Mechanical Questions Thread


Then imagine if ill use mace in offhand. My 1sd hit deal cold damage. My 2nd hit deal... No damage? Or it deal main hand damage = cold damage?

It deals main hand damage. When only one weapon is valid, skills won't alternate weapons. You can also think of it as replacing the invalid weapon with a copy of your valid weapon for the purposes of alternating dual wield skills.

When i used Blacksmith's Whetstone on my mace, my dmg tooltip with blade flurry is increased. Mace isnt work with blade flurry, and is not used to attack (im use doryani's like support weapon for increased cold damage), why tooltip is increased? Is Whetstone increased global phys dmg?
It also work with sunder: tooltip is increased when im use Whetstone on offhand (sunder use only main hand for attack). What did I miss?
Last edited by MrRedlook#6618 on Oct 31, 2017, 1:21:18 PM
MrRedlook wrote:

When i used Blacksmith's Whetstone on my mace, my dmg tooltip with blade flurry is increased. Mace isnt work with blade flurry, and is not used to attack (im use doryani's like support weapon for increased cold damage), why tooltip is increased? Is Whetstone increased global phys dmg?
It also work with sunder: tooltip is increased when im use Whetstone on offhand (sunder use only main hand for attack). What did I miss?

Path of Exile's tooltip is bad at reliably reflecting reality. It uses an old formula with old assumptions (such as always assuming dual wield is valid). The game code does not match the tooltip.

It's easy to test fake dual-wielding tooltip vs. reality. One simple test would be:
1. Equip a strong enabled weapon (such as a 300 dps sword)
2. Equip a very weak disabled weapon (such as a white driftwood club)
3. Check tooltip
4. Use enabled-only skill (such as blade flurry) to attack monsters
5. Remove very weak disabled weapon
6. Check tooltip
7. Use enabled-only skill (such as blade flurry) to attack monsters

You should notice that there is no change in your actual killing power despite your tooltip varying by almost twice as much
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Last edited by adghar#1824 on Oct 31, 2017, 2:32:00 PM
adghar wrote:
You should notice that there is no change in your actual killing power despite your tooltip varying by almost twice as much

Do you mean dual Dual wielding modifier (nodes and default aspd\block\phydmg) do not work with skills if they do not use both weapons?

Whenever the player equips two one-handed weapons of any type, dual wielding grants the following stats:
10% more Attack Speed while Dual Wielding
15% additional Block Chance while Dual Wielding
20% more Attack Physical Damage while Dual Wielding

If only one weapon is used, the dual wielding bonuses will still apply; however, the attack rate will be based only on the weapon that is actually used. The tooltip appears to be wrong.

I dont undestand. If you have 2nd weapon - you got default modifier thats increased youre killing power.
Last edited by MrRedlook#6618 on Oct 31, 2017, 3:43:29 PM
MrRedlook wrote:

I dont undestand =\

Ok, sorry, I meant "almost no change," not "no change" :P

Or, to be more accurate, you could replace it with a valid weapon of exactly the same DPS instead of unequipping a weapon... but that is more trouble than it's worth

The point of the test was to show whether tooltip "knows" that invalid weapon is invalid - it does not

It does, however, calculate the attack speed / block chance / physical damage correctly

You do, also, get the attack speed / block chance / physical damage in reality



Perhaps an example would be clearer. Suppose you have a sword with 10,000 elemental damage per hit and 5 attacks per second, and a club with 10 elemental damage per hit and 1 attack per second, and no other bonuses. For simplicity sake assume Sunder and Blade Flurry both have 100% base damage and no attack speed modifiers.

If you focus on Blade Flurry:
  • Tooltip will show (10,000+10)/2 * (5+1)/2 * 1.10 = 16516.50
  • Real DPS will be 10,000 * 5 * 1.10 = 55000.00

If you focus on Sunder:
  • Tooltip will show (10,000+10)/2 * (5+1)/2 * 1.10 = 16516.50
  • Real DPS will be 10 * 1 * 1.10 = 11.00
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Last edited by adghar#1824 on Oct 31, 2017, 3:49:15 PM
Okay, thanks for answer!

Does pierce factor into the DPS calculation of an attack?
I have a lvl 61 Deadeye and I'm using Burning Arrow with Onslaught Support and Culling Strike Support. After taking out Pierce Support and putting in a Faster Projectile Support (which has a higher projectile damage bonus) I saw a drop in calculated DPS for Burning Arrow (I don't have the exact numbers right now, but it was about 10%). I cannot say for sure if the true DPS has changed since I play with a group, but I'm still curious. Is there another hidden number that factors into the calculation?
What you're seeing is the stacking rules in play. Increased and Reduced modifiers are additive - More and Less are multiplicative. Faster Projectiles grants an additive bonus, and you already have a lot of Increased Damage from passives n such, whereas Pierce is multiplicative, making Pierce the stronger Damage boost.
Hey. Thanks for the quick answer.
I think I got it now; so the additive bonus ([...] xx% increased damage) grants a bonus on the supported skill - added to the other additive boni - and the multiplicative bonus ([...] xx% more damage) grants a bonus on all the added up damage?
Pretty much, yeah. Here's the way the math shakes down:

Suppose you have 150% increased projectile damage and 150% increased attack damage from the passive tree, and have a bow with base 100 damage.

100 * (1 + 1.5 + 1.5) = 400 net damage.

Now suppose you want to get another 50% increased damage:
100 * (1 + 1.5 + 1.5 + 0.5) = 450 net damage

Now suppose you instead got 50% more damage:
100 * (1 + 1.5 + 1.5) * (1 + 0.5) = 600 net damage
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