|✡| 7/7 |✡| Ξ UPDATED. Ξ What will you do if I give you 3k pure exalted ? (standard league)

FNX_Heroes wrote:
Cactus_CZ wrote:
Please don't hesitate and do it right now :)

Looks like the guy is finally offline.

He'd better not do that again, I've had enough of him spamming all day long, and I guess I'm not the only one.

You're definetely not. I'm sick of pretty much everybody like him, shame they all don't use some stupid spam bot or something like that :(
1st Hideout of the week: view-thread/1059888
Gears & Builds history: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1062423
buy my long desired legacy kaom's heart, have some good fun with it, and save a lot of time to study instead grinding dried lake for countless hours
shatojin wrote:
buy my long desired legacy kaom's heart, have some good fun with it, and save a lot of time to study instead grinding dried lake for countless hours

You'll find another excuse, don't worry. If you wanted to study instead of grinding, you would be doing it anyway.
You have to be realistic about these things.
Logen Ninefingers
I would spend it all on eternals and craft niche mirror gear. Like a 6t1 ES/EVA shield with resists or a gemini claw with 3x t1 ele + crit/multi/ias. Then id offer the mirror service for free because I'd love to promote ppl using weird/different builds.
for all mirror items check The Forbidden Trove:

BTW the 3k exalted wouldn't destroy the fun in the game for me, because there are still the leagues.
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
I would make sure to start a guild in Standard and try to bring my friends who haven't tried Path in and hook them up if they hit a certain level or give them incentives to finish a build. I'd probably also hook up long time PoE friends with items they've been dying to have for a long time (head hunters, etc). Probably also have an officer of the guild focus on new players and helping them out with gear, etc. overall just try to bless up everyone and have fun. I'd also try to make on GG char and hit level 95+
Closed Beta|Open Beta|Release|League Only
Last edited by CrownOfThorns#7528 on Apr 25, 2016, 12:32:02 PM
Honestly I wouldnt want you to give me 3k pure exalts, reason being I could basicly buy anything Id want which would make the game easier maybe to easy, Id lose a reason to run maps for currancy and probly get bored quickly and quit the game within a month. Id love aculity gloves and a 6 link disfavor, I doubt Ill ever have them but, ones gotta have a dream item or two they would love to have.
I would buy scrolls, i'm always out of scrolls.
Strange, the party is constantly refreshed (bumped on top of the list), but the character is always idling in town and never answers to messages.

Looks like a timer-based bot to me. And if I'm not mistaken, these bots are against GGG policy and subject to warning and/or ban.

If the OP continues to use his bot and spam the forum one more hour, I'll be forced to report him.


He spam his thread in the same way that he is EVERYDAY spamming his fucking items on town's local chat.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr

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