[3.3] Unstoppable Gladiator 78% Max Block/Spells. Best Low Budget League Starter

just 3 aegis shield on poe.trade in prophecy now, the price is 2ex and up.

Re quote my question:

- Riposte, Melee Splash, Stun, Endurance Charge on Melee Stun

Does melee splash will make 3 endurance charge on a single riposte when block? (because it attack muti target?)

If not, should I do this: - Riposte, Vengeance, Stun, Endurance Charge on Melee Stun. With Vengeance I have 30% chance to counter attack when hit. so it is increased chance to get endurance charge on block and hit too.
This is my gear on Prophecy, lacking in damage but its a block build, i expected that. Reached lvl 90 easy, twinned T15 maps (ofc not Core) are not a problem, uber lab the same. This build cost me around 3ex

flasks i use:

36 challenges complete and this lucky Chance :

Thanks very much for this build, it's awesome.
zeroonea wrote:
just 3 aegis shield on poe.trade in prophecy now, the price is 2ex and up.

Re quote my question:

- Riposte, Melee Splash, Stun, Endurance Charge on Melee Stun

Does melee splash will make 3 endurance charge on a single riposte when block? (because it attack muti target?)

If not, should I do this: - Riposte, Vengeance, Stun, Endurance Charge on Melee Stun. With Vengeance I have 30% chance to counter attack when hit. so it is increased chance to get endurance charge on block and hit too.

Riposte, Melee Splash, Stun, Endurance Charge on Melee Stun with this setup 3 EC allways up for me with static strike.with sunder/eq no EC coz 1 shot all pack. :)
If i have this:

Should i change my passive skill tree? I play Varunastra version. 92lvl.
What level does my Cast when damage taken and Tempest shield need to be?
This build looks interesting, is it viable for hc endgame?
Hi all! Last month was really rough for me and I wasn't able to spend all the time I wanted in poe. Now everything back to normal.

I made a full update for this guide, so now, every section is updated to 2.3 content. Soul Taker version of the build is now the main build and I added the possibility to choose between four different attack skills: Earthquake, Sunder, Static Strike and Cleave.

During the next two days I will answer all pending questions and suggestions and reply again some answers that basically I changed my mind about it.

But, in general, the new version of this guide already posted today, covers the most important things that people asked about if you want to check it out.

Wilicolo wrote:
mas_mariano wrote:

Yes, you're right. This issue is because previous version of the build used two auras and keep some mana unreserved. Now, is true that BR is uncomfortable, but Ancestral Protector cannot be used.

- Blood Rage could be replace with fourth ascendancy point Outmatch & Outlast (in case of Aegis this is mandatory).
- Ancestral Protector could be replace with Vaal Haste.
- Remove support gems from Shield Charge and link Blood Rage + Ancestral Protector + Blood Magic. You will notice that Shield Charge is fast enough even without Faster Attacks.

Glad you like the build! Regards!

Is it just me, or is Ancestral Protector castable even with no mana available? Cause i can sure enough cast it with 100% reserved.

Anyway, loving the build, having tons of fun with it. Sadly enough my map luck has not been to high so far and i've not progressed beyond T8, but nothing has been able to hurt me lots except for my own stupidity (Caustic Clouds, why are you a thing)

Glad you like the build!

I made a mistake when answering this. Ancestral Protector/Warchief are considered "attack", that means Soul Taker will allow to cast them without mana.

In the new version of this guide already posted I decided to remove Faster Attacks/Fortify from Shield Charge and put Blood Rage + Blood Magic. Then in any free slot, I exchange Ancestral Protector with Ancestral Warchief (because the huge damage boost up to +18% MORE damage).
eminem wrote:
What level does my Cast when damage taken and Tempest shield need to be?

The important thing is to keep CWDT at Level 1, so you keep damage trigger at minimum. Then Tempest Shield could be from Level 1 to 7 (for required level limitation from CWDT).

You only need the +3 Block Chance from Tempest Shield, so you can keep it at Level 1 too.
@IdI & @patryk7883

I never played HC, but by now, there's enough people using this build in HC and up to date, everyone seems happy enough with this build performance in HC league (you could read previous replies about it).

Survivability with this build is awesome, so I truly think this build will work in HC. Only additional suggestion I always made is to read the "Things that can kill you" section of the guide, because Secondary Damage is a source of damage that can't be blocked and maybe could surprise you if you're not aware of.

If some of you try the build in HC, please share your experience if you like! Regards!
Last edited by mas_mariano#3542 on Jul 4, 2016, 1:26:14 AM

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