Mechanical Questions Thread

Hey there,

Could you tell me a bit about the cyclone?
What I'd like to know is about the reset time, does the ratio between my reset time( the time it takes to arrive to my goal on a 10 unit cyclone) and my aps affect my dps if I hold down the skill. In other words, if I arrive at the 10 unit every 0.3 second and hit every 0.2 second will I lose out on dps compared to 0.3 second travel 0.15second attack/second. For dps counting purposes this would be interesting for me. Also is there anything I should account for besides this on cyclone dps calculations.

Also what is the base movement speed in units/second, my extremely rough guess was 36, but now I'm intrigued.
I have a problem and I'm quite confused. I'm running Elemental Equilibrium on my build. I currently use:

All is fine with my old setup, I hit things they resist cold, vulnerable to fire and lightning... as soon as I upgraded my belt and weapon to:

My EE resists fire + cold and is immune to lightning. I take them off and it goes back to being vulnerable to fire. The only thing I can think why this is happening is the increased fire damage % but if that's the case why the hell does my Kaom's not make it resist fire?
wind77 wrote:
Explosive arrow, linked to "Trap Support" gem,
1. Works with Projectile, Fire, Elemental, Area, Attack, Trap nodes?
2. Works with "increased critical strike chance", "increased critical strike chance with bows", "increased critical strike chance with traps" nodes?
3. When linked to "Added Chaos Damage Support" gem, the enemy hit will receive Chaos damage on hit, but not the Explosion, right?
4. For those "Gain x life/mana on hit" mods, does it work on the hit, or the explosion?
5. When linked to "Multiple Traps Support" gem, the "Less Damage" penalty doesn't apply to Explosive Arrow, since it applies fuse, rather than dealing damage, right?
6. When linked to "Hypothermia support" gem, would it deal more damage to chilled enemies?
7. If enemy A and B are hit by 2 EA fuses and 5 EA fuses respectively, upon explosion, the nearby enemy C would receive damage from both explosions?
8. If enemy A and enemy B are burnt, and with "Elemental Proliferation Support",
a. Would C suffer from the burning in 2 stacks? Or only the highest burning damage?
b. If the burning is stacked, do the 2 burnings happen simultaneously or consecutively?
9. When combined with Shaper of Desolation node,
a. Say the explosion happens during Igniting Conflux, so the enemy will burn for 20% of damage per sec for next 4 sec?
b. If explosion happens during Shocking Conflux, and explosion causes ignite, does that mean the enemy will receive 50% increased damage from burning, throughout the Shocking Conflux?

Repost, hoping for some answers?

why does this corrupted implicit not work with siege ballista? arent SBs based off the stats of the bow?
wind77 wrote:
Explosive arrow, linked to "Trap Support" gem,
1. Works with Projectile, Fire, Elemental, Area, Attack, Trap nodes?
2. Works with "increased critical strike chance", "increased critical strike chance with bows", "increased critical strike chance with traps" nodes?
3. When linked to "Added Chaos Damage Support" gem, the enemy hit will receive Chaos damage on hit, but not the Explosion, right?
4. For those "Gain x life/mana on hit" mods, does it work on the hit, or the explosion?
5. When linked to "Multiple Traps Support" gem, the "Less Damage" penalty doesn't apply to Explosive Arrow, since it applies fuse, rather than dealing damage, right?
6. When linked to "Hypothermia support" gem, would it deal more damage to chilled enemies?
7. If enemy A and B are hit by 2 EA fuses and 5 EA fuses respectively, upon explosion, the nearby enemy C would receive damage from both explosions?
8. If enemy A and enemy B are burnt, and with "Elemental Proliferation Support",
a. Would C suffer from the burning in 2 stacks? Or only the highest burning damage?
b. If the burning is stacked, do the 2 burnings happen simultaneously or consecutively?
9. When combined with Shaper of Desolation node,
a. Say the explosion happens during Igniting Conflux, so the enemy will burn for 20% of damage per sec for next 4 sec?
b. If explosion happens during Shocking Conflux, and explosion causes ignite, does that mean the enemy will receive 50% increased damage from burning, throughout the Shocking Conflux?

1. & 2. The explosion won't benefit from attack or bow modifiers since the explosion is considered secondary damage.
3. It will also affect the explosion
4. Life/mana gained on hit is supported for attacks and therefore won't work with the explosion
5. It will affect the explosion
6. Yes
7. Yes the AoE damage overlaps
8. Only the highest burning damage
9. a. It could burn for more than 4 sec total if you hit more than once during the cycle but yes it would burn for 20% of total damage (not just fire) per sec.
b. yes
AdmBmb wrote:

why does this corrupted implicit not work with siege ballista? arent SBs based off the stats of the bow?

SB scales on your weapon damage and attack speed only.
Many thanks to KoKid!
Last edited by redghost2009#6222 on Sep 17, 2016, 12:56:53 PM
My question is in regards to the "Increased X damage taken" mod found on Abyssus and The Beast Fur Shawl

It is my understanding that the "Increased Physical Damage Taken" mod on Abyssus (and also the mod on Beast Fur Shawl) "double dips" on the bleed damage you take. First by scaling the initial hit, then again by scaling the (already scaled) bleed damage taken. Is this a correct assumption?

Further, does the "Increased Damage Taken" mod on Beast Fur Shawl also scale other degen damage taken? For instance, would I take increased chaos damage from something like the Caustic Cloud box mod, or poison zombie clouds?
1. Yes; the initial Hit will be increased (thus making the Bleed stronger), and the Damage over Time will be increased again.

2. Yes. It's generic, untyped Damage Taken, which means it'll apply to both Hits and Damage over Time.
Similar to Abyssus, this will additionally 'double dip' on Poison and Ignite.

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