[2.6] The Curse Whisperer - Tri-Curse CI Whispering Ice Elementalist - Viable for Everything
Hi Kelvynn Black_Gun
Its time to say many thanks for that great build. I never! (i play since closed beta) had so much fun with a build and never so great effort by farming lab and atziri. All maps exept T16 are doable for me and the 16s i try the last 2 weeks who remain. I tried uber for 2 times but had no sucsess and so i dont try shaper. I am a not perfect player and so i can make mistakes without dying to much. Only the biggest bosses dont forgive mistakes. :-) So many thanks for the great build and the help you guys always give in this tread. If you make a new build i am verry interested to participate. it was a great time for me and i am a little sad to can not play the build in 3.0. But perhaps you have a solution . :-) Last edited by ichbinwerichbi#6654 on Jul 6, 2017, 5:33:15 AM
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Thank you for this great build Kelvynn. It was really fun to play in Legacy League.
With the 3.0 changes to vaal pact, do you think this build could work as regeneration based build with zealots oath? Skipping the pathing to vaal pact would free up some points to invest in life reg nodes, similar to LL RF builds. https://poeplanner.com/AAgAAN8ACAMAAGzfsJLBjr4RLSycEFiHZa-bfIPr7qcIj0aboRhqWAfYJFZIHRSvjfrS98Gdrhps5CLVpilP7DiFe2ZUOth8u3flxPYn7Rku2WFXDfObaGUGDtR8CfbSIZ7NpzCfy2oeHOfyLxo-Xz_2SMRY-egc3LiTjxqCxyj6Hb4zhwPuaHTaYhhWxBU2xR8CBAdMsy0flSDB86KjUXQagaaZf8YRlg5IXfLBxewYLL8dTzW5pysRUG0Zl_RSUz1fPQ-vp5MnvoqhLxJpFxxxedAf7-t85Xgvxq4MXxynU6UAAAAAAA== Probably a stupid idea, but just a thought. |
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Don't understand how this build is viable for "everything"
I have extremely similar gear to the OP's gear and I get absolutely shit on trying to do any of the shaper guardians I'm level 90, not sure if I'm doin something wrong but phoenix and chimera for example shit all over me in 2 hits |
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" Extremely similar to the OP gear? Seriosly? No int on belt, very low int on boots, low int on chest and gloves, 12% BSC, 17% WI. No, it's not even close to OP. What's your stats: total int, ES, tooltip dmg with both golems active? And ofc this build is viable for any encounter (for now) only if you know the fight mechanics (just like any other build). Last edited by Windgaming#5308 on Jul 7, 2017, 12:35:16 PM
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Hi guys, I'm back! :) Looks like GGG finally did the Beta wipe, so now I'm going to jump into it and check out all the new stuff. Started on Beta last night and got me a 18% WI already for 2 alc. I guess since the current version of the build doesn't work in 3.0, the prices should be pretty nice at the start of the new league. At least until the new version takes flight that is.
Now I need to look for Astra and whatever other gear suitable for the Life version, while checking out the new content and tree changes. |
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" No, rather that trying to outregen the endgame bosses in 3.0 with the nerfed ES, we'll just go life-based and stay with VP. Berserker version will be the first to convert (unless GGG destroys Berserker leech; but they would have warned us by now), and then we'll see. I've already tried it in 2.6 (see the Berserker thread). I'll work on it in Beta. |
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" It's been two days! How is it going? It's nice that Heart & Soul got moved closer; other than that, the rest of the tree seems pretty close to the 2.6 Berserker build. So the real question is how is the life on items? |
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Now i have the first problem with the build.
Since i never come close to do the grandmaster map and had 5 items found this leage i read the instructions from kelvynn and all go smart.then i come to the third wing and there was a guy with lightning dmg and i run a lot around and cast icestorm and then the game logout and the map is gone. so i tried another time and made wing 4 first and at the last wave the same again. I must cast and run and cast and run and the map is lost again with client crash. now i made first wing 2,3,4 and then wing 1 and i hoped it will work but then come mull gubben or so and i switch the staff and cast only scorch ray without ice and the client crashed the other maps exact the same. I made 3 wings without any prob and mull gubben scorchray crashed my client. i wrote a message at ggg support but have no answer. Yesterday i got another grandmaster from enroching darkness and since i never made this map successful with other builds and with this i think it will work, i ask if someone here has a solution for me to not crash with mull gubben. Thanks a lot. |
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" So far I like the new content. Except that Yugul thing and the DoT projectiles. I hope it gets tuned down cause that's a totally unfair mechanic that deals damage to you and you can't do anything about it except run away. I died whole 2 times to that thing before killing it. )) Other than that, it's just as easy as before for the Life version. The lack of Acts 9-10 on Beta sucks. No merc Lake makes the transition from leveling to the maps slow. I used to farm it for a while to get some currency and decent drops to start the mapping. And the market on Beta is naturally small too. I don't play 12 hr a day either. So I'm currently up to lv 65 and T5 maps with IR and lv 44 items (I switched to WI at lv 44 when I saw that Sunder without melee nodes was starting to lose efficiency), trying to get some currency to upgrade my gear at lv 70. We'll see how it goes after I get some better gear and get into higher maps. Lv 65, 2.5k life, 800 Int, 1166 Icestorm tooltip on 5S (with CE for the bosses; with IR on trash it's about 750). Zero problems up to at least T5. I haven't seen any of those nice new life mods yet. Probably in higher tiers. Last edited by Kelvynn#6607 on Jul 10, 2017, 1:30:26 PM
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" HoGM gets unstable every time they mess with the GM's. If it currently crashes then not much you can do about it. mull_gubben is pretty much unkillable with hit damage, you have to use non-hit damage over time to kill him, and if you get crashes with SR - all you can do is report it to GGG and wait for the next patch. They usually fix those crashes quickly enough. |
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