Mechanical Questions Thread

Does weapon range increase blade flurry aoe?
DunkMaster wrote:
Does weapon range increase blade flurry aoe?

RitoxicGame wrote:
fanity wrote:
since 3.0 Dot damage are not scale by hit damage
what happened when a 100% ignite fireball blocked ?
will hit damage and dot (ignite) damage all blocked or hit damage blocked but ignite still applied

This fireball has a 100% chance to cause ignite when it hits an enemy.

When a skill is blocked, it is not counted as having "hit" the target.

Ignite damage is no longer scaled directly by hit damage, yes, but a skill which ignites still needs to hit in order to apply the ignite.

from wiki

Blocking is a means of preventing damage from enemy attacks by fending with a shield, staff or dual wielded weapons after Evasion and Dodge has failed.

its surely block have hit , cuz you have to be hit and prevent those damage by hit


and here mark confirm block have hit

Mark_GGG wrote:
Viper strike has no more chance to hit the enemy than the default attack - they're literally using the same code for that.
Note that blocking has nothing to do with an attack hitting. If you block viper strike you won't take damage, but were still hit and will still gain a charge.

Last edited by fanity#0528 on Sep 1, 2017, 9:48:06 PM
Hey guys, I hava a question for you about the Scion's acendancy Iquisitor.

If your minions kill an enemy, does it create consecrated ground?
Lukorama wrote:
Hey guys, I hava a question for you about the Scion's acendancy Iquisitor.
If your minions kill an enemy, does it create consecrated ground?

No. Minions are not you, your modifiers do not apply unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Are essences of fear (+ minion life/dmg) prefixes or suffixes?
Are all essences the same or does it depend on the type of essence?
Bumping, sorry:

If I have Retch, Atziri's Acuity (or another source of instant leech), and Endless Hunger, and I'm at 100% life, and I attack an enemy with a critical strike, will the Retch's "200% of Life Leech applies to Enemies as Chaos Damage" ability trigger (because Endless Hunger lets me continue to leech at 100% life)?

Or does the instant leech cancel Endless Hunger's ability to leech above 100%, meaning that the Retch won't deal any damage?

In 2.6 it worked, but in 3.0 the interaction of Atziri's Acuity and Endless Hunger seems to have changed.

TheAmbler wrote:
Bumping, sorry:

If I have Retch, Atziri's Acuity (or another source of instant leech), and Endless Hunger, and I'm at 100% life, and I attack an enemy with a critical strike, will the Retch's "200% of Life Leech applies to Enemies as Chaos Damage" ability trigger (because Endless Hunger lets me continue to leech at 100% life)?

Or does the instant leech cancel Endless Hunger's ability to leech above 100%, meaning that the Retch won't deal any damage?

In 2.6 it worked, but in 3.0 the interaction of Atziri's Acuity and Endless Hunger seems to have changed.


According to Mark_GGG himself, it should work as you say. If it's not I guess it's a bug?

I could not find any information on this:

Does the increased AoE from Hierophant's "Illuminated Devotion" apply to the Blight skill from Allelopathy Sorcerer Gloves?

I have a question concerning the Slayer node Endless hunger. I'm using Dual Strike with a rare sword and the unique claw Bloodseeker. Does the instant leech from the claw stop the life leech effect from the sword?

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