[Casual]/[Casualz] - Filthy Casuals (Open!) Filthy Casualz (Open!) | Active Discord is Required
" Hi Devop, Thanks for your interest. US East coast as well. I'm at work but I'll send and invite as soon as I get home tonight. Cheers! Enthar Invite sent yet. Check your social tab! www.RAWGaming.com https://www.twitch.tv/RAWGamingNet https://discord.gg/z32ChqP Last edited by Enthar#6273 on Dec 8, 2016, 6:48:05 PM
" Hi Spartacus! The majority of players are from US but we have Europe, South America, Middle East and Australian players as well. We always seem to have people online. The Discord information is below. If you would like, just come on our Discord as a guest at the times you are playing and see who and how many are on! I think that will be a great way for you to test it out. :-) https://discord.gg/XxBUWKW I hope to see you on there. Cheers Enthar www.RAWGaming.com
https://www.twitch.tv/RAWGamingNet https://discord.gg/z32ChqP |
" Hey there Creamy! I'm East Coast US so I'll invite when I get home from work tonight. Cheers Enthar Invite sent. Check your social Tab! www.RAWGaming.com https://www.twitch.tv/RAWGamingNet https://discord.gg/z32ChqP Last edited by Enthar#6273 on Dec 7, 2016, 6:35:15 PM
I am interested in joining your guild as my previous one didn't really feel friendly enough for me.
I'm a UK player with a very high amount of activity. IGN: Veechu
Yo, I'm very interested in being in the guild. The server I'm in is Washington DC. Not sure if that matters. Love to help, love gaming with a group. But most importantly I'm a casual! My in game name is Butticaz
Last edited by Whilthorin#4033 on Dec 7, 2016, 4:06:05 PM
" Hello Veechu! Thank you for your interest. Invite sent, check your social tab and welcome! www.RAWGaming.com
https://www.twitch.tv/RAWGamingNet https://discord.gg/z32ChqP |
" Hey there Whilthorin! Thanks for the interest. I sent an invite. If you want to, feel free to come on Discord and check it out before you make the switch or you can just accept! Cheers Enthar www.RAWGaming.com
https://www.twitch.tv/RAWGamingNet https://discord.gg/z32ChqP |
Would love to join, played quite a bit during beta. Then took a break and came back about a month ago. Located in Sweden, 34 years old. Active on Discord as well. :)
" Welcome Spawn! www.RAWGaming.com
https://www.twitch.tv/RAWGamingNet https://discord.gg/z32ChqP |
Send that invite already! When im online. :P ign: AngelOfTheBreach. Necrobot in ur service.