[FORGE] ~ Gamers Forge Exiles ~ (NA/SEA/EU)(discord)(website)(6+ years)(100+ members)(SC/HC/leagues)

Looking for a nice guild to be in, especially a local one, had been alone for 2 years :(
IGN: Lesamu
Last edited by samuel95#4289 on Jan 6, 2017, 8:06:28 PM

I've tried to register on the gamersforge website but my email account can't receive the verification email. Therefore, I'll attempt to apply via here instead.

Your PoE Account Name: Mo0m0o
Your In-Game Name: Spinarooniee
Where do you live / play PoE from? Singapore
Do you play on the SG Gateway? Yes
Do you speak english? Yes
Are you new to PoE or Veteran? Been playing on and off for a few years, but haven't been getting into the endgame content much yet. Highest tier map completed is T12.
Have you killed Shaper / Guardians / Uberlab / Uber Atziri? Nope, but will be looking to do so on this character in breach league.

Cheers, thanks for looking through this.
Your PoE Account Name (yeefahchun)
Your In-Game Name (bigblackdeeek)
Where do you live / play PoE from?(malaysia)
Do you play on the SG Gateway? (yes)
Do you speak english?yes
Are you new to PoE or Veteran? played 2 years ago and stopped for awhile and now im back !
Have you killed Shaper / Guardians / Uberlab / Uber Atziri? not YET but i will trust me x)
Your PoE Account Name (EsotericFlaws)
Your In-Game Name (PizzaDogePizzaDoge + numerous others in the level 60s)
Where do you live / play PoE from?(Singapore)
Do you play on the SG Gateway? (Yes)
Do you speak english?Yes
Are you new to PoE or Veteran? Started the game last month, clocked in about 300 active hours so far
Have you killed Shaper / Guardians / Uberlab / Uber Atziri? I've done UberLab,Xoph/Esh + T15 reds easily.
didnt receive my email confirmation so ill do it here..

Your PoE Account Name metapox
Your In-Game Name xxProxyxx
Where do you live / play PoE from? i live in Philippines
Do you play on the SG Gateway? Yep i play on SG gateway
Do you speak english? Yes
Are you new to PoE or Veteran? Veteran
Have you killed Shaper / Guardians / Uberlab / Uber Atziri? all except shaper, going to try my 2nd attempt soon.
Your PoE Account Name: Quorthoreon
Your In-Game Name: Kumlai
Where do you live / play PoE from?: Thailand.
Do you play on the SG Gateway?: Yes.
Do you speak english? Yes.
Are you new to PoE or Veteran? Created an account years ago, but only recently started playing seriously.
Have you killed Shaper / Guardians / Uberlab / Uber Atziri?: No.

Been playing solo so far...
Hello , I looking for a guild in singapore server.

Your PoE Account Name Bamzyniigata
Your In-Game Name GrosLuc
Where do you live / play PoE from? i live in Japan but I m french
Do you play on the SG Gateway? Yep i play on SG gateway
Do you speak english? Yes
Are you new to PoE or Veteran? Veteran
Have you killed Shaper / Guardians / Uberlab / Uber Atziri? I m only a HC player, so as a HC player , I just killed Uber lab and always died in uber atziri trio.

Nice to meet you
I have posted a reply in Gamers Forge but didn't receive a invitation, so I try my luck here.

Hi, I would want to join!

Your PoE Account Name: dannypcfpoe
Your In-Game Name: Scienzail
Where do you live / play PoE from? Hong Kong
Do you play on the SG Gateway? yes, sure!
Do you speak english? Yes
Are you new to PoE or Veteran? New for a month.
Have you killed Shaper / Guardians / Uberlab / Uber Atziri? no

look forward to see you guys in game! :)
Last edited by dannypcfpoe#5423 on Feb 7, 2017, 8:07:08 PM
Hi, I would want to join!
But I did not receive any e-mail from the website so I post it here.

Your PoE Account Name: PSI-missing
Your In-Game Name: Tretrix
Where do you live / play PoE from? Malaysia
Do you play on the SG Gateway? Yes
Do you speak english? Yes
Are you new to PoE or Veteran? 2 year Veteran migrate from Garena
Have you killed Shaper / Guardians / Uberlab / Uber Atziri? Shaper X / Guardian yes / Uberlab Sometime Farm / Uber Atziri No chance

My Profile: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/PSI-missing/characters

Thank you
Your PoE Account Name maxheng92
Your In-Game Name AlfaFlame
Where do you live / play PoE from? Malaysia
Do you play on the SG Gateway? yes
Do you speak english? yes
Are you new to PoE or Veteran? 150hours playtime in steam
Have you killed Shaper / Guardians / Uberlab / Uber Atziri? nope, dont have a chance yet

looking for a supporting guild to progress further in-game content
Last edited by maxheng92#0365 on Feb 10, 2017, 7:28:11 PM

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