What skill gems are valuable?
And which ones I can level in hopes of selling later when they will reach higher level or with 20% quality? Btw can I vendor recipe Vaal gems to give them 20% quality?
I have 3 earthquakes. What are they worth? What are general prices for gems of each required initial level (1, 4, 12, 28, etc.) ? Is there any good thread or video for this? Last bumped on Jun 1, 2016, 7:03:38 AM
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I don't know much about trading, but most non-Vaal skill gems can be bought from vendors. The prices range from a scroll of wisdom to a chance orb. So an unleveled gem without quality isn't worth a lot. Looking at poe.trade level 20 gems seem to be a handful of chaos orbs. I don't know if it's worth trying to make a business of considering that leveling a gem to 20 will take 30-100 hours.
" No, Vaal gems cannot have quality added to them in any way. They must either drop with quality or be created by corrupting a gem with quality on it. |
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The only ones to consider for leveling and selling are Enhance, Empower, Enlighten.
They are drop-only and take loads of time to level to 3 (max). Most people quality them up to 20, since this nets them 100% more xp and then put them in Haku weapons (up to 6% more quality) and then vaal them at lvl 3 for the chance at lvl 4. Or sell unvaaled for a couple ex. Forget all others. Not worth. |
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Quality on an un-leveled gem is close to irellevant price-wise unless it's 15%+, with a small exception for the gems used to make The Goddess Unleashed.
As far as 20/20 gems; The most valuable ones are ones that are used frequently, and have very beneficial effects from level 21, quality 23, or even both. So; Blood Magic, Purity of Elements, whichever attack/spell becomes FOTM in the new league etc Edit: And it does have to be said that levelling gems to 20 for money is generally not worth it, however, if you're not using your weapon swap for anything you might as well put some gems in it. They'll 20 eventually, it's "free" money. Last edited by Zephryl#5929 on May 31, 2016, 3:59:34 AM
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" Or.. Luck + :) | |
I'm hijacking this thread a bit since a couple interesting topics came up.
" I've been wondering about that. I'm playing self-found and have dropped enlighten and empower so far. Is it worth spending the 20 GCP on them? I currently have 29. Haku weapons are definitely worth considering; I'll have to check if he has some the next time I log in. " At what point is it worth to just spend GCP to get a gem up to 20% rather than leveling it to 20 first? Low ones I vendor for GCP but I have a few that are 17% and a bunch more at 12-14% (dunno what happened to 15-16%, maybe I vendored them?). " I'm using those extra slots to level replacement gems for myself to use after an upgrade. The just-upgraded gem is never as good as a high-level one without quality, and in some cases downright useless (any offensive spell). " I'd say that still counts as the gem dropping with quality :P This one is even better since it always gives a Vaal gem: On a side note, can this one give a Vaal gem as well? AFAIK corrupting can raise the gem to 21 or turn it into a Vaal gem, so level 21 Vaal gems can't normally be made. |
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" It's debatable, and depends entirely on how much you value the levelling of the gem. 19 is obviously a yes, 18 it's probably better to just GCP, and I think 17 is where it starts to become 50/50 for most people. I keep gems at 15%+, rather than GCPing them, just in case I need something 20/20 quickly, or accidentally brick a gem I needed because sometimes I make poor life choices. Under 15 I GCP them, unless they're Vaal. |
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I'd say desire motivates...
I skipped last league and just ran standard, optimizing an old build. all the time in the world in standard. so every spare slot has a second and third major skill or support gem. (leveling 5 fp's 3 lmps, 5 added colds, 3 faster casts, etc...) so I've got 2 20% lvl 19 fp's maturing, and 3 level 19 0% quality fps maturing. if my first 2 fp's corrupt into +1 then I wont continue leveling anymore fps but if neither gets +1 then I might gcp the other 3 fps 1 after the other and vaal them... time is money. standard... maybe should have bought some 20/20's ? hahhaha :P the key tho... time is money. so if leisure is worth time, leisure is worth money. (i before e, cept after c.... leisure... liesure? my spellchecker tells me the rule is false for leisure.) |
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" Naaw, much more of a gamble. :) Besides, vaal gems don't really drop with quality. As far as I know the only way to get a quality drop on a vaal gem is through a Gemcutter's strongbox with the appropriate affixes rolled. " Yeah, good luck farming Volatile Power though. At least my card is actually farmable, but of course it loves to troll you when turning it in too. Still, I've had some very nice ones from it, including 2 vaal gems. As for Volatile Power, still haven't seen a single card (but I haven't focused hard on farming it either), maybe I'm unlucky but it seems rare. And you need 9 of them. :/ Good question on the Cataclysm - I would assume it can, but not entirely certain. Would love to know for sure. :) | |
Valuable gems? Actually a few come to my mind immediately...
- The three E-gems (Empower, Enhance, Enlighten) - Added Chaos damage - Pretty much all the Vaal aura skills I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
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