Mechanical Questions Thread
Hi, I am pretty sure you guys just forgot about my question that i ask on 10/6/2019 so i will ask again.
What happen to new accuracy tier you guys post in patch notes. I think i saw it said you can divine the old tier into the new tier but now it just keep it tier for no reason? Any stealth change that is important but not told to the players? Many of my friends already trying to ask this but no answer at all. Please clarify this Secondly, the enchantment that get changed like blast rain additional explosion to additional arrow, what happen to the current exist enchanted items? Do they get change? or do they become useless? |
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Question about Tenacity:
It says "increases and reductions to maximum life apply to attack damage (at 30%)" which, looking at the passive tree is obviously meant to do the following: 10% increased maximum life also gives 3% increased attack damage But there is also the very rare direct modifier to maximum life in the passives; +10 to maximum life - does this also translate to +3 to attack damage accordingly? And additionally; does this rule apply to stat from gear, or only to passives? Last edited by Khaos_Cualdawath#2405 on Dec 4, 2019, 9:53:37 PM
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"Transfiguration of Body only applies to increases and reductions, that is "#% increased maximum Life" or "#% reduced maximum Life". Although added maximum Life increases it in the colloquial sense, Transfigurations only apply to literal increased and reduced maximum Life/Mana/ES. It should apply to those from any source, including gear or passives. |
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Greetings. I have a question regarding Bottled Faith.
When I use the Flask and create consecrated Ground below an enemy and then die. 1. Will I still be given the additional chance to critically strike? 2. Will the enemy still take 10% increased damage? |
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Are you considered as "on low life" while dead? In my specific case I am thinking about Cast on death with Pain Attunement.
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Hey guys,
after quite a break from PoE I want to return for next league in 8 days so I am already planning my build :) I want to play a tanky marauder jugg with Dual Nebuloch - Ground Slam, so heavy physical damage. So my questions are: 1. With Nebuloch heaving 30-40% of physical atttack damage gained as extra fire damage: Does Dual Wielding 2 Nebulochs mean i get 60-80% extra damage as fire? 2. Running hatred aura means i get nearly 30% damage as cold damage means I would have crazy elemental damage on this build although I am just stacking melee physical damage. This makes Talents like "Divine Fervour" (Elemental Damage and Elemental Penetration) really powerful for me, right? Or do those talents work only for "direct" elemental damage caused by skills? 3. Not sure I understand blight mechanics... Can I just allocate "forces of nature"-node on any amulet unique or rare for paying the oils-cost? Last edited by rolfdafiftynine#7692 on Dec 5, 2019, 1:46:21 PM
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"1) Yes, the modifier is global, so two Nebulochs will grant you double the bonus. 2) Yes, converted damage is affected by modifiers to what is was, and what it's converted to (and what it's converted through, if you convert it more than once). So the Physical gained as Fire or Cold is affected by both Physical and Elemental modifiers (and Fire or Cold modifiers for the appropriate damage types). Elemental Penetration also applies to Elemental hits regardless of whether they were converted from physical. 3) Yes, if you anoint Forces of Nature on your amulet, you'll get its bonuses without having to spend passive points on it. Note that an anointment doesn't stack with the same notable if you allocate it legitimately; the idea is to anoint one you wouldn't normally be able to reach (which is probably the case with that one since it's on the other side of the tree). |
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Great, thank you so much! Still I am not sure if it was clear what I tried to ask. I am not converting physical to elemental by Nebuloch but adding elemental damage on top based on the physical damage I am causing (see Nebuloch item text which I linked before). Since I am using a lot of +increased physical damage the effect of +increased elemental damage would be way better for me, right? Even if I do not have a lot of elemental penetration. If I am using 2 Nebuloch on 2*35% added elemental damage + Hatred of Level 20 = 30% added frost damage I would be dealing 100% elemental damage on top of my physical damage. |
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""X damage gained as Y" is a form of damage conversion, except it doesn't remove damage X as "X damage converted to Y" would. Other than that, it works the same as damage conversion. As to the modifiers, increased Physical damage actually has a greater effect than increased Elemental damage, since it scales both the original Physical damage and the Physical-to-Elemental damage; increased Elemental damage only scales the latter. If you converted all your Physical damage to Elemental, both modifiers would be equally effective. |
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"I believe flask effects are removed when you die. Because the consecrated ground was still created during the effect, the enemies will still take increased damage, but you will not benefit from the mod regarding crit chance. |
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