Mechanical Questions Thread
" Naturally. Dex is Dex. I've used one to the right of the Ranger once, +20 Dex on the %Acc node worked just fine. |
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I've read that Melee Splash granted by Slayer's Impact node cannot be supported by Increase Aoe Gem. So I realized that my Glacial Hammer's tooltips didn't have "XX% increase AoE radius" anymore, which seems to be the case.
Question: When I add an Elemental Proliferation into the setup, the "XX% increase AoE radius" reappear again. Which AoE is being increased ? The proliferation radius, the splash, or both? |
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"I've read that Melee Splash granted by Slayer's Impact node cannot be supported by Increase Aoe Gem."
This is not entirely accurate. Splash from the Impact node is affected by Increased Radius modifiers, and thus by extension is affected by the Radius Support; they are the same thing, after all. Most Attacks that Melee Splash applies to, are not AoE Skills themselves. If a Skill does not have the AoE tag, then the Radius Support cannot be linked. The Impact notable does not add the AoE tag to all your Melee Skills. This is what people mean when they say "Impact cannot be supported with Increased Radius". Adding an AoE modifier to Glacial Hammer, for example by linking Proliferation, allows the Radius Support to apply. As mentioned, this allows the Radius Support to apply to Impact's Splash. So to answer your question, both Prolif and Splash are affected. Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Jun 10, 2016, 9:26:09 PM
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I was wondering if the ascendancy passive for inquistor, Augury of Penitence, "deal 8% less Elemental Damage" mitigates elemental reflect.
On , it is stated that reflect damage hits. If the reflect rare is hitting me with my reflected damage, it is the rare dealing the elemental damage isn't it? |
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I have a question relating to the Punishment curse.
According to the tooltip, the cursed enemy is supposed to grant you the stated buff when it gets a Melee Hit on you. On the wiki it is claimed that skills with On Hit effects will still apply on a Blocked Hit, because a Blocked Hit is still a Hit. However I have tested Punishment and it does not grant you the buff if you Block the mob's Melee Hit. Is this the intended behavior of the skill (tooltip might be updated to specify it must be a damaging hit?) or is this a bug? |
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Do map mod bonuses (pack size, rarity, quantity) affect mobs spawned by strongboxes.
Can the strongbox prophecies trigger in Vaults of Atziri? |
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1. Does the Occultist Ascendancy node Void Beacon grant an aura that just like the other Ascendancy auras has a base radius of 40?
2. If not what is the radius? 3. Are the Ascendancy auras affected by the passive nodes that increase the radius of aura skills? Last edited by eps1lon#7026 on Jun 11, 2016, 4:40:17 AM
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Cospri's Will states "curses can apply to hexproof enemies", however this appears to *only* apply to curse immune maps - a blue mob with "hexproof" name, e.g. a "hexproof dripping dead" CANNOT be cursed even with Cospri's Will on.
Is this bug, or poor descriptions? ie, should Cospri's Will read "ignores the "curse immune" map mod"? |
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They're aware of Cospri's Will :)
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Question about Marauder Chieftain Ascendancy nodes.
--------------------------- Tukohams War's Herald node. --------------------------- 1. Totems have 50% of your armour If i have 1000 base armour, and 200% increased armour from tree. Then i have 3000 armour total. So. My totems will receive 50%. WIll it be 1000*0.5 = 500 or 3000*0.5 = 1500 ---------------------------- Hinekora, Deaths' Fury node. ---------------------------- 1% fire damage leeched to totem 1% damage to totemer 1. Let's say we take 10% increased life leeched per second from tree Does it mean totem will leech now 1.1% of fire damage Totemer will receive as life 1.1% of total damage dealt by totem 2. Let's say we have life leech gem attached to spell totem gem. This gem gives 2% life leech and 50% increased life leeched Now totem leechs 1% fire damage and 2% all damage This 50% increase will be applied only to 2% or to 1% too? Will totem leech (1% fire damage + 3% all damage) or (1.5% fire damage and 3% all damage)? What will receive totemer: same 1% total, or 50% from gem will increase it to 1.5% How not to miss Skill Books /view-thread/1940679 Find Bameth /view-thread/1828226 Exas for new players /view-thread/1956615 Checking resources /view-thread/2453818 Don't use Shaper/Elder orbs /view-thread/2474890 Last edited by diablokiller1#4449 on Jun 14, 2016, 6:46:51 AM
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