[2.5] Riff Raff v. 2.0 - under 1ex Blade Flurry RT DoT Gladiator
"You should insert your Brute and Force jewel in the socket between Barbarism and Jaggernaut, it gives you 70 INT from conversion + 22-26 from the jewel itself. "By going Champion you'd lose 12% block, all of your spell block, and Gratuitous Violence that is the very core of this build. "Noted, I'll include it in the update that I plan on posting today. [2.4] Riff Raff - under 1ex Reave RT DoT Gladiator: http://poeurl.com/C6q
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With an attribute requirement of 155 INT getting Vulnerability to level 20 can be tricky. While inserted in the socket between Barbarism and Jaggernaut Brute Force Solution can effectively solve this problem. The only requirement is that you need a roll that grants at least 22 INT on its own. With INT not being a pain anymore you can focus on stacking life, physical damage and resistances on your jewelry.
NOTE: If you're level 80+ using the recommended skill tree be aware that respeccing to this alternative skill tree can cost you north of 20 regrets (on top of your remaining respec points from quests!). What this alternative tree has to offer is slightly more melee damage, physical DoT, and 7% more block at the cost oif 4% life, 11% attack speed, and a jewel socket. It's up to you which version you prefer, personally I switched to the alternative tree since it performs better against map bosses.
Adding quality can be obtained by vendoring a level 20 gem with a Gemcutter Prism (GCP), it can add various local bonuses and is most effective on the following gems:
- Reave: 10% increased attack speed; - Multistrike: 10% increased melee physical damage; - Increased Area of Effect: 10% increased area damage; - Whirling Blades: 10% increased attack speed; - Blood Rage: 5% increased attack speed; - Increased Duration: 10% increased skill effect duration; - Enduring Cry: 60% increased area of effect.
Is this build Atziri viable? As reported by tazeko this build is definitely Atziri viable. There's currently no video aviable, but there's a chance that one will be recorded and uploaded at some point in the future.
[2.4] Riff Raff - under 1ex Reave RT DoT Gladiator: http://poeurl.com/C6q
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Hi, what about a new unique Breath of the Council? (Alternative for Singularity or Relentless Fury)
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"10% increased AoE isn't worth the hassle and its chaos damage modifier only buffs your poison. But, if you really like this weapon you can run Breath of the Council with Voidheart and then Eearthquake + Increased AoE + Rapid Decay + Less Duration linked in BoR. You'd use RRR Prismatic Eclipse in your offhand that you could potentially corrupt for 3% implicit block. But, it'd require extensive changes to the tree and would be much more expensive than this spec. [2.4] Riff Raff - under 1ex Reave RT DoT Gladiator: http://poeurl.com/C6q Last edited by Weißenberg#1537 on Jun 13, 2016, 2:18:18 PM
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Hi mate, love the build so far.
ATM iam leveling and have all the items needed. Just a question, for jewels, what's the focus there? You are awesome :D ! |
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Loving this build so far, currently level 80
I only need to cap my cold resist. Once I get the jewelry socket on juggernaut and barbarism, I'll put the Brute Force jewel so I can replace my gear with better resistance or I can then remove the crafted intelligence on my boots and craft cold resistance. Any suggestions on how I can improve this? Edit: Lol I just notice that my ruby ring sucks.. Last edited by silentkarl#7721 on Jun 13, 2016, 8:14:16 PM
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" Really enjoying this build, thanks for the guide! A few suggestions, though. 1 - Make the video guide. Or link the old one. Some players (like me) may be playing wrong, and a video guide shows exactly how the build is meant to be played optimally. 2 - Edit your OP post with the additional info you provided on Page 7. Players who come check this guide out may not go through all the posts, so all the most important info should in the OP. Once again, thanks for the guide, gonna keep pushing for higher level content! |
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"Thanks! When it comes to jewels I'd recommend getting life and any possible combination of damage (physical damage, physical while dual wielding, physical with claws, one handed weapons, generic increased dmage, area damage). "1. I actually started putting various video pieces together before the launch, but unfortunately I haven't had enough time to finish it. 2. Thanks for a reminder, I should've done it when I posted the update. [2.4] Riff Raff - under 1ex Reave RT DoT Gladiator: http://poeurl.com/C6q Last edited by Weißenberg#1537 on Jun 14, 2016, 9:37:10 AM
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So first, a little back story.
I've been playing for roughly 3 years. A reave toon was my second toon I ever made. Yeah, my first? Dual wield dagger flicker striker (YAY IT FINALLY WORKS!!!!). Anyway, my reave toon never quite worked the way I wanted it to. It's been just sitting at level 67 and un-Ascended for basically almost all those years that I've played. Now, I am by no means poor. I have 6 links and more uniques than you can shake a stick at to throw at builds. Every single time that there has been a free respec, I have attempted a different reave build. I've tried the crit builds, off the wall left fielders...all of them really. None of them ever felt like it should...or how I thought a reave build should. I tried one last reave build with the respec before Perandus. Didn't like it at all, so there my duelist sat, again. The only one of 15 toons that I run that was not geared, not playable, and not Ascended. So, during Perandus, I saw this build and bookmarked it. It looked a bit "different" than the rest. I made sure to get a Rive during Perandus, since everything in that League was cheap (Hell, I brought 10 stash tabs worth of great gear back from that League...best League ever!). I was also lucky enough to find a BoR in Perandus, and I think I bought a Singularity for like an Alch (Actually, I think I bought like 5-6 of em, cause that aura effect under your toon is just kicks ass!) Here's to hoping that one day you can skin it and have that aura transfer. Anyway, then the waiting began for the League to end. I have to say, it was well worth the wait. This build may use "cheap" gear. So what, the build works. It works really well. Everything that is supposed to work, just does, without any crazy leaps of mechanics or insane gems, or gear that would break most people's banks. Do I care that it can't do tier 15 twinned Core, hell no. Fun is fun. This is one of those rare builds that is really easy to gear, really easy to play, and just a kick ass time to play. Just try it, it may not be the build for you, but it is for me. I was goofing off doing Dried Lake runs with it, and went from 67 (Yes, even before I could use the Rive...I was using a rare sword and reave) to 77 in about 3/4 hours. After I hit 70, the Rive just made the build jump up in fun....everything gets nuked (Not one shot mind you....but nuked none the less). Finally, a Reave build that just works, is fun to play, and makes you want to keep playing it! Thanks for the great build! I finally have my Reave toon, after 3 years of waiting. :) "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!" |
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Having a great time with this build in prophecy so far.
Made a few changes to suit my personal playstyle; - Replaced Fortify in the BoR-Reave 4L with Knockback - Linked Fortify to Whirling Blades group as a 4L and - Dropped BM from the Enduring Cry 4L to a 3L with EC-ID-Inc AoE to accommodate the WB 4L. I was doing fine before adding Knockback, but reave hit's so fast that even a ~42% chance to KB (Lvl 18 gem) is pushing most things away and keeping most stuff from closing to melee range. I pretty much just WB into the pack to get Fortify and then Reave to keep stuff from getting too close. Just adding my thanks for a fun build. |
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