Chris just officially announced the death of PvP (SoE 51)
I'm a casual pvp'er and here's my pvp experience and my 2 cents on the matter.
I can't say anything about high level pvp because my char is not built for that and it sucks (aka most builds kill me straight up), but here's what pvp is like in perandus softcore: with a 4l, some gear under 10c total and a build I didn't even bother going for jewels in is top 15 on the ladder. I only made this char for dailies and have some fun in the sarn arena. Also the lld queue is somewhere around 10-15 minutes for me and trust me after that time the matchmaker will put me up against anyone so I'm the only one in queue during that time (afternoon european time). So what I'm saying not very much people are interested in lld in perandus softcore. I appreciate what ProjectPT's attempts to try to engage people in pvp but the loss in viewer count and the actual amount of people that participate speaks a lot to where lld is at. Sadly the interest is low and that's the truth weather you like it or not. Also PVP at high levels will always be a joke as the amounts of damage in game is obscene and the amount of work that needs to be done is far beyond tweaking a few skills so yeah that's where we stand atm. So would you as a developer try to do work for (my generous appreciation in perandus) 100-200 casual+hc pvp-ers or try to look somewhere else to keep people engaged? And not like he said he'll discontinue pvp, quite the opposite. I for one am looking forward for the next pvp league. |
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They said they pushed pvp lol? Ya you had some buggy events first season and then moved to temp leagues pvp which a large core of the community didnt want to no life all their gear and build to perfection again. By the time you fixed the pvp event bugs the season was over and onto temporary league focus. Some of the features for pvp have been really nice but to say things like "our focus on pvp has held us back on our PvE development" is absurd. I am an alpha pvp member and really feel like our feedback fell on deaf ears. Your pvp community moved onto MOBA's and other games because of the lack of attention. The innovation for pvp development has been pretty limited and basic. I really have not seen anything that is groundbreaking or inspiring. The core of PoE game mechanics are amazing and the game engine could offer such an amazing PvP platform. Unfortunately looks like GGG understands how to maximize profit margins and PvP is not increasing the bottomline.
Things that need to be implemented into pvp: 2v2 ranked ladder Crossleague challenge dueling BALANCE More PvP seasons Master Craft Bench IPD hybrid and Spell damage/mana Hybrid I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, |
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