[2.2 PHC] Ruz's mana guardian support *very ugly looking character*

- I'm not Ruz; this is Ruz:

- [2.4] The guide has not been updated for 2.4; please refer to ruzga's account (above) to find the modern version of the build that uses the same concepts outlined in this guide (the build he's running uses a Solaris Lorica for red maps because he's so cheap, but it works fine).
- This is not a racing build.
- This is a support build, so that means this build does no dps and cannot kill monsters on its own.
- Don't level through any of the difficulties (normal, cruel, or merciless) with the end-game passive tree.
- This build neglects high level auras, curses, and skill effect duration (for vaal skills); those things are there, but they're not as strong as possible.
- Be prepared to use Regret Orbs to respec into the final build.
- The biggest downside of this build is how horrible templar looks in a Shavronne's Wrappings.

This Guardian support build specializes very heavily in abusing 1 mechanic and that is the Guardian Ascendancy node Radiant Faith ("... Grants maximum energy Shield equal to 15% of your Reserved Mana to you and nearby Allies"). Therefore, this build works best supporting energy shield (es) based characters whether they're chaos inoculation (CI), low life (LL), or hybrid.

The build is currently alive in Perandus Hardcore at level 92. The current maximum mana is 10,008 (screen shot: http://i.imgur.com/sjeP3ow.png). With 630 unreserved, the energy shield conversion from Radiant Faith converts the 9378 reserved mana into about 1407 flat energy shield. To put that into perspective, a level 20 discipline aura gives 303 energy shield; the 1407 es aura from Radiant Faith is equivalent to about 4 and a half level 20 disciplines.

The auras this build provides are Purity of Fire, Ice, and Lighting, Grace, Haste, Discipline, Clarity. Some optional choices include Vaal Haste, Vaal Discipline, Vaal Clarity, Vaal Grace, Wrath, Anger, Determination, and Arctic Armor.

This build uses the Conduit keystone and Enduring Cry to provide the party with endurance charges.

This build can use the Elemental Equilibrium keystone to lower enemy resists.

The primary movement skill on this build is whirling blades.

This build can run any tier map. The only map mod that cannot be run is blood magic. I would not recommend running minus max either just because it's unsafe.

Zeno's reaction to this build (1m:3s): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjU_y3w9qcw

Guardian Ascendancy nodes (in order of importance):
Node descriptions found here http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Guardian
1. Radiant Faith
2. Prayer of Glory
3. Unwavering Faith
(4. Harmony of Purpose - if you don't think Unwavering Faith is any good, you can get this one or one of the others instead.)

Passive Tree and variations
Every node in these trees are intentional; some nodes may appear to have been skipped, for example Constitution in the Scion life wheel, but that was on purpose because the unique jewel Healthy Mind does not reach that node.

Primary passive tree - Full mana support
Comments: Lots of mana = lots of es. Even though there is not a lot of % energy shield on the tree, the build still has 9380 es (seen in the screen shot in the intro) due to having a lot of flat es.

Variation 1 - some curse effectiveness
Comments: Variations like this are based on your preference. If you want to drop some less important nodes like weaker mana nodes and skill effect duration for some curse effectiveness nodes, go ahead.

Variation 2 - completely wild idea; CI mana tank
Comments: This idea is just crazy. This build gets only 3 auras, Purity of Lightning, Fire, and Ice, but I expect this version to have a ton of es. I won't elaborate on this hipster idea any further because there are too many differences to consider (no shavs, no prism guardian, etc.).

This build gets 7 jewel sockets. 6 of the sockets use Healthy Mind http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Healthy_Mind
The last socket (in between shadow and ranger i.e. around vaal pact) uses Conqueror's Efficiency http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Conqueror%27s_Efficiency
The Healthy Minds are optional but highly recommended. The Conqueror's Efficiency is necessary.

Bandit Rewards
Normal - Help Alira (60 Mana)
Cruel - Kill all (passive point)
Merciless - Kill all (passive point)

Auras and variations
(Primary) 2x Blasphemy version
Comments: This is the current live version. The 2 blasphemies are there mainly for protection. It doesn't matter which of the 3 purities are supported by the blood magic gem. The minimum level for the blood magic gem is 18.

No blasphemy
Comments: If you want to run a dps aura on generosity and use curse on hit for cursing, then here's a variation for you.

Comments: It's pretty weird that an low life character has such low es on gear, but the mana rolls obviously have an enormous impact on the build's es (*see screen shot in intro). Noting the low es rolls, this gear can definitely be improved upon.
Whirling blades requires a dagger, claw, or one handed sword, so any of these with mana and attack speed (to go faster) will work.

Anything works; pick your favorite setup.

Miscellaneous section

Alpha's Howl
Mindspiral was chosen over Alpha's Howl in the live version because the flat mana on Mindspiral translated to about 800 maximum mana which converts to about 120 flat mana through Radiant Faith.
There are however very strong arguments in favor of Alpha's Howl. I won't cover all of them, but 1 example is the possibility of level 23 purities with an Alpha's Howl. Level 23 purities grant +5 maximum resistances so therefore 60% aura effectiveness is needed on the passive tree for an additional +3 maximum resistances. This can be achieved by filling out templar's Sovereignty aura wheel like so, http://poeurl.com/CvD , and using 1 Conquer's Potency unique jewel (http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Conqueror%27s_Potency).

Ruzga - for going out on a limb and being the first to try this untested build
Ruz is also looking for a hot girlfriend, so if any hot girls are impressed by this build, let him know.

PressStartToPaws - made the original version of this shitty support tree with no skill effect duration and curse effectiveness; we stuck with it, and I guess it kinda works in the end. Keepo

Captain Cutter Spaulding - for boosting Ruz because Ruz kept dying due to non-build-related issues.
Last edited by EnemyCrab on Oct 20, 2016, 11:02:22 PM
Last bumped on Dec 30, 2016, 1:10:23 PM
Last edited by ruzga on Oct 12, 2017, 4:16:01 PM
10/10 would gasp at my ES again.

Nice guide.
Tested at Low(80) Level and enjoying it. +1 Good job!
Very nice build.
If partying with ES builds, they will love you so much.

And those mana gear are relatively cheap as well.
Last edited by solidghost on May 6, 2016, 8:49:26 PM
Thoughts on swapping out Heathly Mind jewels for the new Grand Spectrum mana jewels?

Last edited by Fettfahrer on May 31, 2016, 8:42:43 PM
Last edited by ruzga on Oct 12, 2017, 4:16:12 PM
Darkee vs vs Emily Grey (Guardian support)

Zizaran vs Emily Grey (Guardian support)
Last edited by ruzga on Jun 19, 2016, 1:59:22 PM
Last edited by ruzga on Oct 12, 2017, 4:15:18 PM

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