[2.5] "The Kärcher" Lightning Strike Deadeye. Extreme Clear Speed. 75%/74% Dodge A/S
Warning! This build will make your computer cry tears of blood.
Been playing something quite similar but with Raider instead of Deadeye. With 9 Frenzy charges I now have 10.5 attacks per second at 90% pierce chance. My girlfriend's older PC nearly overheats whenever she plays with me sounding much like a rocket ship as it struggles to cool temps of 80 degrees Celsius; we can't really play together unless I pull multistrike. My pretty darn good rig doesn't threaten to burst into hellfire but does chugs down from the normal consistent 144fps to ~15fps when wiping larger packs. Lightning strike with exceptionally high attack speeds and pierce is simply not kind to a lot of computers. Don't expect to be welcome in a lot of groups. That said EVERYTHING melts. In Prophecy with middling gear I'm clearing high tier maps at advertised extremely fast clear speeds. Last edited by SplinteredSun#0386 on Jun 8, 2016, 4:22:35 PM
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Have not played many different builds (witch ice nova, templar fire totem and now ranger lightning strike) but all had problems with FPS drops with many mobs around and Lightning Strike is not exception, the more effect on the screen the more drop in FPS. My laptop has 16gb RAM, Geforce 970 3gb, i7-6700HQ @ 2.6GHz and still sometime FPS drops to like 5 or less
Last edited by Vaania#2184 on Jun 9, 2016, 3:57:03 PM
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This build is sick.. I love now that the build in coming to what I want..
Now I am level 51 I can see it brilliant build please keep it update and improve it. Also can you please check my character info and passive and update me please.. Still looking for good Pys dmg weapons but I think I need to get to level 70 to even get descent stuff.. Also please tell me what important gems I can put +20 quality first Lightning Strike is +20 reason why I ask that is currency is hard to get.. Besides doing all of them.. I need an order to do it first important to no to priority. Regards Please respond.. Last edited by mojo8850#3914 on Jun 10, 2016, 11:24:59 PM
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Where do you get your mana from? For some reason I keep running out and I don't see anything about that in the build.
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There's a mana leech node at the bottom of the tree.
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" Hi, your priorities are: 1. Get a 5 link chest so you can take advantage of support gems in your Lightning Strike attack skill. And link together Lightning Strike + Physical Projectile Attack Damage + Multistrike + Physical to Lightning + Weapon Elemental Damage. 2. Get two high Crit / high Physical Damage daggers. At your level, you could get pretty cheap ones with around 180-200 pDPS. 3. If you already take "Far Shot", take what you need for 100% Pierce: Q20 LS gem + "Piercing Shots" passives + "Powerful Precision" from ascendancy. Only after these, take care of anything else. Hope this helps. Regards. |
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" As Sharps03144 stated, I rely on two passives from Spirit Void area on Duelist tree. These gives you a total of 0.8 Attack Damage leeched as Mana and is more than enough for me to avoid any mana issues. Depending on what level you're right now, maybe you need to rely on some Elreon jewellery to reduce the cost of your skills, because at the very beginning you don't do enough damage, which means not enough mana leech for completely replenish your mana pool. |
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@shade3413 & @Vaania:
I buy my desktop more than four years ago. Is an Intel Core i5 2500K with SSD hard drive and a GeForce GTX 560 Ti OC 1024MB GDDR5. To avoid FPS drops, I use max resolution but just avoid using my video quality settings (like Texture Quality) at maximum. I suggest you try change that settings accordingly and see if the FPS performance improve. Is true that Lightning Strike is kinda demanding on GPU, but as Vaania stated, with lots of mobs around, there's quite a lot of skills in POE that are GPU demanding. Right now, I have some fps drops only when near areas with a massive amount of mobs around, like some shrines or strongboxes particularly crowded. |
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" Hi, I made this build after respec a level 90 Ranger I got in Standard League. I tested it a lot in Std and I made this guide after Patch Notes where released for 2.3. So, in general, there's nothing to change for Prophecy. There's just two things that I wasn't able to test (prior 2.3 release): - new "Hinekora's Sight" amulet overall performance - new "Rupture" ascendancy point (massive change from previous "Sharp & Venomous" point) The most important thing is the new Rupture point, because there's quite some possibilities there: - For causing Bleeding effect, we need physical damage anywhere so, there's two options here: a) Change our main attack from 100% elemental damage to mixed damage. b) Using LS Curse on Hit setup (which is 50% physical) not only for spreading the curse but for bleeding effect too. - Also, there's two options concerning the chance to bleed: a) Rely on 25% chance (which is pretty good) from Ascendancy point. b) Having a 100% chance from "Causes Bleeding on Hit" crafted from L7 Vagan. Imo, I choose to stay on 100% elemental main attack and use LS Curse on Hit for spreading bleeding effect. For that, I think is mandatory to have a 100% chance to bleed from a crafted dagger. So, no worries about any major update for 2.3, is just these issues mostly concerning Bleeding Crit Chance/Multi boost from Rupture. |
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So I'm now 82 and clearing Tier 6-10 maps very easy. Made some changes to gear and passives. I'm using Atziris armor and I removed peirce passives because i'm comfortably clearing with 40% pierce chance. With 5 link armor, Blood Rage, Hatred, Herald of Ash, Ice Golem, Ancestral Protector, Atziris flask and Frenzy charges my dps is 76k at the moment I feel thats more than enough, not planning doing any ubers for now.
Also thinking to test Marylene's Fallacy Lapis Amulet, even though i feel a bit squishy. Not using curse setup, more than enough damage for fast clears. |
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