[2.2] Mjölner Science Inquisitor lvl 100 Crit Discharge Life based - Videos of Core,Uber inside
" For the Inquisitor build nothing - it gets some minor impovements such as instruments of virtue adding additional 10% attack speed and Argury of Pentinence giving 16% increased damage taken for enemies while givng 8% less elemental damage taken. Currently planing and lvling a Juggernaut as i think it will be a lot tankier and be able to tank core malachai slam. The Dps of Juggernaut may be a bit lower but I see it as a trade off defense vs offense. Last edited by zzang#1847 on May 29, 2016, 2:48:07 PM
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I see you went down some charges. Why? :)
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" My latest changes were to switch to juggernaut for the goal to trade some offensive power from inquisitor for even more defense power. I managed to tank Core Malachai Slams in a vulnerability core map with juggernaut also the uber atziri double flameblast is somewhat tank safer. So basically no need for block jewels if you can absorb the strongest hits in the game by raw mitigation instead of lucky blocks. I didnt make a guide yet for Jugger as i need to get a few level ups more to make the build "complete". In terms of this build i changed it to be even more offensive so i swapped + Iron Will gem for + When i compare it to my juggernaut hands down the dps of inquisitor is like 3 times higher but im more a fan of survival tankiness than all out deeps. I have a test tree with RF for inquisitor to bump deeps to a ridiculous level but it doesnt feel consistent as 80% of maps have either minus max/ no regen/less regen or vulnerablity therefore i decided to not go that route. Activating for only bosses is very well possible which is fine enough. About other changes - not sure could you specify what you meant? Last edited by zzang#1847 on Jun 11, 2016, 6:36:14 AM
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" Waiting for that juggernaut guide.... tanking core malachai slam? nice! (perma IC?) I'm currently using a guardian, which is awesome for a lot of reasons but lacks some dps. On the other hand I feel that the life mjolner versions always lack raw EHP, but the regeneration sources are usually better to face huge bosses. Ill keep tuned on this thread, might aswell make a juggernaut! |
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" Regarding the Jugger Guide: Im currently 95 and missing 2 items for the build, the plan is to get at least 97 which might take some time - the map drops recently just suck :( About the Perma IC question - No just raw mitigation, no cheese has been used. Guardian is a decent class for a mjölner build but as you said it lacks big times deps compared to juggernaut, let alone inquisitor. And trust me the "EHP" of Juggernaut exceeds the one of the guardian by a mile or two (if its about physical damage). If you have a 6 k life pool and a 1k ES pool with MoM active which is guarded by 100k Armour (yes my jugger got 100k armour perma flask up time), perma 10 endruance charges and a buffed fortify on top of the defense layers already presented in this guide - is something guardian doesnt even come close (in regard of phys dmg) and the recovery from kingsguard is not factored in yet. From an elemental damage point jugger have this buffed fortify and 8% reduced elemental damage taken which kind of makes up for missing ES pool. Edit: I just did some calculations to see how Juggernaut compares to Guardian regarding elemental damage mitigation. I only considered elemental damage in my example as for physical damage survival skills the clear winner is juggernaut. The base asumption was an initial RAW damage FIRE hit of 75000 with 10% FIRE PENETRATION while both sites having Perma Uptime of surgeons flasks (which is not true for a non crit guardian) I assume double uber flameblast to have these numbers (might be off a little but enough for calculation purposes) Elemental Damage mitigation calculation: ![]() In the excel spreadsheet you can see that this hit i would probably die or barely survive with 6k life and 1k ES while a guardian would require a minimum amount of 7830 ES so 830 EHP more to survive the same amount of fire damage. This means regarding elemental damage every time a 75k+ pure elemental fire damage hit is dealt and as soon as guardian has more than 7830 EHP he will be tankier in terms of surviving pure elemental damage - under the asumption that guardian will have perma flask uptime (which is not true on non crit) whereas Juggernaut crit have no restrictions for flask uptime (its permanent uptime). I did a physical damage calculation spreadsheet aswell The base assumptions were a RAW PHYSICAL hit of 80000 damage. This factors in again Perma Uptime of Flasks in regards of crit Juggernaut. I didnt count Perma Uptime of Granite flasks for Guardian because i assume guardians will go for no crit resolute technique. I factored a Basalt Flask into the calculation too which is semi perma uptime for crit builds while again on non crit builds its a one time only use per boss combat. Physical Damage Mitigation: ![]() As visible in the DAMAGE RECEIVED row a raw physical damage hit of 80000 would do 6990 damage to my juggernaut and therefore id (barely) survive with 6k life + 1 k ES MoM while the guardian would require 25612 ES to survive the same amount of damage. The difference would be 18622 which means this amount would a guardian require in ADDITION to survive the same amount of physical damage. This means that 1 Life Equals 3.66 ES. And i was nice here adding basalt flask into the calculation for guardian although its a one time only use per combat in case of non crit. Just for the information if basalt flask would be down for guardian he would require 39531 ES to survive the same amount of physical damage. I hope this helps you for decision making. I would even go that far and say Juggernaut is strongly HC viable for everything except maybe uber atziri herself. Last edited by zzang#1847 on Jun 12, 2016, 4:11:40 AM
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Nice calculations, it's overall pretty accurate except for some points. Related to my guardian build, idk about others. I'm currently sitting at lvl 93 and have 8.049 ES+ 84 life. My flask uptime (surgeons legacies) is 100%, since im using spell crit nodes and not overload. Armour wise, its 19k unflasked and 43k with granites up (86%mitigation). I reach 90% either by having 1 end charge or chaos golem. The calculations on elemental damage are very accurate, the only difference is that i have enfeeble+elemental weakness curse on hit at reckoning, so it would go down a bit (jugger could also use an enfeeble CoHS setup tho). I also have 60/60 permanent block chance (using 5 reckless defense jewels). Each block grants 800 ES unflasked and 1750 ES while flasked. In terms of facetanking, i have yet to try malachai on core and also uber atziri. Tried t15 daresso and kaoms, obviously not a problem. Also the guardian build allows us to afk on trash groups of any kind (we can actually finish colosseum or abyss without attacking). The bad side of guardian as you already said is the lack of damage: Attack Speed is not great (only 5 tree nodes). Elemental increased damage or spell damage is low also, since we use Pain Attuntment major node but use the third gem on mjolner for LL. Last con is that due to having a mediocre dps, the leech is also bad, so we depend on RNG to regen against massive damage bosses (aegis blocks)-if poe had "smart RNG, such as in MOBAS or other RPGS, it would certainly be an immortal build- Guardian (my version) vs juggernaut: Pros: -Afk potential. -bigger raw EHP. -Very decent support for groups. -One button build. -All map mods. Cons: -RNG dependant on massive damage bosses (malachai and uber atziri). -the leech regeneration is very slow compared to jugger with kingsguard. -Dps is prolly not as good as jugger. -Guardian itemization is way more expensive than these needed for jugger (life rares are usually cheaper than ES rares) So overall i think Juggernaut is a better mjolner build, but guardian fits a bit better depending on the players objectives: Leveling up is easier with guardian because we dont die even when afking and we dont have to care about ele ref. For hard bosses Juggernaut is clearly superior, because unless it gets one shoted it just cant die (i used to play Witch mjolner MoM/EB pre ascendancy and it was already a madman tank, now with infinite endurance charges the life regen goes skyrocket). Hope i can gather some currency and buy a kingsguard to test juggernaut! Last edited by Hamsterdam#4618 on Jun 13, 2016, 2:49:37 PM
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Nice line up of pros and cons.
I was just curious about the following sentence: " If I apply the Armour formular for 43k armour on a 80k raw phys hit i get roughly 5% physical damage reduction. Do you factored in the enfeeble into that before or did you took the average damage reduction from the tooltip? |
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" hey, i'm not counting enfeeble on this. As shown on "defence" stats, the Estimated physical damage reduction while having 43k armor and no golem/endurance charges up is 86% (with determination lvl 12 im sitting at 84% -just upgraded it to quality-, but i had it on 86% earlier). About the formula i don't understand what do you mean. As you said, phys reduction is capped at 90%, and i dont remember if it was possible to go further with special mechanisms (stuff like AA, Enfeeble, phys to X conversions, are not applied in the same formula so i dont count them) |
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" The "Estimated physical damage reduction" in the "defense" tooltip refers to a hit of a white mob at your level. It doesnt factor in heavy hits from bosses. The accurate formular to calculate your damage reduction from armour is: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Armour And applying this formular for a 80k Phys damage hit returns an accurate 5.1% damage reduction with 43k armour. Here is the formular with the numbers filled in: : Armour/(Armour + (10*Input Damage)) = 43000 / ( 43000 + (10*80000)) = 0.051 * 100 = 5,1% Never take the tool tip regarding armour for granted against big hits its very inaccurate. |
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oh i had no idea about that. So actually raw armor is not that important (we need 7.2M armor to tank 90% of a 80k hit). As for juggernaut, what are the chances to receive the fatal hit with no endurance charges up (for example after discharging)?
Also you mentioned on your calculations that basalt flask has semiperma uptime, since it cant be legacy i assume? btw waiting for your guide on juggernaut, im already looking for life rares... |
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