I have 10 traps on ground and one trap triggers, which causes all traps to trigger. Do all traps get the 10*8% damage bonus?
The new unique Breath of the Council, does the "Increased duration of chaos damage skills" apply to poison applied by those skills?
IGN: Dmillz
Why does the aftershock from earthquake not give endurance charges on kill when you are using blasphemy warlords mark. Killed 10 enemies with aftershock, got no charges. First hit however does.
What all affects shield charge movement speed? Movement speed modifiers, and attack speed modifiers (At least from the faster attacks support gem) seem to. What about base attack time of weapon, attack speed on gear or tree?

Thanks in advance!
Why are all guardian scendancy skills considered auras but not actually affected by aura radius (this is important) and effectiveness (makes sense for balancing purposes)?
I've asked this a number of times and never had a definitive answer...

If I use "summon skeletons" on a spell totem, I'm assuming the damage those skeletons inflict is reduced by the spell totems (35 to 26% less damage) penalty.

If I choose the Shamanistic Fury passive node (24% increased Totem Damage) does that help to counteract that penalty?

Please correct me if any of my assumptions are incorrect.

How do you guys determine the probability of chancing a unique, as well as drop rates in general, and have you guys considered putting these odds somewhere we can find them? For example Ragnarok Online had a really cool command called @iteminfo where you could get the info of an item, ie drop chance from certain mobs, its stats, etc.
If I have the boots enchant "adds x-x fire if you've killed recently", will it affect the Explosive Arrow explosion?
How amount of bonus damage of "Unholy Damage" (Cata's minions' aura) buff is calculated?
Question about Scaeva, sorry i don't have this item and can't link it wiki link
Increased critical strike chance when in main hand - global or local?
Last edited by avreolko#2471 on Jun 8, 2016, 12:51:30 PM

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