The Dancing Dervish - An Insight into the Design Process

Another troll sword
it might be a nice skin transfer - sadly the picture in the OP shows the character without Herald of Ash so we might never see it as the flames obscure pretty much all character details anyway

as for the build enabling - sure. it enables 'windup facebreakers' :) when you have to kill some stuff before your main damage setup kicks in

im slightly sceptical, true. but the issue is not the power of the item nor it is the mechanics. it is the Minion AD (artificial dumbness). And the 'negative feedback loop' this might have - the better the sword kills the less control player has over the engagements. with less control you might end up randomly changing clear directions etc ("why chase after the group of mobs if the sword is going there already.. lets go dif.. oh damn it went somewhere else") + Minion AD attacks whatever you attack.. or curse with CwDT or use Reckoning..

i like the theme, like the art (however noone will ever see it in this form due to GFX vomit this game turned into) but ideas and mechanics like these are for other games. slower, more tactical. POE is a speed run bonanza and this from the get go does not really fit there. it might be powerful, might have great synergy with Bloodlust (for the first time) or Poison or whatever but as long as the pure Reave/IB build does the job twice as fast noone will care
Kroughfire wrote:
Koheleth wrote:
Have you tested this build in your crazy tier 15 maps? Worried about dying all the time with no shield and just facebreakers on...

Not all uniques have to be totally endgame viable. They can be fun and good for T8-10 and not quite enough for T14-15 and still be worthwhile.

True, yet tier 8 is a character that is lvl 80...If you look at the stats for these last leagues you will see players hitting 80 in a day or two. the grind does not begin until 86+ with endgame coming once your past 90 and doing harder maps.

Why would anyone play a build that is going to only be able to run tier 8 maps?
tretterag wrote:
So Rhys is the reason that so many terrible uniques are created. Now at least we know. Two bad swords in a row? Why not go for the third as well.

Let me go into some more detail of why this idea can never be good.

First, you need to specialize in damage of some sort which would allow you to kill fast enough with this low tier sword (level 59 base, low crit, low aps) to achieve rampage, at which point any sword specific nodes would become useless as it unequips itself.

Second, you need to specialize in nodes which apply to generic melee damage, except most of them are tied to some other effect such as requiring using a shield, or dual wielding, etc, which you cannot do. This severely limits the damage you can do personally.

Third, to have any hope of this thing doing decent damage (unless they are generous with numbers. they are never generous with numbers) you need minion nodes to increase its damage.

The combination of these three things is impossible on a 113 point build.

Does it sound cool? Sure. But reality makes it unusable. The only way this could ever see any use is if the animated weapon does absurd damage. Hypothetically, lets say it one shots anything it hits. Would it still be as overpowered as any current build? Would it even be usable to kill any bosses with stages? Would the clearspeed of the likely slow, uncontrollable weapon be as decent as any bow/spell/cast on crit build which already exists?

So what you're saying is that it doesn't double or triple dip so it's not faceroll easy, and a level 59 sword is a low tier because everyone goes from level 59 to level 80+ instantly and would outgear it in hours?

Maybe for you. But in reality you're speaking for yourself and definitely not for the entirety of the player-base.

lets say it one shots anything it hits. Would it still be as overpowered as any current build?

So I'm assuming your criteria for what "works" is exclusionary towards end-game builds that are not overpowered? Additionally, it must do more than merely one-shotting because it may still not be as good as the other overpowered builds?

Anyways, I found the process surrounding the unique very interesting, thanks for sharing OP. Loved the flavor text and how it came to be, along with the thought-processes involved

I like the concept, good job Rhys! One thing tho: Why level 15? Why not just level 1 to be conform with Icestorm?

/EDIT: Wouly also be cooler is the Sword would copy the skills you use. Like a Diablo 2 Assassin Clone.
Last edited by kahzin#4293 on Apr 28, 2016, 1:17:31 AM
Koheleth wrote:
If you look at the stats for these last leagues you will see players hitting 80 in a day or two.

Can we pause for a moment to consider exactly what you're saying? What percentage of the player-base do you think is pushing ladder exactly on the first few days, and will consistently be playing outside of the 59-85 range for the entirety of the season?

This also means that players won't play anything from 59-85+ that involves:

A) Full respec for late end-game
B) Semi-respec from a synergized or compatible tree


C) Mechanics will stay the same next season & before then without any possible buffs to relative summoning play-styles or 2h swords in general

I also believe there was a poll a while back asking what players did when they hit 90, IIRC the majority rolled another character. But then again, we're talking a niche group of reddit users; just as you're talking about a niche group of players who push late end-game on day 2 and never die or respec after early end-game.
hmmm this thing already has 3d art........would love to have some of that quality time you spent making this mediocre legendary put towards the other ones in the game already :(
gr8 sword m8 8/8....

Even this sword is gonna be better than the goddess unleashed, because it can motivate people to try something new. Makes me feel bad about Charan.
Not happy to see another "6s means 6l" unique though.
I'm a forum warrior, i was born to post, raised to defend my league. Now my post has been removed, chained and exiled by mods who Ban. Ban is my brother; i do not fear it. I see it in the eyes of men and beasts that i troll. It will take me to play the actual game when i am ready and i am not ready.
Thanks Rhys for the work you put into the creation. Looks really cool and i could think of a build id use it for. Im just wondering, why a sword that practically makes you wanna use movement skills like cyclone doesnt have +lvl of socketed movement skills similar as it would just make sense to me to anyhow buff the movement skill dmg, because especially on a lvl 59 weapon you dont have the dmg you would have on a high lvl endgame weapon (with the rising average player lvl up to uber axe and stuff likewise).

anyways looks awesome and i cant wait to use it :) !hype

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