Labyrinth Ladder Times seem to be acting strange after 2.2.2c
Yesterday, I was streaming my labyrinth runs and something strange happened. After not looking at the ladder for 3 runs, I suddenly noticed that my best time was showing as 2 minutes and 30 seconds on the website. I've been using LiveSplit to time my Labyrinth runs, so I was confused about that time because the best time I had on my timer was 2 minutes and 55 seconds. I've never been off on my timer for labyrinth by more than a second or two before, but suddenly I was off by around 25 seconds. At first, I thought that maybe the ladder was modified in the patch that had just been released to make it more fair and not include load times or something. Then I realized that in one of my runs, I had a few major lag spikes where I was frozen for a few seconds at a time. I figured that maybe something messed up on the servers, so I didn't think much of it and considered myself lucky because it would have taken me a ridiculous number of hours to get a perfect run which might not have even beaten 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
After noticing the time difference, I did a labyrinth run on a different character and I was off in my timer by about 2 seconds from the ladder on the website (mostly because I stopped it a bit late after I killed the final Izaro). I thought that this pretty much confirmed that I experienced a rare bug with lag spikes and labyrinth times, so I thought that this was the end of it. Fast forward to today, and the same thing happened again, but without any lag spikes. The best run I completed was 2:54 after a handful of runs, but the ladder is currently showing my best run as 2:28 on Merciless Perandus Softcore. I'm not certain if this is a bug or not, but it smells like one to me, especially when my timer hasn't been off by more than a few seconds before 2.2.2c. VODS: When I first realized that my time on the website was off from my own timer: The laggy run that I mentioned: Test run I did on another character to see if my timer matched with the lab ladder timer: VOD of all my runs on today's ladder. I noticed that the time from my timer was way off from the one on the website at 31m10s: EDIT: I decided to start streaming runs with my time on the website's ladder displayed at the top of my stream, and I finally recorded a run where my final time was 2:26, but it came up as 1:59 on the website. It's strange, because I always seem to be off by about 25 seconds. I checked the VOD to see how much time I spent on load screens, and it roughly added up to about 18 seconds. That's somewhat close to the difference between my timer and the time on the website, but sometimes the time on the website decides to be the same time as my timer, so I'm just confused. VOD of the run where I got 2:26, but it came up as 1:59 on the website: Last edited by PAJAMAMONSTER#7574 on May 31, 2016, 11:58:21 PM Last bumped on Jun 2, 2016, 5:55:24 PM
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I also use LiveSplit and ran quite a few runs yesterday, and all of my runs matched my timer almost exactly. I timed a 2:55 run of my own that recorded accurately on the website as 2:55 and then gave up because I judged that it was impossible to get a 2:30 time without some sort of exploit that I was unaware of. I guess this is what it was (a bug.)
I went through your stream footage to see if your runs were different in any way from my runs (as we have completely identical builds, it's pretty easy to compare), and they are to my knowledge completely the same. I might as well be watching myself run, there is nothing that happens that stands out as something that would cause this bug. You tend to spend much, much longer in the ascendant room after the run than I do, but I highly doubt that would affect anything. I only just started running again today, so this is my first time seeing it. This bug has never happened to me before with exactly the same build and relative times (or maybe I'm faster? :p) Did you check your time after each run today to see exactly which one got the crazy time, or at least have some idea of the timeframe it could have happened (like maybe somewhere in your last few runs?) Maybe all of your runs are getting boosted times by a certain amount, can you try beating your current (actual) record for today and see if your boosted record improves accordingly? |
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I did get in a few runs, both today and yesterday, that had the same times on the ladder as my timer did before getting the weird times. I didn't do too many runs yesterday, but my best time was 2:50, so it would've been pretty hard (if not impossible) to beat 2:30, but today I've only done 6 runs and my best run was 2:35, so I could try to push for a better time to see if it's recorded correctly.
I've only been checking the ladder every 2-3 runs recently, so I don't know exactly which runs got those times, but I'll be checking the ladder after every run from now on to see which runs give me those weird times. Last edited by PAJAMAMONSTER#7574 on May 4, 2016, 12:47:19 AM
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i also belive something is messed up
IGN : Sir_Big
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stopped racing because of this bug Ign:ColdRage
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I can vouch for this issue as well
It doesn't always happen, but when it does you DEFINITELY notice Some of my past lab times were definitely been shortened by this (I'm not 100% sure if it has ever made them longer), and I think at least once it gave me a 1st place time when it shouldn't have. The recent 1:40 time in the hardcore merciless race ladder (which would have been impossible with even ten quadrillion % increased attack speed) was definitely due to this, although I'm not exactly upset about that one because the time was so comically abnormal that I had a good laugh over it. Last edited by Fightgarr#3134 on May 29, 2016, 12:22:31 AM
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Today the very same person has a time of 1:47 in standard cruel. That begs the question whether it is "only" a random bug, which would be bad enough, or it can be deliberately exploited.
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Last edited by Obumbro#4998 on Jun 24, 2016, 12:22:24 PM
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In the current reddit thread about it someone suggested:
"GGG is using logs to parse the time of the run - Each instance can be run on separate server. Which means that if they are calculating SUM of each zone - IF for some reason the WebService wont respond with time from given server - The overall time would be smaller." (link) Did you, Obumbro, happen to notice connectivity or ping problems with the server you usually play on when those times got messed up? Last edited by aRTy42#1524 on May 29, 2016, 7:50:09 PM
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