Path of Exile: 2.3.0/Prophecy Launches Tomorrow!

Pumped for this!! My second season on the game :D
Delete some chars I don't use.. Or buy char slots.. :S
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Holy shit boys it happened !?
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
your ggpk file has become corrupted

GG nice start i'm going to have
wah.... 3 hours is forever! but whatever must be done i guess!! go GGG!!
2.5 gb? it took me 50 hours minimum of download! :(, one week, &%&$?)(%&#.......
Looking good!
lepre84 wrote:
Chris wrote:

Displayed in your local time:

The realm goes down and patching begins at: Jun 03, 2016 7:00 PM
The servers go live at: Jun 03, 2016 10:00 PM (if these automatically converted times seem wrong due to timezones or something, just disregard and use the actual countdown on

End this madness. Just put the timezone code at the end of the time itself, be it relative to GMT or the actual timezone.
If anyone doesn't know the timezone they live in, it's time to learn.
Especially since for me (as a german) "Jun 03, 2016 10:00 nachm" sounds really strange. I get it - for sure - but no one from germany would ever write 10:00 nachm. and I'm sure a lot of europeans will agree on that. "Nachmittags" is actually describing a time between ~2pm to 5pm - and I have never seen it used as a literal translation for pm before...
A day has 24 hours so why not just use 22:00 for a lot of europeans - that's the way we like it.

On another note: Just got the patch. Starting the game used to take up to 3 minutes on my notebook-shaped potato, now it was maybe 3 seconds.
So - keep up working on stuff like that GGG and forget stupid time codes. I happily figure them out for myself. Great job!
leonardorubin wrote:
2.5 gb? it took me 50 hours minimum of download! :(, one week, &%&$?)(%&#.......

uumm.. get a real ISP and a modern modem?
1h32min ... cmon cmon cmon...HyPE

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