Mechanical Questions Thread

Shmizz wrote:
adghar wrote:
Your friends are wrong. Anything that deals x-y damage is categorically a Hit and not Damage over Time. Damage over Time will always be specified as such with those specific 3 words: Damage over Time. When it is listed in tooltip it will be one number, such as 123.1 Chaos Damage over Time.

To be fair though, reduced duration can increase your clear speed with Earthquake and Storm Call by allowing damage to come sooner. But that does not sound like what your friends are saying.

In this game Damage over Time is a specific damage form that is mutually exclusive from Hit Damage.

can anyone confirm this with a quote from ggg or can a ggg employee confirm it?

To confirm what? These mechanics are in the game from the beggining of it, all of them have been explained and confirmed multiple times by GGG since 2012.

ferhatsan wrote:
Hi Mark,

The "pierce" gem "more damage" bonus;

works with ethereal knives


it doesnt work with frost blades

however, chance to pierce works on both skills

i need an answer thank you.

ps; i had a great time and damage benefit with my ek char which uses links on Lioneye's vision supported by pierce gem bonus, i tried on my new char which uses frost blades but it didnt worked :(

It works but it's not shown on the tooltip because Frost Blades (and also other skills such as Lightning Strike and Molten Strike) has 2 different effects -- the melee attack and projectiles. The tooltip only shows damage of the melee attack, but doesn't show damage of projectile part of the attack. See Frost Blades wiki page for more information.

Pierce gem increases projectile damage and thus affect projectile part of the skill, but doesn't increase damage from melee hits. To conclude: it works but you can't see the numbers.

Albinosaurus wrote:

Does "thorns" effects from shields, item affixes, or other sources operate the same as "reflect," or does it scale up with %dmg, on-hit effects, crit %, etc?

Also, this may be a touch off topic, but why do evasion shields have thorns on them when the goal is to avoid getting hit? Seems like a contradiction in design. Do they proc when you evade/dodge/block?

Mark has already answered about "thorns" in this thread. There are no such things in the game as "thorns effect" or "thorns damage". And calling another mechanics these names is wrong on so many levels, it also confuses other people, especially new players, and it looks like it confused you aswell.

It is literally stated on spiked shields (and other sources) that they reflect, there shouldn't be any hesitations on that. Reflect damage is a mechanic that has its own rules, so all damage "tagged" as reflected follows these rules. One of the main rules is that it can't be scaled on attacker's side, but can be mitigated on receiver's side. Also as a side note, attacker and receiver in case of reflect damage is the same creature. For example, if you wear a spiked shiled and a monster hit you, he also hit himself for an amount of damage stated on the shield. You do not do reflected damage to him, so why should it scale from your modifiers? Right, it's not. But, as I said, rules of damage mitigation still exist and they take part in taking reflected damage, which means a monster can block/dodge/evade/mitigate that damage.

On design part I'm not really authoritative to answer, but from my understanding it's like "if evasion didn't work you still do something harmful for an attacker". It's not like a serious defensive or offensive mechanism, just a thing that is there.
Last edited by Freeeeez#0285 on Jul 1, 2016, 1:08:18 AM
Freeeeez wrote:

ferhatsan wrote:
Hi Mark,

The "pierce" gem "more damage" bonus;

works with ethereal knives


it doesnt work with frost blades

however, chance to pierce works on both skills

i need an answer thank you.

ps; i had a great time and damage benefit with my ek char which uses links on Lioneye's vision supported by pierce gem bonus, i tried on my new char which uses frost blades but it didnt worked :(

It works but it's not shown on the tooltip because Frost Blades (and also other skills such as Lightning Strike and Molten Strike) has 2 different effects -- the melee attack and projectiles. The tooltip only shows damage of the melee attack, but doesn't show damage of projectile part of the attack. See Frost Blades wiki page for more information.

Pierce gem increases projectile damage and thus affect projectile part of the skill, but doesn't increase damage from melee hits. To conclude: it works but you can't see the numbers.

it was helpfull thank you
Give me your heart,
And i will give you beauty,
Beyond your darkest dreams. -Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Hi Mark

I have a question relating to the Ascendancy Enchantments. I have "Cast decree of War on Kill" on my gloves. I assume this is an "animated weapon" so wont gain any benefits from my helmet which is "Animated guardians deal 25% increased damage"? Just want to confirm before re-enchanting some gear please. Thanks :)
Tonexus wrote:
What is the base trap/mine trigger radius?
The base Trap Trigger radius is 10. The base Mine targeting radius is 60.
Tonexus wrote:
Are the secondary damage types dealt by shrapnel shot and lightning arrow pure elemental damage?
Not unless you convert all the damage to elemental.
Tonexus wrote:
What are the stats of the minion generated by the "Of Reflection" glove enchantments?
It's a Clone, working the same as ones from Blink/Mirror arrow. Exact stats depend on the level of the skill and are too much detail for me to list here.
Tonexus wrote:
Does the life/mana recovery from the "War Bringer" occur before or after the damage from Scold's Bridle?
Before. If you're on very low life values, you'll gain the life in time for it to be a buffer against Scold's damage.
Tonexus wrote:
Since reflect mods reflect damage back to traps and traps have 1 life, does the "Chance for Traps to Trigger an additional time" never occur if a trap kills itself to reflect mobs?
Correct. Dead traps can't trigger.
Tonexus wrote:
Does turning on reservation skills, such as Anger, activate the "Mastermind of Discord" node?
Yes. You're using the skill.

Umbral_Sky wrote:
Mark: The Assassin node "Toxic Delivery" notes "Poison Damage you inflict with crits deals 100% more damage", which is obvious in it's mechanics, but "Bleeds you inflict on Maimed enemies deals 100% more damage". If you apply Bleed and Poison on the first attack, and Maim on the second, will the bleed from the first hit benefit from the mod?
No. That was not a Bleed you inflicted on a Maimed enemy - you inflicted it on a non-maimed enemy.
More generally, DoT cannot update to account for changes in state.

ShinoRagnar wrote:
When using mjölner is it 30% chance for ALL gems to be cast, or is it checked once per gem?
It's one chance to cast all the socketed lightning spells.
ShinoRagnar wrote:
Mjölner + Romira's Banquet + Resolute Technique
If i have Mjölner Equipped with 3 discharge gems and Romira's Banquet + Resolute Technique. Will all 3 discharges go off when i hit something? Since each discharge creates its own Power Charge that is then consumed by the next discharge gem?
ShinoRagnar wrote:
Max slow - Temporal Chains + Slows
Can monsters be slowed more than 75% when using temp chains + slows like chill/tar etc?
Tar is not a slow, it's reduced movement speed. There is no cap on Slow (if there was, Freeze wouldn't work - it's a 100% slow). There is a specific cap on the effect of Temporal Chains, at 75%, but this does not affect other slows.
ShinoRagnar wrote:
if i have
* 'double armor' and a body armor with 1000 armor
* A body armor with 2000 armor
is the same thing, right?
Yes. It doubles the amount of armour the item grants, which is then modified by your global modifiers to armour.

Walkhorn wrote:
how does Barrage actually funktion, do I hit more often when i stand in melee range and how are additional projectiles added in?
The projectiles have a small amount of variance in where they aim, so they'll spread more the further out they fly. This makes hitting closer entities easier than further ones.
Additional projectiles are fired one at a time after the bse projectiles - Bararge already has the additional projectiles stat to fire more than one. adding to it just adds to the number if fires.

Xapti wrote:
However, from my testing it seems like [Mine Trigger Radius] does not affect certain skills which target enemies, such as a mine that throws a trap, or a mine that casts Arc, or Lightning Warp (I think). Is this normal/intended, or a bug?
All skills that the mine targets enemies with are affected by the mine trigger radius. Note that this is a maximum - it won't let the mine target an enemy that's within the mine trigger radius but outside the range of the skill (the same is true of trap trigger radius).

Vipermagi wrote:
Hey Mark, what's your stance on butting in all over the place? :) I'd keep it to questions I am 100% absolutely certain about. The biggest point (to me) is, they won't show up when filtered by Staff posts, making the answers somewhat harder to track down.
I'm answering all the questions myself, save those that are off-topic for the thread or I've already answered in previous posts, so while you're free to do it, it's somewhat wasted work.

cuchio wrote:
Does MoM effect status ailment and stuns? E.g. i get hit for 100 damage is the stun calculated from 100 damage or 70 damage?
You took 100 damage, the stun was calculated on the damage you took. MoM does nothing at all to modify how much damage you take, just where it's taken from.

cuchio wrote:
Vortex seems to chill even if it's connected to Elemental Focus. According to the Wiki it shouldn't(Wiki:"The drawback of this gem will override all elemental-status-inflicting effects of the supported skill or passive skills, as well as buffs such as Elemental Conflux.").
Vortex (the skill) will not chill with it's cold damage while affected by this support. The ground effect it leaves behind is a spearate thing that happens to apply chill, but is not the skill applying chill.
Today in my company (about 50 web dev), during lunch break, i showed the Web version of the passive skill tree.

Everyone had some ideas of how it could be done, but nobody could figure out exactly (Full svg map with colorization of the edges ? manual drowing of the edges and show / hide ? edges doesn't seem generated by an algorithm but placed arbibtrarily for visual )..
Everyone concluded that for GGG game dev it was easy that's why you didn't talk about it.

but really, i would be interested in reading how it is made, why is there the 0 - 100% preload (what's happening at that time).


Thanks !
Regarding my question, there's already a thread on the forums about it, but nobody knew the answer and it hasn't been officially answered anywhere yet.

It's about chancing lab only uniques, in this case Death's Door. What are the rules about it? Can I even chance them? If yes, do I have to fulfill the zone specific drop requirement and chance them while being in the Uber Lab? Or is it just like any usual unique I could chance anywhere else?

Thanks in advance!
Mark_GGG wrote:
Khisanth wrote:
Does Hypothermia's more damage affect Vortex's DoT?

No. Conditional modifiers cannot apply to DoT, because the condition could change during the DoT.

This only applies to conditions that modify damage dealt, not damage taken, right? For example, a shocked monster still takes increased damage from DoTs, because the DoT first calculates its damage, which then gets multiplied by the shock status effect when that damage is taken, correct?
A couple of ideas for Uniques popped up on the subreddit, and had me curious. Strictly speaking, my question is probably off topic.

Currently, a skill can only be supported by a support gem once. Would it be possible for a unique item to bypass this restriction (i.e., "active skills socketed in this item can be supported by multiple of the same support gem"). Has anyone internally enabled this kind of functionality just for fun?
schmurtz wrote:
Today in my company (about 50 web dev), during lunch break, i showed the Web version of the passive skill tree.

Everyone had some ideas of how it could be done, but nobody could figure out exactly (Full svg map with colorization of the edges ? manual drowing of the edges and show / hide ? edges doesn't seem generated by an algorithm but placed arbibtrarily for visual )..
Everyone concluded that for GGG game dev it was easy that's why you didn't talk about it.

but really, i would be interested in reading how it is made, why is there the 0 - 100% preload (what's happening at that time).


Thanks !

So there were 50 web devs and none of them guessed to press F12 to how it's made? :D

There isn't any rocket sсience behind it, it's actually kinda a common knowledge for a web dev, or a frontend one atleast. Well I'll try to explain it as simple as I can. There are not many ways to draw such things in the browser, there is literally only one -- Canvas. Another "technologies", such as HTML or SVG, were invented for another purposes, to solve another types of problems, and therefore they do not suit this job.

As you can guess from its name, Canvas is exactly made to draw whatever you want in your browser. It's a special HTML block (<canvas></canvas>) on which you can draw lines, figures, images, text and etc. using the power of JavaScript and HTML5. Obviously these things are not static and can be redone dynamically at any fps but due to quite poor performance (compared to native desktop or mobile rendering) usually is capped it about 60fps or less. Also it only works in 2d, so to sum up what I said it's not applicible for serious games but it's fine for things like Google Maps, small web games or the skill tree in our case.

The drawing on canvas works a very similar to how it works in other 2d renderers. The top-left corner has coordinates [0,0] and the bottom-right corner is [x,y] where x and y are the size of canvas block in pixels. So for example you tell it "draw me a green rectangle starting at coordinate [100,100] with a size of [50,50]" and that's it.

The passive tree is obviously a mathematical graph where each object (node) contains information of its position, name, modifiers, icon and so on. And of course there are a bunch of images with all these icons, ascendancy classes, etc. So I hope it answers your question what is preloading. All images used in the tree.

There is a piece of code that can draw the whole tree at once starting starting at coordinate [0,0] (top-left corner), and it means the bottom-right corner will be something like [5000,5000] for example. But it's much bigger than the canvas rectangle. If you ask it to draw the whole tree it can only draw a small part of it because the rest doesn't fit. Now think of this canvas as a viewport/camera in games, which can be moved in order to show other things. But in reality in games you don't really "move" the camera, it doesn't have and can't have such ability. What actually happens is the rest is being "moved", so in our case it simply draws the whole tree with an offset, for example starting at [-1000,-1000] instead of [0,0]. As a result you can see another part of the tree.

Now about GGG's implementation. Well, it sucks. They use 3 canvases that are stacked on top of each other -- 1 to render the passive tree, one to render node descriptions when you hover them and the last one to draw this black gradient border. It's highly inefficient way to do things in general, especially when it even much simplier to draw everything on just one canvas. It lags really hard for me I barely can use it. is much better, for example.

If you have more questions I'll be glad to answer.

P.S. I'm not a native speaker, bear with me.

Last edited by Freeeeez#0285 on Jul 1, 2016, 3:36:51 PM
suszterpatt wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Khisanth wrote:
Does Hypothermia's more damage affect Vortex's DoT?

No. Conditional modifiers cannot apply to DoT, because the condition could change during the DoT.

This only applies to conditions that modify damage dealt, not damage taken, right? For example, a shocked monster still takes increased damage from DoTs, because the DoT first calculates its damage, which then gets multiplied by the shock status effect when that damage is taken, correct?

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