|||||| [2.5.2d] The Endless Retch (Updated 1/29 w/Temp League Guide!) ||||||
great guide!
Is there another chance to make use of retch leech instead of Slayer passive? |
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" Thanks! I recommend trying this Cyclone build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1302337 It is (fairly) inexpensive, and pretty straight forward. The Endless Retch: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1655814 Last edited by Dakoos#4239 on Aug 1, 2016, 9:07:02 PM
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" Thanks for taking the time to read the guide! Without Endless Hunger, the "200% of Life Leech applies to enemies as Chaos Damage" modifier is basically wasted. It is still a decent belt without that stat, but certainly nothing to create a build around. You might be able to combine The Retch with Scold's Bridle to always keep yourself beneath max life, but I have not tested this. The Endless Retch: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1655814
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Great build, couldn't remember it and tried to rebuild it myself
Didn't come out the same way cause I don't really like Kaom's but whatever. Just wanted to let you know something I saw from Mathil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf6U6Y_WmIk Around 10:00 he shows that Inc. AoE does NOT work with the "Impact" Slayer Passive you use. ("The attack skill isn't classified as Area any more.") Personally I like Brutal Fervor too much anyways ;) “Losing a limb is no excuse for cowardice.” - Master Sollis, "Blood Song"
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" In Mathil's video, he is showing that the melee splash portion of Impact is not modified by the Increased Area of Effect gem. I'm not using that gem in my build. The +% to aoe skills from Impact does work with all gems that have the AoE tag. The Endless Retch: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1655814 Last edited by Dakoos#4239 on Aug 2, 2016, 7:46:49 PM
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I ASK APOLOGIZE TO ALL PEOPLE THAT WILL READ THIS, FORGIVE ME OR IGNORE ME PLEASE, just understand that i registered again only to speak with people that know how to answer and my stupid questions so to all others that dislike my stupidity i ask apologize. ::::::::::::::::::: Hello, imagine that i have quitted PoE long time ago, But i was watching almost everyday new videos from Fyndel\ Mathil and other good content streamers with god-like build... not the stupid streamers self-founders... i was so much interessed to make a similar build of Fyndel his 2.3 4minute Spark Hall of grandmaster i was so much happy. BUT THEN.... i fa**ing see your amazing videos! 0_0 my god. Also imagine that i was out from the scenes of PoE so lot of mechanics are completly new to me. so i had to study deeply inside everything :::::::::::::::::::::: After my previous stupid dialogue xd, i have finally some questions for you, my friend. NOTICE THAT i m really outside from PoE scenes from years, so forgive me if my questions will be extremly boring and stupid -1) Why are u using just 1 jewel WARLORD'S Crimson isnt one of the core mechanics the increase of AoE of your cyclone? so please teach me why just 1 of those "+1 range" jewel -2) Why with your insane godlike clear speed your not using the jewel that act like an "headhunter" belt with its "copy rare mob MODS" ? i mean with this sh*t you could become the best gorge speed clearer in the entire server. -3) your moving really like a god , while mapping, so my question is why using a kaom hearth, instead something that buff even more your speed\ your damage \ your fun ? really no alternative to this kaom ? -4) i m sorry to ask this even more stupid question But... why inside your rings you dont have any FLAT physical damage? this question comes out from your 6L axe u have from phys to light gem... i mean , i tried to study a lot what u wrote about your build but i still cant figure out, why u dont need physical damage (i know this may destroy your brain , cos i read everything 5 times, and i know that u do not need those flat phys, but..maybe?) -5) similar to previous question from what i learned from you, u need lightning damage right? so why not adding those mods inside your rings too? flat lightning damage ? -6) what about your gloves , really no way out to replace with something that boost the movement even farther or even boosting your dps ? -7) what about your boots, same question -8) i can only understand that the RETCH BELT 200% life leech applies as chaos damage bla bla bla... So why u dont use multiples copy of "Vessels of Vinktar" ? ----> this question is lot stupid cos at 99.99% effects doesnt stuck am i right? :::::::::::::::::: i m gonna download again PoE after 2 years just to play this build i saw since PoE was born Each different approach about CYCLONE BUILD , excluding the CoC build i mean The facebreaker build and all other type of non-coc build applied to cyclone. i played a lot , and achieved 150k dps natural with cyclone facebreaker BUT NOTHING IS COMPARED TO THE INSANE GOD-LIKE SPEED FUN of your build i remeber that u had to move inside each single enemy to hit with previous build (i am speaking of 1\2 years old ...xd not even jewels where implemented yet hahaha) :::::::::::::::::: Out side questions -1)your rare jewels how much are they are to obtain? i really donno anything about those jewels crafting i mean in terms of exalted how much are expensive your rare jewels -2)how can u enchant your gloves\boots\helmet i read that u had to run something like an "uber lab" i saw all videos but nothing about a list of bonus, and how can u select the bonus u want its random? or u have a list ? but u can select a bonus each uber lab u finish?or u need keys or sh*t like that? -3)approximative your build how much exalted worths gems included? |
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Hi i got some question for you if you dont minde, im geting horibly confused.
Mainly in my testing with Retch on my renger im geting data that sims to not be consistent with what i read on wiki and similar topic. Wiki say the chaos damage is based on leech, it does not worck if you are full on life, its instant if you have VP and if you have slayer node it will worck all the time. I consistantly notice that monsterd take DoT even when im on full life and ES and i do not see difrance on DoT when im not on full life. Tested with my BloodyElff character with Vitality Void passive, default attack, TS and Cople of things i wish to know: Does "% of max life" and "increased leech per sec" effect Retch? I have read on wiki that damage with Retch is mach higher if you dont use VP becouse of mods that modify leech, it refers to total DoT damage. Does DoT from the Retch stack? Besicly if you dont have VP how does it worck? Help is mach apriciated. Last edited by nEVER_BoRN#3512 on Aug 28, 2016, 10:07:24 PM
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" 1) This gem is unique. Can only equip one. 2) It's certainly an option. I decided against it because, but you could easily substitute that for one of the rare jewels. 3) Kaom's is too OP for life based builds that don't need a second 6L. You can try Carcass Jack, but Kaom's is best all around IMO. You'll be a lot squishier, which is not good for new T16 maps. 4) Flat phys damage on rings would be nice. They are hard to find. You're right, flat phys damage is very good for this build. 5) Flat lightning damage is OK, but flat phys is better due to double dipping from conversion. 6) Rare gloves are best for this build. Need the life/res. 7) Rare boots are best for this build. Need the life/res. 8) I tried this. Multiple Vinktars, even if they are different types, don't stack when it comes to lightning leech. 9) Most of my jewels cost anywhere from 1 to 5 exa. 10) The Labyrinth (and Uber Labyrinth) came out in a recent expansion. It's basically a puzzle with death traps everywhere. Complete it and you get to enchant one piece of gear. It's random. One per completion. 11) Hard to say. Maybe 350ex? The Endless Retch: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1655814 Last edited by Dakoos#4239 on Aug 28, 2016, 10:17:51 PM
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" - Assuming you do not have the Slayer's Headsman node, the amount of damage done by The Retch is equal to EXACTLY the amount of life leeched during an attack/spell. For example, if you have 4000/5000 life then leech to full from an attack, The Retch will deal 2,000 chaos damage. If you have Vaal Pact of Legacy Vinktar's, this damage will be instant. Otherwise it will be a DoT. - If you DO have the Slayer's Headsman node, the amount of damage done by The Retch is equal to the full amount of life you would have leeched from all attacks, regardless of your current life. So if you have 10% life leech and you deal 100,000 in a hit, The Retch does 10,000 damage. - Leeching modifiers such as "% of max life" and "leech per sec" increase damage from The Retch only if the leech is not instant. If your leech is instant, they do nothing. IMO instant leech is vastly superior mainly due to Leech Duration. This build leeches so much life that much of the damage would eventually expire and not be leeched due to slow leech duration. If you could get this value high enough, maybe it would work. I am not sure if the DoT from The Retch stacks. I've never tested. The Endless Retch: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1655814
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" Thanks for your help. I have read on this topic and refreshed what i know of leech so i think i know how damage worck now for most part. Problem tho remain, in practical testing i notice my renger with default attack can cause DoT with retch even on full life and damage difrance when not on full life i can not see honesly. This is not consistent with information we are given and it rise question if its a bug or things got changed or pehaps not entirely explained. I will trie to test this when i ascend my Slayer. Last edited by nEVER_BoRN#3512 on Aug 29, 2016, 8:27:25 AM
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