Mechanical Questions Thread
Hi Mark, I am aware that reducing duration of dots (poison, bleed) does not strictly increase damage as its per second.
On that note though, suppose poison was reduced to 0.69 seconds, would it just do 69% of a tick damage? |
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Does the first stage of Flameblast deal 100% tooltip damage, then each additional stage deals 110% more? This would result in a 10 stack Flameblast dealing 9*110% = 990% more damage, or 10.9x your tooltip.
I have seen almost all sources say it deals 12x tooltip, but my own tests of the damage at stage 1 matches the tooltip so that would require an 11 stack Flameblast. It could be useful to correct community misconceptions if it does indeed only deal up to 10.9x base/tooltip damage. Read my book! The world ending in every way anyone ever thought it might end, all at once. First few chapters are available online for free. |
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A question about Wild Strike, how are the secondary effects calculated? Do they do damage based on the weapon damage and type, or based on their chosen element? And what are the ratios on the chosen effects? And how exactly does it interact with support gems, using Elemental Focus, with a full lightning build, I cant seem to shock or freeze, but mobs still get ignited every once in a while. And how exactly is the tooltip calculated, is it just based on the initial hit, or does it take in to account the secondary procs?
Last edited by Dragaxe#2288 on Jun 9, 2016, 12:33:38 AM
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Hi mark, thanks for doing this!
I've been playing with hiltless the new 2h reaver sword, and I was wondering if fortify is reducing the reflected damage it does to me. After reading that the reflected damage is not a hit, and then reading the poe wiki for fortify which says it reduces the damage of hits, I am unsure if it actually is reducing the damage or not. Thanks. |
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"Skill Tooltips intentionally only show the stats that are specific to that skill. They don't show global things that affect all skills. If you want to see everything a skill does, including all your global stats, the character panel, not the skill popup, is the place to do that. "A bug. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. "Yes. "It's just as interruptable as any other skill. "You get stunned. Currently, there's a bug where the movement continues, meaning you slide while playing the stun animation, but you're no longer damaging things. The bug will be fixed in a future patch. "Yes. Experience for a kill is assigned to players within range, regardless of whether any of those players are the ones which killed it. "If you're actually getting "several screens away" before they die, they probably aren't dying at all, since time stops passing for things outside the player's wake range. "No. "Also no. Magic strongboxes inherently have increased quantity/rarity of items for being magic, but this is unrelated to any prefices they have. Similarly for rares and uniques. "Mechanically, yes. "This is incorrect. The passive says "20% more chance to Evade Attacks while not on full Energy Shield". This may seem pedantic, but given that wording is very specific in some cases, it's not a good idea to use quote marks around something that isn't actually the text used in the game. "I have no idea what you mean by this. The wiki page for the passive shows the correct stat, and the history of that wiki page does not appeat to show it ever having being wrong. Regardless, the wiki is sometimes inaccurate, and should never be trusted over actual mechanical text in the game. "This is incorrect. That's fundamentally not how evasion works. I'm assuming you're looking at the Estiamted chance to evade shown in the character panel. This is an estimate, based on the accuracy rating of an average monster of your level. Your character does not ever have a specific chance to evade. Chance to evade is different for different hits, determined by comparing your evasion to the attacker's accuracy, not a fixed global value on the character. "Technically no, in that it's tied to your actual chance to evade each hit you take, which isn't (and can' be) shown to the player, but is not a stat (because it must be calculated for each hit). "The Estimated chance to evade shown in the character panel is inaccurate for any pupose. It can give a rough idea of how evady you're likely to be against monsters of the same level as you, but no more than that. That said, this modifier to chance to evade should in theory apply both to your actual chance to evade, and to the estimate stat (which are entirely separate things). This is a (display only) bug, which I will investigate. "It does. "Of course. The projectile loses pierce chance, so anything calculated based on that pierce chance also changes. "While taunted, a monster's AI cannot consider any object as a potential target except the taunter. "Previously, some unique monsters (act bosses and map bosses) that were taunted gained immunity to further taunts for 9 seconds. This was removed as part of the 2.3.0 Taunt rework. There is now no such mechanic used. "No. The only effect of this type was the taunt immunity when taunted, which was removed in 2.3.0. "No. However, if the taunter is outside the monster's aggro radius, they're an invalid target, meaning the monster has no targets to choose from (since objects that aren't the taunter can't be targeted). "The totem is a seperate object from the player. If the totem taunts an enemy, the totem is the taunt target. "Yes. "The primary difference is that the reflected damage is reflected damage, which carries a whole bunch of rules baggage. Reflected damage cannot trigger on-hit effects, for example. The other two are just hits of regular secondary damage you deal to yourself. They are more different than they are similar. "You've made two errors I can see in your post - you list a mulitplier of 150% for WED support, when the actual value is 140%, and you treat Reduced Mana support as having a 75% mana multiplier, which it does not - it has no mana multiplier, but aplies the stat "reduced mana cost" to supported skills. Being a reduction, this is additive with the "increased mana cost" from your jewels. The mana multipliers total to a 942% total multiplier, to the base cost of 15. This then has a 375% increased applied (400% increased from jewels - 75% reduced from RM support), giving the total of 699. (Note that each step of this process uses integer maths, so any fractional parts are discarded). "It does not have any. Tags are a feature of gems, not skills. This skill does not have a gem. "Yes. "No. The skill is a spell, not an attack, and is already triggered. Supporting it with a cast on trigger support gem would mean it would be cast on that trigger. Because it already has a trigger, the spell would then be disabled for having two triggers. "Yes. I have fixed the description locally. "First Contagion is added to the monsters, then Essence Drain. If they were not already under the effect of debuffs, contagion will be the "first" debuff on them, until that contagion runs out. "Yes, from the taunted enemies. "Bladefall cannot be supported by Rapid Decay. "Yes "Yes, but the skill needs to be one that can be supported by those gems for them to have any effect. "Checking whether a hit is a critical strike or not is always done when that specific hit is calculated, and cannot be done at any other time, because your critical strike chance can be different for different hits. The critical strike roll is only made once, when the skill is cast, just like most skills. All hits from the same action have the same roll, but are potentially checking against different chances to crit, so may or may not crit on different enemies. "Yes. "Teams cannot be correctly set on the client for objects that aren't actors. This is a known bug which is difficult to solve because migrating team serialisation code to generic object code breaks existing and required functionality in other cases. "You only play a block animation if a hit would have stunned you if not blocked. Since you avoided the stun, the hit would not stun you, and there is no block animtion. "No. Conditional modifiers cannot apply to DoT, because the condition could change during the DoT. "Since I know there are some people who'll jump in and accusme me of lying if I'm not specific, they're psuedorandom. For all practical purposes, they're random, but computers don't do "true" randomness. "Those are generated normally. If you do enough maps, you'll see things like that. They aren't caused by any hidden mods. "No. The item directly applies the damage to enemies, your stats are not involved. "I have a few minor plans to include commonly requested information, but ultimately the volume of questsions means things like linking them all in the first post will be completely impractical. The thread can be searched, viewed with the dev-posts-only filter, and importantly, specific responses can be linked to by Support or anyone else answering questions in future. "You answered your own question here - because it's now a duration skill, and Rapid Decay only supports duration skills. "Rapid Decay only supports duration skills. "No. Lightning Arrow does not deal area damage. "Yes. "Yes. This node does nothing to change how leech applies to you, it just leeches life. "Scold's Bridle self-damage cannot crit. "The diamond flask does not affect chance to crit. Chance to crit is worked out, inclduing all modifiers such as Assassin's Mark, then compared to the Crit Roll of the skill. The Diamond flask does nothing at this point, it affects when the crit roll is made, by rolling twice and taking the better of the two rolls. "This is the main thing I was referring to under having plans to include commonly requested information in the first post of this thread. "No. "Yes. "No. Trap damage modifiers do not apply to minions summoned by traps. Cluster Trap and Multitrap give "less damage", not "less trap damage" - the reason it applies is because it is not a modifier to "trap damage"[/quote] "Depends on the monster's AI. "Trying to get a comprehensive list of all on kill effects in the game is beyond the scope of this thread. Are there specific ones you're unsure of? In pretty much all cases, you need to kill something to trigger an on-kill effect (Headhunter is a notable exception, which we're looking to find good wording for). "Yes, but it's not going to come in the form of some big list of things that work with other things. It comes from understanding the mechanics, which determine all the results. In general, any of your modifier stats apply to anything you do (that is the thing they apply to). "Yes, Yes, Yes. The explosions are caused by you and use your stats. The skills are just like any other skills, and you can check them in the character panel to see things apply. "Damage over time is damage. The Sulfur flask providfes increased damage. This applies. "The answer is no to all of these cases - Temporal Chains does not increase the duration of anything. It slows down how fast timed effects think time is passing. This affects anything which has an icon with a timer. | |
Quite a reply, thank you.
When do buffs affect a spell like flameblast? Say I'm using orb of storms to proc elemental overload - if the buff is triggered after I begin channeling flameblast, does it apply since it's active for the explosion? If the buff is active when channeling begins but times out before the explosion, it doesn't apply? Likewise, is crit for flameblast itself determined on explosion or when you begin channeling? Debuffs (eg elemental equilibrium and curses) simply need to be active on explosion, right? Last edited by ogit#4902 on Jun 9, 2016, 2:23:51 AM
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Profane bloom/Ed/Contagion interaction - sometimes enemies affected by both contagion and essence drain dies and explodes because profane bloom spreads contagion but not essence drain. Is this intended ? Sorry for my english
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How is "8% reduced Elemental Damage Taken while at Maximum Endurance Charges" from the Unrelenting Juggernaut notable calculated? My initial thought was that it just removed a flat 8% from the final damage directed to the character, but it feels a lot more powerful than that in practice (which might just be me imagining things, I admit).
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Can a monster give the Punishment buff to the player with reflect?
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Hi Mark! Thanks for all of the incredible things you do at GGG!
A question relating to buff effects and how they stack with Ascendancies: Each Ichimonji give 10% increased buffs on you. Elementalist Witch 1) How does this interact with Elemental Conflux? Are the effects more potent or does it not buff it at all? (Are the Ignites doing increased damage? Is the Shock made more potent? Is the chill slower?) How does this interact with Golems and Liege of the Primordial? Is the 100% additive with Ichimonji? Raider Ranger 2) How does this interact with Ranger's Avatar of the Chase Onslaught buff? The 50% is additive with Ichimonji(s)? How does this interact? (Dual Wield Ichimonji as a Raider and get 70% increased effect of Onslaught?) General 3) Are Righteous Fire and Blood Rage's degeneration effect on the player made more potent? (This is currently what the wiki says is true) Dual wielding Ichimonji increases these effects additively, I assume? (From 10% to 20% buff effect) Any additional hidden effects when buffs are scaled? Is there unfavorable or favorable rounding involved? (Arctic Armor, Blood Rage, etc) <3 Camdacop |
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