Exiles Everywhere <EXíLE!> 91/110 Spots | Discord | Leagues & Std | Guild Bank | Eng-Speak Legion!
Welcome all!
Real Life Name: Lilly Satou
Highest Level: 91 Ign of the previous stated character: TidusRange Location example Usa, Russia, Europe (Or more specific): USA, Cali realm Hours played weekly rough estimate: ~10, I'm going to work to bring this number way up! Current Goals on Path of exile: Push for 100% Achievements, as well as level 7 characters (1 of each class) to 100~ Previous guilds if any: [FERRUM] Iron Heights (inactive) Will you join the Discord Channel?: I will, if invited. |
Real Life Name: Chris
Highest Level Character: 33 Ign of the previous stated character: Blizardofozz Location example Usa, Russia, Europe (Or more specific): USA/Ohio Hours played weekly rough estimate: 20 Current Goals on Path of exile: Have fun, find some people to play with, perhaps more if I get good at it. Previous guilds if any: Will you join the Discord Channel?: Yes |
welcome chris inv sent!