[2.6] Chieftain dual Siege Ballista. All map mods. 8k life. Beginner and budget tips.

Hello Elua, thanks for the guide!

I am pretty noob player looking to play this build in breach league but since the leveling guide is outdated I have a few questions. I saw your last post about using flame totem, searing bond and fire traps before level 50-60 because of the dexterity requirement, so while I am using flame totem what type of weapons should I use? And what kind of armor? the strength one or the intelligence one that gives energy shield? Still related, you recommend the "rain of splinters" jewel for ballista (or LMP support) but should we do that too for flame totem?

Sorry if the answers are obvious but I'm still not very experienced in the game (and im taking a bit too long killing mobs ahah)
worst build i played so far.
shams94 wrote:
Hello Elua, thanks for the guide!

I am pretty noob player looking to play this build in breach league but since the leveling guide is outdated I have a few questions. I saw your last post about using flame totem, searing bond and fire traps before level 50-60 because of the dexterity requirement, so while I am using flame totem what type of weapons should I use? And what kind of armor? the strength one or the intelligence one that gives energy shield? Still related, you recommend the "rain of splinters" jewel for ballista (or LMP support) but should we do that too for flame totem?

Sorry if the answers are obvious but I'm still not very experienced in the game (and im taking a bit too long killing mobs ahah)

Im using flame totems to level up. Finished cruel with no problems. We take projectile nodes which also affect flame totem so it gets stronger. Just get + spell maces (we dont have enough int for wands). Start worrying about your gear only when you get into mercyless.. you dont want to go with -40% of ressistances
Last edited by LTU_Edga#0910 on Dec 3, 2016, 4:05:07 PM
LTU_Edga wrote:
shams94 wrote:
Hello Elua, thanks for the guide!

I am pretty noob player looking to play this build in breach league but since the leveling guide is outdated I have a few questions. I saw your last post about using flame totem, searing bond and fire traps before level 50-60 because of the dexterity requirement, so while I am using flame totem what type of weapons should I use? And what kind of armor? the strength one or the intelligence one that gives energy shield? Still related, you recommend the "rain of splinters" jewel for ballista (or LMP support) but should we do that too for flame totem?

Sorry if the answers are obvious but I'm still not very experienced in the game (and im taking a bit too long killing mobs ahah)

Im using flame totems to level up. Finished cruel with no problems. We take projectile nodes which also affect flame totem so it gets stronger. Just get + spell maces (we dont have enough int for wands). Start worrying about your gear only when you get into mercyless.. you dont want to go with -40% of ressistances

Ok, thank you! Just to be clear, what about rain of splinters or LMP/GMP? Do you use those with flame totem? or they are only good when we switch to ballista?
shams94 wrote:

Ok, thank you! Just to be clear, what about rain of splinters or LMP/GMP? Do you use those with flame totem? or they are only good when we switch to ballista?

No flame totem got 3 projectile after some levels so don't need rain or gmp. Always remember to drop 2 flame totems then 3'th searing bond totem and run around with burning laser on mobs.
Searing bond is special, it's unique totem who can be placed and don't count as typical 2'th.
Last edited by Elua#0230 on Dec 3, 2016, 9:47:37 PM
I'm 71 lvl now, leveleling was huge pain. Marauder is much harder to level for bows then ranger. But after 4 points in ascendancy tree it feels much better. I just upgraded my gear so I have resistances capped for map start. Gear is terrible, but I have all items needed to make this build work. It is really hard in first 2 days buy stuff. Prices are very high, so it's impossible to buy good rolls now. I saw Kintsugi listed by some joker on poe.trade for 7ex, just lol...

My starting gear:

Prices ( just for memory how overpriced are items in first 2 days of league )

Rain of splinters : 5c, Bow 10c, Drillneck 14c, robe 5c, vaal haste 5c, rest mostly 1 alch each or 1c



Merciless lab done at 71 lvl, it was very easy with this poor gear. For Uber lab I must do map trial unlocks first and improve my life pool and dps significantly.
Last edited by Elua#0230 on Dec 3, 2016, 10:15:11 PM
Been running this in breach. Level 46 at the moment. Been having problems getting a decent bow running, but I have had a good time with Ancestral Warchief and the random 2 handers you find. Without using a curse I'm cruising through all content, I'm just being lazy and should grab one though. Pulling 1,500 dps per totem at level 46 feels quite nice, and I've spent nothing on my build.

Since this build picks up a decent amount of stats early in its treck, you can also pick up a Pillar of the Caged God and get decent results. Current price is 1 Jewelers~1Chaos on poe.trade. I got mine as a drop, and was suprised when it beat out the staff I was using. EDIT: Replaced it with a rare drop off Merveil, so it's not the best, but it's a cheap option if RNG is not shining upon you.

Prior to Ancestral Warchief, I was running Ancestral Protector / Searing Bond / Ground Slam. I'm sure there are much better setups as it didn't feel the greatest while leveling, but it worked.
Last edited by Orcao#7927 on Dec 3, 2016, 10:18:07 PM
Hey, Elua!
Tnx for the great build. I have a question.
Im now lvl 46 and running ballista with GMP. When do I can switch to rain splinters? Or i just can buy a jewel and start running 3 projectiles?
What are you're thoughts on xoph's nurture citadel bow, since you have switched over to cheiftan and get bonus from ignite etc, and the bow has huge damage on it. thx for the guide
BeDarkAndy wrote:
Hey, Elua!
Tnx for the great build. I have a question.
Im now lvl 46 and running ballista with GMP. When do I can switch to rain splinters? Or i just can buy a jewel and start running 3 projectiles?

If you can afford rain of spliners get it ASAP, it way better then GMP: lower mana cost, higher dps because you use another dps support gem.
Last edited by Elua#0230 on Dec 4, 2016, 4:54:00 AM

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