Sky Goddess of the Vortex -- BV CI -- TWIN CORE CLEARED.

Fhark wrote:
Yeah i saw that still gg gear, the ttdps seems really good since ive seen what 24000 ttdps does with poison and a redbeak on low life:D

More like GG saving >_<. Took an eternity to hit the main four components (skyforth, shield, chest, helmet). It was a bit easier cruising after that until I realized I needed Enlighten 4, then scampered a ton of currency together.
IlyaK1986 wrote:
Casia wrote:
Fhark wrote:
I certainly think ci seems better for temp leagues etc hope bv pathfinder doesnt get hit to hard by the nerf hammer.
I don't understand why everyone isn't playing pathfinder. I have a very hard time playing anything else anymore.

They had better not nerf Pathfinder. It's already an unpopular class as it stands, viable with only one real spell (blade vortex). CoC is going to get nerf-smashed at some point, since A) it freezes party play and B) it's just obnoxious how easily trickster abuses it.

And here's the thing about Blade Vortex: it needs an obscene amount of wealth to scale.

The problem with Pathfinder is that IMO, she's the most expensive ascendancy class to build for, since she's all about Blade Vortex scaling, and that can go to the moon.

honestly, I don't even think that is true.
Pathfinder is crazy good, right from the get go. And with everything, not just blade vortex. I have no idea why you think pathfinder is only good with blade vortex.
It does start out small, with move speed/attack speed and some flask effect/duration at level 33-40 and first laby. But honestly, as any runner knows, move speed is cash money.
Cruel laby gets you free surgeons and staunching, more duration/effect. allowing you to reroll all your flasks.
Effect and duration are making your quicksilvers faster, and longer. and same with all else.

With the addition of Silver flasks, basalts, stibnite, sulfur, jade, and quartz, honestly, the power of pathfinder starts sooner, then later.
Yes, it just gets stupid with rumis, promise, taste of hate, and/or vinktars. But it doesn't need them to be best.

the extra offense and defense from even those lesser utility flasks is phenomenal. you can run extra effect, or +armor or +ev while active, or extra cleansing.

Merc gets you master bowyer, or herbalist, as you do for this. bowyers extra damage, and elem pen is crazy for pretty much every elem or phys build. and of course herbalist for any chaos/phys.
Casia wrote:

honestly, I don't even think that is true.
Pathfinder is crazy good, right from the get go. And with everything, not just blade vortex. I have no idea why you think pathfinder is only good with blade vortex.
It does start out small, with move speed/attack speed and some flask effect/duration at level 33-40 and first laby. But honestly, as any runner knows, move speed is cash money.
Cruel laby gets you free surgeons and staunching, more duration/effect. allowing you to reroll all your flasks.
Effect and duration are making your quicksilvers faster, and longer. and same with all else.

With the addition of Silver flasks, basalts, stibnite, sulfur, jade, and quartz, honestly, the power of pathfinder starts sooner, then later.
Yes, it just gets stupid with rumis, promise, taste of hate, and/or vinktars. But it doesn't need them to be best.

the extra offense and defense from even those lesser utility flasks is phenomenal. you can run extra effect, or +armor or +ev while active, or extra cleansing.

Merc gets you master bowyer, or herbalist, as you do for this. bowyers extra damage, and elem pen is crazy for pretty much every elem or phys build. and of course herbalist for any chaos/phys.

Pathfinder is good in a bubble, in that yes, you get some nifty flask effects for starter flasks like quicksilver or whatever. But the opportunity costs of missing out on an Occultist's raw stats, an assassin's or Scion's easymode damage, or a champion's free defense only start paying off once you get to the unique flasks, which, when you can sustain them, things indeed start getting a bit silly.

Also, added a death and taxes video. The projectile trash mobs are more threatening than the actual boss.
Last edited by IlyaK1986#4225 on May 9, 2016, 10:21:15 AM
Added a Shrine Piety kill video. 8 mod 5 seconds.
Though I didn't record it, just wanted to let you know, I just full-cleared Hall of Grandmasters with this build.

Hall of Grandmasters setup:

BV - Echo - increased duration - increased crits - inc aoe/conc - reduced block


Frost bomb. Because Dyness is a god and is far harder than any other fight in the hall (harder than any other 5 and dare I say 10 combined).

Died twice, once to Dyness when I was using frost bomb on switch instead of putting down vaal clarity, and another time that I didn't go after an archer soon enough.

But yeah, Hall of Grandmasters is overall pretty easy EXCEPT for Dyness (he's such a beast) with this build.

Luckily, even if everyone ascended, it wouldn't be too much more difficult (I *think*...only thing I can imagine really stumping this build if not Dyness is a lucky crit from an inquisitor, unless there's some flicker assassin/trickster build with a mirrored katana and reduced block that just oneshots anything), since an ES regen tank might be best with an occultist, but I'm not sure occultist would really add a ton of power to the build.

Aegis builds are only slightly annoying in that you have to use conc effect for them. Dyness mandates conc effect + frost bomb, and even then, it takes the full build to fight him. Fair enough as it stands considering the cost of his build.

I suppose next try is going to be a deathless clear.

But yeah, HUGE thanks to Dyness for making it a memorable experience.

One other edit:


Seriously, I'd love to fight an ascended Dyness.
Last edited by IlyaK1986#4225 on May 13, 2016, 6:38:39 PM
New update:


I wonder how hard twinned daresso is compared to Core...
Why do you choose to use splendor instead of a tri res chest & diamond rings? Is it only for the mana on kill in no regen maps? Surely the leech from vinktars is enough? (I'm currently playing ur build with splendor, I'm just thinking is it really worth it?) I've not had any problems in any -max & ele weakness maps, even with -60% fire res, but I'm really questioning this splendor choice sometimes. Could you give a detailed answer if possible, cheers.

EDIT: Colosseum and Abyss are complete jokes compared to Core, to answer your question.
Last edited by Jimmybizzle#6168 on May 22, 2016, 8:23:09 PM
Jimmybizzle wrote:
Why do you choose to use splendor instead of a tri res chest & diamond rings? Is it only for the mana on kill in no regen maps? Surely the leech from vinktars is enough? (I'm currently playing ur build with splendor, I'm just thinking is it really worth it?) I've not had any problems in any -max & ele weakness maps, even with -60% fire res, but I'm really questioning this splendor choice sometimes. Could you give a detailed answer if possible, cheers.

EDIT: Colosseum and Abyss are complete jokes compared to Core, to answer your question.

1) Resists. +23 all res was very important for ele weakness capping, and moving beyond that would have exponentially raised prices.

2) Coloring. Very easy to recolor for a hall of grandmasters clear for reduced block (fucking aegis tanks).

3) Affordability. Simply, once you get past an ES splendor, things start to get obscenely expensive very quickly.

4) Mana on kill is VERY nice in no regen maps.

5) That said, an amazing vaal regalia with better resists will certainly be recommended above it, it's just what I could afford.
Thanks for the clarification, you should probably put that in the OP!
Welp, twin core cleared. Three deaths, one to my comp freezing up, one to standing on the spawn point in beginning, and one to just panicking like a moron instead of hitting vaal discipline. Garbage run, but I'm certain a better player can do it far better than I did.

So let's see...

Hall of Grandmasters, cleared. Twinned Daresso, down. Twinned Core, down.

Not hardcore, I know, but sometimes, the build is willing, the player is weak >_<.

GG, Perandus.

Will most likely run a similar build next league if I can get the patience to farm all the gear up again.

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