Mechanical Questions Thread
When I hit the Shaper with Champion's First to Strike, Last to Fall, will the second and third phase of him get intimidated?
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if i flicker 3enemies at once with flickerstrike how is crit calculated? if i (the orginal one) crit the other 2 also crit or everyone rolls on their own? also do all 3 attacks cast the spells in my CoC-flicker link if they crit?
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" I am assuming you are talking about Multistrike. I don't know how Ancestral Call is going to work (although I don't have a reason to think it will be different.) The critical hit calculation is only performed once per multistrike (i.e. once per mouse click/once per a series of 3 hits). However this might still mean that you crit some monsters and not others, because your chance to crit two different monsters might not be equal (due to things like Assassin's Mark.) But if all the monsters you hit are identical including buffs/debuffs on them, you will either crit all of them or none of them. CoC effects are triggered for every enemy you crit. So if you crit all three enemies, your CoC spell will proc three times. The same applies if you hit multiple monsters using Melee Splash (or any AoE skill for that matter.) Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on Dec 8, 2017, 5:24:36 AM
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" im so sorry. i copied the text and forgot to say i was talking about ancestral call. im asking myself if i flicker with flicker+CoC+ancestral_call+SKILL into 3 monsters and crit on all 3hits do i cast 3xSKILL? |
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" Thank you, this is what I suspected after reading a similar post to yours, where someone tested it comparing to heavy strike. | |
Im wondering how cremation works with cast speed. Does the volcano spew out projectiles faster with more cast speed? How does it get affected by spell echo? Does the spread area increase with are of effect or just the explosions?
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hi. i have vinkar flask for add lightning attack.
She has instantly leech and some guy called legacy ver. i'll hit the divine orb. I wonder how it will change. I guess not inclued "incresed charge used" and not remvoe "intantly leech" The reason I asked this question was because I saw a different case from the patch note(3.0). When I tried Divine on the previous season's vinkta flask(not inclued intantly leech.have increased charge used and mana leech) , the mana option was retained without being removed. I apologize for the mistake of grammar and await your reply. |
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Can anyone tell how new Detonate Dead work with Elemental Equilibrium? New DD has two parts (spell damage and corpse explosion), both dealing fire damage. Do they both happen instantly for the purpose of EE? I mean if I hit an enemy with lightning damage and then cast DD, will both parts of a spell do increased damage (due to the lowered resists after lightning hit)?
Thanks in advance. |
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The damage from both "parts" is added into a single Hit. Thus all the damage would be boosted by EE.
AFAIK every skill which has multiple components dealing damage together works in this way. |
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" Thanks a lot!:) |
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