|||||| [2.5.2d] The Endless Retch (Updated 1/29 w/Temp League Guide!) ||||||

I used this idea with terminus est flicker strike. Got pretty good results
do we really need primal spirit node in our tree? it gives flask charges gained, not even duration, cant we take path with 8% hp and movement speed?
ballistix wrote:
I used this idea with terminus est flicker strike. Got pretty good results

thats neat. it seems like the core mechanic is still useful, but we need to find new ways to apply it. i'm not a personal fan of flicker strike but grats on finding a way to use this. I've been trying to think of a few ways to salvage this myself, and would appreciate any thoughts/input on the following.

doryani's fist w/ wereclaw talisman giving crit chance to unarmed, spec into claw and crit nodes, possible links- Cyclone/CoC/(shock nova or any lightning spell)/added lightning/crit chance/ 6th link determined by lighning spell (seen a forum post on this in the past, but lost it since. it claimed amazing clearspeed, but didnt show any vids.)

kinetic blast build? would have to path through ranger, and forego the typical ES meta... however would be very effective way to apply the synergy of this build. probably doable, especially if using temp league gear/non-legacy vinktar, you go up to get vaal pact anyway, so possibly more efficient. also considering the recent phys>ele conversions in ranger area, could be good to take those.

lightning arrow or a bow skill might also be doable, considering most of those builds typically path from ranger to duelist areas anyway, just do it backwards? losing out on the movespeed/phasing of raider, and dont get pierce/chain of deadeye, but still have perma-onslaught+bleed immunity+overkill leech. kinda squishy tho iirc, most of those builds depend on not getting hit, and while that might work for this, it's not as effective against upper content.
1 shot from any boss build. 5700 hp at 72. All items same. All hp nodes taken. All +7% hp stones also. 1 shot- ! shot - 1 shot pain.. lost exp useless.
Seems interesting.

How do you sustain the mana in the temp-league build?
I do not see any node nor enchanct/stat for mana leech.
That moment when you realize the build videos are from the past pre-aoe nerfs + legacy vinktars which gives vaal pact + legacy kaoms..

please update your guide with updated videos and showcasing - not standard gear.

Wow... i made the build and the aoe is sooo much smaller after the nerfs.. like a solid 30% smaller

And they added diminishing returns so its not even worth grabbing all the aoe on the tree... rip build

(also requires legacy gear apparently)
AlesNoxG wrote:
1 shot from any boss build. 5700 hp at 72. All items same. All hp nodes taken. All +7% hp stones also. 1 shot- ! shot - 1 shot pain.. lost exp useless.


I think this build is still powerfull this League although AOE nerf. With 6k2 life, i can do almost map mods, hard bosses

We need use right flask depend on map mods or bosses

2 Vessel, Immune Shock Quicksilver (must have), ToH all the time

against add fire mods or fire damage bosses
against physic bosses
Trail or Lab

My Item

Finally, I change a bit passive tree when AOE nerf

when update for 2.6 ?
xhizors93 wrote:
when update for 2.6 ?

no need for an update, basically no changes, you could specc out of some aoe nodes, pick up more life, but even at a high investment this build feels bad, since the aoe died.

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