Mechanical Questions Thread
Hi ggg team, sorry to bother you so soon again but i have a question that concerns me alittle bit.
when talking to others ingame they said that in legacyleague it will be possible to abuse double tempest with whatever additional 2 leage mods from stones and running 6 man party with high magic find to basically drop shavs and headhunters constantly. im not sure if that actually works and i seriously hope not because if everyone runs around with these items this might be a very boring league =( is that true what the people are saying? i hope not :( Thank you for your time |
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I've got a question about Controlled Destruction and Elemental Focus
EF: I have this gem in my 6link, yet stated chance for ignite, chill and freeze for my char is 15%. How it's possible? I know some of it is from jewels, but shouldn't 0 mean 0? CD: Can I still get high crit chance with this gem or it reduces all further crit passives by half or more? Can I ever shock/ignite/freeze without critting? (related to previous paragraph). Do crits have any particular animations that help me notice if I critted? (same applies to shock - I never notice it) Why bother finding a Mirror of Kalandra if it can be [Removed by Support]
Killing the Elder or Shaper while following someone's build is like finding a street using google maps - such an achievement! |
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Hi, I have a question about Righteous Fire skill. I often see linked to it such gems as Elemental focus, Increased AOE/Conc. Effect, Increased burning dmg, but noone uses the Rapid Decay gem unless it's a totem build. Does this gem make you burn faster? Couldn't find the answer on WIKI.
Curiosity is followed by ambition. Ambition is followed by madness.
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" Totems have a 'duration' tag so they can be linked with it. No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
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"It "should" be 0% chance. No matter the source. Have seen bug report relating to this though. Dont know the details. But the bug/s probably does not apply to you unless you do some "weird" stuff. You say "for my char is 15%" - you did look at the correct skill == the one linked with it? " Its just 100% reduced so it can be countered by 100% increased from elsewhere. It is even often used in crit builds. " Not sure what you mean. With 'Elemental Focus' you cant shock/ignite/freeze. Unless its a bug. " Think so but not sure if it applies to all sources of crits. Even no-damage crits from attack can cause blood spray animation IIRC. There may also be some sound effect/s for crits. Edit: changed "bleeding animation" to "blood spray animation" No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle! Last edited by Zrevnur#2026 on Mar 1, 2017, 2:04:57 PM
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" The character sheet is not the best source of information. The game logic probably goes something like this: Roll chance to ignite/chill/freeze. Attempt to apply. Cannot apply. In other words, no matter what your chance stat is, EleFocus prevents status ailments. Another possibility is that you haven't selected the correct skill - when you press C, it has Default Attack selected for display in the Offense tab, which of course can't be supported by EFocus. " I think you may have some funky math going on in your view of the game :o increases and reductions stack additively, but any skill with more than 0% crit chance hits the minimum 5% crit chance. In the current version of the game, Controlled Destruction is just as popular on crit spell builds as on non crit builds, because crit builds can get hundreds and hundreds of increased critical strike chance, so the math goes a little something like this: 1200% increased critical strike chance from other stats (1300% total crit chance) 100% reduced from CD (1200% total crit chance) 1200/1300 = 0.9231, or 1-.9231= 0.0769 = 7.7% less critical chance. For reference, "reduce further critical by half" is 50% less. (Percentage change for things getting smaller is 100% minus decrease, so 100% less means never crit; 100% reduced is dependent on your increased) EDIT: Above poster reminded me. Yes, you can inflict status ailments well without crits, but if you ever want to inflict status ailments, you cannot use EFocus. Critical hits have a heavier hitting sound and shake the screen. Bleeding is generally unrelated to critical strikes; only some niche cases associate bleeding with critical strike. Need game info? Check out the Wiki at: Contact for account issues. Check out How to Report Bugs + Post Images at: Last edited by adghar#1824 on Mar 1, 2017, 1:58:49 PM
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" Fixed it. Didnt mean the "bleeding" animation. Crit hit with 0 damage attack (WB used) causes a "blood spray" animation. Which is distinct from the "bleeding" animation. No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
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Does Projectile damage apply to the explosion of Fireball also or only to the initial hit?
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Which of the following, if any, will apply to Relics in the item filter?
1) Rarity = Relic 2) Rarity > Unique 3) Rarity > Rare "Nothing happened." - CharanJaydemyr, TheWretch
Sayya's Item Filter (updated for Ritual!) - |
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" It doesn't do initial hit + AoE. If the fireball explodes, it does an AoE, if it doesn't it will do a normal projectile hit, but projectile damage will apply in both cases. " They haven't mentioned the 'relic' rarity class in the news post, so it's just a unique. If I missed them mentioning it somewhere, I'd probably go with "Rarity = Relic" to be absolutely sure it will work. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.
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