[2.4] Silly Toy: 5M+ DPS Flicker, 2h/1h variants, poison 100% crit, with Cospri's Will

Hey man!

If i could choose a mirrored, i would pick either mind fang mirrored exquisite blade for 2hand or sold barb rapier for 1h, the crit mult of rapiers is great.

Sold barb's dps is higher than my 2handed crit, with the exact same function!

a bit lower crit mult on the implicit but otherwise... it's a pure killer for this build and we cannot get better! 20M + max potential dps for a one handed c_c

Mind fang is overkill, totally too much and it will kill us on reflect, we could drop half of the increased % damage and still be effective. Well it's not a bad idea too, if we remove half the % damage in the build we can get a lot lot lof of life.

Anyway, thoses mirrored are silly, if i had one i would reduce my dps in the tree to get more survivability.

Otherwise, for the affordable uniques, hegemony's era and atziri's disfavour, bino or scaeva are perfectly fine, even death's hand is effect :p
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Jun 14, 2016, 12:12:36 PM
Thank you for the fast reply! =)
I really appreciate it!

I am thinking about picking the build up in standard and to try to push it to it's damage limits because I have the needed currency in standard :D

I am leaning towards the 2H sword you mentioned because I like the concept of OVERKill a lot! :D

Is there a way to get even more damage in your opinion?

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i like the way you think!

I dont see how to improve the dps drastically without sacrifices... hatred or taste of hate have minimal impact on the total dps because of the poison scaling.

you can use blasphemy + vulnerability lvl20 q20 + enhance lvl 4, it's a decent difference compared to the lvl 11-12 vulne on from corrupted gloves. And atziri's acuity to get enough intelligence, plus insta leech and great crit.

But for dps purposes, i believe facebreaker 90% mult is the best option.
also for amulet, a legacy % crit mult mirrored will grant better dps than a bad +1 frenzy amulet.

To reach silly dps, abyssus is the way to go...

So the logical best way is to get a good 35% crit chance + 70 % crit mult legacy amulet, take facebreaker 90% mult, use blasphe + vulne 20/q20 + enhance lvl 4, find good diamond rings with 45 intelligence *2 + abyssus 210%, use a flask of grounding to cancel vinktar.

You gain 370% crit mult and cursed ennemies take +25% increased physical ( two times the lvl 12 classical curse on hit vulne that i use) for a total of 50%

you lose maligaro 30% mult so 340 gain
my setup has a base 480 crit mult, and 556 with assa mark or something like this

This setup will reach 964 % crit mult with assassin's mark , it's almost twice the dps! then the 25% more phys damage kicks in too! In short, with such setup + mirrored exquisite blade ... 65M maximum peak dps is reachable after 3 second of attacks...... ( but nothing will live 3 seconds...) and 16M guaranteed on small bursts.(with potions and poison curses etc)

And you will die on reflect constantly :P Dun hit mirror atziri with this :D
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Jun 14, 2016, 3:25:24 PM
I just love it how detailed your answeres are. They leave very few questions open =)

65M DPS is really silly, but I like over the top silly so I will try to accumulate the items you are refering to =)

On another note: I see that you are using the retch as a unique blade, I am currently using headhunter on a different char so which belt would you prefer and why?

Additionaly, do you have resistance cap problems and how do you tackle them?

Thanks again for your great guide and help =)

Submit Heretic!

Geisalt wrote:

Thoses numbers include everything: tree, gear, charges, potions, buffs, any source of damage.
They do not include Inspired learning jewel bonuses.

I include the total poison's duration as "damage per strike" multiplied by APS, not the bleed because it doesnt stack with itself. It's easier and mathematically right: we will deal this dps over a long period of time.

To calculate the poison not as damage per strike but as damage per second is very tricky and complicated because of it's stacking ability and the attack per second behaviour, if you want to give it a try... i want to see this :P

So with my method, it needs 3 seconds to achieve thoses numbers, but you are still attacking, so thoses 3 seconds are pushed to the infinity.

However, it's mathematically right, take a ring that represents damage over time, put two dots on the ring, the dps between dot 1 & 2 and 2 & 1 is the same, because it's the damage per second behaviour.

- physical 8850 AVERAGE DAMAGE * 1.25 vulnerability = 11 062.5 *1.5 shock = 16 593.75
Since shock and vuln are both increased, they're additive with each other

Correct math: 8850*1.75 = 15487

- bleed 60% physical on moving target = 9956.25 * 1.58 * 1.36 frenzy* 3.97 inc with hat enchant *2 on maim* 1.5 shock = 254 802.421

Once again, since shock and vuln are both increased, they're additive with each other. Furthermore, the flicker strike enchant doesn't affect poison or bleed. You also calculated it as 91% in your thread when at 9 charges you're at 81%, so lets subtract .91 from 3.97 = 3.06

Correct math: 15487*0.6 = 9292 *2.08 * 1.36 *2 * 3.06 = 160,874
Still impressive.

- chaos 7800.5 + 3500~ extra on bleeding = 11 300.5 *1.5 shock = 16 950.75
Since you were calculating phys with the wrong vuln calcs above, I'll fix them here.
- poison 10% phys+chaos = 3354.45 * 1.33 vulne * 1.36 frenzy * 1.39 void manip* 2 on crit * 4.77 inc with hat enchant * 3 sec duration on maim * 1.5 shock = 362 065.847
poison = 0.1*(16950+15487)*1.83(added vuln+shock)*1.36*1.39*2*3.86(removed enchant damage)= 86,628DPS, 259884 total damage over 3 seconds.

The same mistakes were repeated in the crit calculation. You can do those yourself.

While the damage is still impressive, the math is now just more correct.
IGN: TsuruyaNyro
Last edited by Suzumiyaharuhi#1589 on Jun 14, 2016, 4:11:02 PM
i have edited my previous post just before your answer but i dont know what i have edited anymore so double check in case i have modified something important... :c

Well, for HH/the retch, it's a personnal preference, the retch is "QoL" for potions, HH is "wtf". The pots are sustainable without, plus with mirrored weapon they arent needed that much, only for bosses... and even bosses will not last long so c_c HH is good.

For the res cap, yeah i have difficulties. We need a bit of accuracy on the gear and intelligence on ring/amulet to reach 108 int (increased crit gem) atleast. So all of this use the resistance slots. It explains why i pick 5 nodes that give resistances in the tree :P

For vulnerability lvl 20 you need 155 intelligence, it's a lot too !
With good diamind rings, one with accu int res and the other one with int res res, it shouldnt be a problem. ( with life and flat physical too, of course !)
HH/the retch should be usable for a 2h setup, however i use a resistance/hp belt plus a jewel with resistance with my two handed sword because my rings arent good enough.

jewels with resistance can be helfull, and with HH you dont need inspired learning jewel ( i dont know if you can get two mods from the same rare monster with inspired learning + hh?)
they can give a total of 54 % total resistance ! (10@ + 12 for two elements)

I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Suzumiyaharuhi wrote:

Geisalt wrote:

Thoses numbers include everything: tree, gear, charges, potions, buffs, any source of damage.
They do not include Inspired learning jewel bonuses.

I include the total poison's duration as "damage per strike" multiplied by APS, not the bleed because it doesnt stack with itself. It's easier and mathematically right: we will deal this dps over a long period of time.

To calculate the poison not as damage per strike but as damage per second is very tricky and complicated because of it's stacking ability and the attack per second behaviour, if you want to give it a try... i want to see this :P

So with my method, it needs 3 seconds to achieve thoses numbers, but you are still attacking, so thoses 3 seconds are pushed to the infinity.

However, it's mathematically right, take a ring that represents damage over time, put two dots on the ring, the dps between dot 1 & 2 and 2 & 1 is the same, because it's the damage per second behaviour.

- physical 8850 AVERAGE DAMAGE * 1.25 vulnerability = 11 062.5 *1.5 shock = 16 593.75
Since shock and vuln are both increased, they're additive with each other

Correct math: 8850*1.75 = 15487

- bleed 60% physical on moving target = 9956.25 * 1.58 * 1.36 frenzy* 3.97 inc with hat enchant *2 on maim* 1.5 shock = 254 802.421

Once again, since shock and vuln are both increased, they're additive with each other. Furthermore, the flicker strike enchant doesn't affect poison or bleed. You also calculated it as 91% in your thread when at 9 charges you're at 81%, so lets subtract .91 from 3.97 = 3.06

Correct math: 15487*0.6 = 9292 *2.08 * 1.36 *2 * 3.06 = 160,874
Still impressive.

- chaos 7800.5 + 3500~ extra on bleeding = 11 300.5 *1.5 shock = 16 950.75
Since you were calculating phys with the wrong vuln calcs above, I'll fix them here.
- poison 10% phys+chaos = 3354.45 * 1.33 vulne * 1.36 frenzy * 1.39 void manip* 2 on crit * 4.77 inc with hat enchant * 3 sec duration on maim * 1.5 shock = 362 065.847
poison = 0.1*(16950+15487)*1.83(added vuln+shock)*1.36*1.39*2*3.86(removed enchant damage)= 86,628DPS, 259884 total damage over 3 seconds.

The same mistakes were repeated in the crit calculation. You can do those yourself.

While the damage is still impressive, the math is now just more correct.

Thank you a lot, i dislike to be wrong but i love to be corrected, also it took you a bit of time to redo the math, i appreciate it! i will correct thoses numbers soon

However, the 81% enchant should work with poison and bleeding, i do not see why it couldnt:
it's a global increased damage boosting flicker, flicker inflicts the poison and bleed, but it's still a global damage for the entire skill including poison and bleeding, no?

it doesnt specify attack nor melee but i dont know if there is similar cases
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Jun 14, 2016, 4:38:55 PM
The reason why the enchant doesn't work with bleed/poison is because it's not a global damage increase. It's damage with flicker strike.

For example, pierce says damage with "Projectiles" and if you attack with a projectile, bleed/poison get a projectile tag.

Concentrated effects says "Area Damage" and if you attack with an area ability, bleed/poison get an area tag.

You don't get a "flicker strike" tag if you're bleed/poison and thus don't get the benefits of the enchant.

It's entirely possible that this is false, but there's an example of damage that doesn't affect bleed/poison and that's spell damage even though the poison can be caused by a spell.
IGN: TsuruyaNyro
thank for your answer!

from wiki

However, damage over time is not:

Spell damage
Attack damage
Weapon damage
Melee damage

Modifiers specific to those types will not natively apply unless specifically stated so, as observed on skills like Contagion. [4]

i think that "increased flicker strike damage" is "increased damage" done with the flicker skill.

If it's the case, i dont know how and if GGG can restrict the %increased damage to the main strike only and not poison and bleed.

Example: void manipulation works on main strike for chaos damage then on poison because it's "chaos" damage for the entire flicker skill and poison is a "part of the skill" itself, not an independant secondary effect.

so if the enchant is "increased damage" with flicker skill, it should work on both too.

It's my interpretation, it can be false but i cannot find the answer :/

Also i dont believe that there is a "new" tag for each skill, if they made 16213131 new tags for each skills, it could be a freakin madness to do.

i think that the game reads it as " if X skill is used, add z% increased damage to the % increased pool". if it's the case it applies to everything included in the skill, ignite, poison and bleed too.

it's probably easier to code.

I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Jun 14, 2016, 6:26:00 PM
What do you think about this ring?
How to effectively optimize the build for this ring?
Last edited by dtnhdantalian#7989 on Jun 14, 2016, 8:53:02 PM

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