How to revive PvP in poe, an invader button !
The concept is simple, take the design of what Diablo 2 pvp was sucessfull for, the hostility button.
We all remember going into someone's instance and enabling the hostility button towards that person and trying to go kill him and take his mobs/drops. It was fun as hell and was a reason why pvp was so active in diablo 2. I really think GGG missed their target when they tried to promote PvP with LLD only concepts, yes they are more accessible but why not promote PvP with endgame characters too ? People also like to test out their maxed out builds against eachother and and huge part of the pvp community is still active. We are making tournaments on our own with rules for HLD and LLD, but frankly its not enough to really give pvp another boost in interest. The idea would be simple, there could be a button where you can decide either you want to enable invaders or not, invaders are players who can see the map portal you are in and get inside of it to mess around with your mobs and try to kill you directly in your own map. I think such concept could bring a lot of interest into people trying to both optimize their build for pve and pvp at the same time. Leo could also be redesigned towards this and would be much more easier to level due to more population enabling invaders into their areas at any time. GGG would have no choice to update each skill pvp dmg calculation towards players because we would have a much higher player base doing pvp than right now with just queue and sarn arena. We all know queueing is wait too long and the concept is very bad to promote pvp and get matches quickly and easily and really pairs badly with leo, we often wait minutes and even hours sometimes which is ridiculous. With invaders you could simply look up tru a list of open world areas which would be people enablind the invader button before opening the map or area. I think this idea would bring a lot more players towards pvp and could combine both PvE and PvP together in a state where it could actually work together to make poe a more enjoyable game, if PvP was unsuccessful with the current matchmaking concept why not promote it in a way another game like diablo 2 did, the hostility button and the ability to join someone else into pve content to have pvp action was awesome and one of the best things you could do in the game. GGG could then add some sort of rewards for achieving kills or whatever while invading someone, it's up to them to come up with an idea for that part. I would really love to hear good feedback about this idea from you PVE players, you are the guys who can actually help us dedicated pvp players have a chance to keep enjoying what we love doing in pvp without being let aside. We want to be part of pve, but we would also like if pvp was also part of pve so everyone can enjoy it at anytime like we do. I have so much fun playing against good friends in poe pvp just in 1v1s that i cannot understand how GGG never thought about this idea before. Help us keep PvP in path of exile alive guys !!! IT IS POSSIBLE !!! Sincerely, from a 5 years poe pvp player that still didnt give up and play pvp weekly with the same perfected and maxed out build, hauntworld. IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Apr 12, 2016, 6:50:16 AM Last bumped on Apr 13, 2016, 11:00:44 PM
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I'm also thinking ways we could do as the community. I also got sad about what chris said, and based on that, ideas that involve GGG doing work towards PvP is not viable if you acknowledge their standpoint about PvP right now. If we want to continue we can only work with what we currently have, and accept how things are left.
I know that the statements you made are true for most of the dedicated PvP players here, that they played D2 but I am an exception, too bad for me. So I cannot share a common experience of your idea, what it meant to play like that, but for me it seems a bad idea honestly. If it's optional then so few people will be doing it based on the feedback from popularity of general PvP stuff in this game, that it really doesn't worth putting the effort into implementing it. If it's forced on the players because that's the only way to get something, there will be an outcry about it, as I see situations where those who enable invading would be casual players, and those who invade would be dedicated PvPers, and the outcome of a match like that is decided. Partly replying to the other comment you made, first you have to think outside of your own position to understand GGG's way of thinking. I can't blame them for things like badly promoting PvP as I understand they have to design their game around the average player, the 99%. As said in the podcast the average player spends very little time in PoE because it's free to play. Even if we look into average paying player, who either just buy stash tabs because that becomes necessary at some point, or likes the game and wants to support the company behind it, most of them are still way different from the players like us who played the game for several years, as they don't become so dedicated about playing this one game so much. GGG has to make content that brings the most possible players into their game, which also brings the most income to their company. Sadly the community of dedicated PvP players is the smallest one I feel, and even if all of us donated a decent amount of money, looking from a company's perspective they have to go with what most people need in the game. Don't get me wrong, I'm also encouraged to play PvP because I feel this is the ultimate end-game of PoE, an another level above all PvE content which requires way more effort and thinking and brings also more excitement than PvE, but I also understand why we can't get the things we wish, as the game cannot be designed around players who played it so much that PvE content got boring, which is quite a big amount in this game. Still I would like to encourage anyone who has good ideas to share that we could do as a community to maintain PvP, and be part of the effort it requires. IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072 ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) |
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![]() Why can t we have this in poe? instead of farming leo crap sarn, we kill people huntworld invasion button idea and get ears. We sell them for leo s favor. -No loss of xp or perma death once killed. -drop ears on death -sell ears for favors. -can t farm same player ears more than twice per 6hours/12/24hours? -This eliminate leo daylies, replace them for constant agressive style play to get ears instead and give nice trophee if we want to keep them -Motivate people to collect ears just because with name tags, proud pvpers will refuse to give ears for free eliminating part of cheat leo favor farming. -Create trophee hunter playstyle: Icedeal too stronk, I am gonna target him until I get his dam ears! Lololol I got Mullaxull ears! Poe Pvp experience Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Apr 12, 2016, 1:40:28 PM
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I would like to know how much money would be needed for a dev to spend a day, a SINGLE day changing some pvp values.
At this point I think that's our only option left if we don't want the game to turn into absolute garbage. I mean sur we could put some rules by ourself but, for example, we'll have to stick to old skills because all th new ones don't have a specific pvp value. That would be terribly unfun. That would also mean that we would need to have a VERY serious brainstorm session evaluating every skill to provide the most unbiased and accurate data on each one (wich probably will be very hard but possible if everyone forget their ego for a bit). |
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This would never happen. The very reason games now a days lack open hostility and/or invading is because the PvM population cried. Look at early feedback during Diablo3 development. Kid's bitched and moaned no PvP, we don't want PvP. We want to farm redundant content over and over because that's what an arpg is. The people making games now are the people that got fucked by pkers while playing them when they were younger. Also the majority of players are super casual. It was already touched on, a company has to cater to the majority/casuals to survive. Even if this was an optional thing it wouldn't work well with the game's system.
You have hideouts, maps accessible through your hideout. The game past lvl 70 is generally played in complete safety from within this tile set and/or in the lab/labyrinth. You couldn't even get to people if you wanted to. Everything about this game end game discourages any form of open PvP and any hostility button or invasion option implemented would require too much work to remedy this. Years ago I suggested invading instances and passworded instances to avoid it. This was before hideouts and even then it would still only last until someone made it to the eternal lab back then. That's why cutthroat races removed mapping. So basically it'd be mid level dueling or griefing low levels....basically it'd crap. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Apr 12, 2016, 5:40:06 PM
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But if it can be optional mulla people can decide wether they want to enable invaders or not, i bet far more players would actually try to build they characters more roundely towards pvp and pve to be able to deal with invaders and have fun with that option.
It's not a lost case i think, just the community sees it the wrong way. IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 |
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Hauntworld, I think you are missing the fact that the difference in power between a PvP and a non-PvP character can be pretty extreme. Invading players are most likely going to be PvP experts, so players that are not specifically interested in PvP won't be turning it on (except to see what it is, only to turn it forever off after getting wrecked really badly), and won't be tweaking their characters to "have fun with that option".
IceDeal, I believe that half a day of a developper's work is sold 500-1000€. You should also factor in the fact that all the time spent on this feature is time that would be spent on possibly extremely important stuff, so this gets the cost of a dev's workday around 2000$. Head_Less, it is very important for a healthy PvP environment that only players interested in engaging in it do so. This means that your favor system shouldn't have stuff that can be useful for PvE. |
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" Hum after a quick search, Salary of a developer in new Zealand is between 20 and 60 bucks per hours on a freelance contract so let's say 500 dollars max as an Employee is usually payed less than a freelance. Let's add 34x8 for overtime om top of it and let's round everything up to 800 NZ$ wich is 487 euros/554$. If everyone pitch in I guess it's something we could achieve together but probably not on a regular basics (every 3 months). |
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That is what the developer is paid, not what he costs to the company. It can vary a lot depending on the country, but you can at least multiply it by 1.5 in order to factor in that extra cost.
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If the huntable system could be opt-in for a small buff (say +10% quantity from your kills when you have it enabled), it would still be skippable by those not interested in it and add incentive + a whole new dimension of play for those that are up for it. Imo it's a good idea, if it were properly implemented and if the build toolsets were somewhat balanced.
But in 2.3 I don't seen it ever working well, balance is so utterly broken atm, that the build options would be severely restricted for anyone who tried to compete in it. During the honeymoon period, after it was first implemented, everyone would try it and you'd have a blast fighting a great diveristy of builds. But pretty fast it'll end up with just fotm cookiecutters instagibbing fotm cookiecutters. You'd also have people hunting others with lag builds, crashing the hunted their game, and then clearing their instance. I liked the steps ggg took during 1.3 and 2.0 towards a more balanced game, but since then they've just thrown any semblance of balance overboard. The imbalance of some of the new stuff is numerically so obvious that it was predicted beforehand, and then implemented like that anyway. This affects not just pvp, but pve as well. A real shame imo. I have also no intention of ever attempting to bribe a software developer in the hope that he would then not attempt to sell me a crappy product. If the delivered product is good, I will pay for it. If it isn't, I won't. |
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