2.2 The Bloodsplosion Gladiator "Spectral Blow" Atziti Viable, Steam Controller Viable

Hey, currently playing your build and it's a lot of fun. I was wondering why didn't you take Iron Grip which is just 2 nodes away? With this build i have 362 strength which gives 72% increased projectail damage which seems good with spectral throw. What do you think?
rubik1990 wrote:
Hey, currently playing your build and it's a lot of fun. I was wondering why didn't you take Iron Grip which is just 2 nodes away? With this build i have 362 strength which gives 72% increased projectail damage which seems good with spectral throw. What do you think?

Not a bad idea, but I've been using ST less and less. I'll try it out.
moike wrote:

Not a bad idea, but I've been using ST less and less. I'll try it out.

What are you playing more of? Cyclone?
Is carcass important to this build?
I want to use flicker strike, but the color of socket needs at least 4 off color..
Using Coil or Belly would be fine to?
moike wrote:
Pheonixz wrote:
This builds looks awesome, but can this be run on a budget? like 1 ex or less?

I'm still working on budget options. Rive, Bino's and Snakebite gloves make a very effective combo capable of running mid tier maps. Going to try Bleed on Hit rares, and just the bleed on hit passive % to see if it enough.

For budget, how about going shield with Rive or Jack the axe? The best would prob be a high phys dragoon sword though for a block version. With IAS, flat phys, % phys and crafted bleed.
hey is rapid decay works if linked with ST ? Anyone knows ? :)
babacyj wrote:
Is carcass important to this build?
I want to use flicker strike, but the color of socket needs at least 4 off color..
Using Coil or Belly would be fine to?

Carcass was just for fun. It helped with coverage and dps, but the dps isnt an issue. I switched to belly because the colors are easier and it offers a bit more surviveability. Coil is a great option too.

velislav87 wrote:
hey is rapid decay works if linked with ST ? Anyone knows ? :)

No. It would work with Puncture, but ST does not have a damage over time tag.

darkith1546 wrote:
What are you playing more of? Cyclone?

Flicker Strike mainly, with EQ or Cyclone for single target if needed. Check out my second video.
Hey, I wanted to give a bit of feedback for this build.

Unfortunately to me it seems that the build is rather weak and 'carried' by the weapon. Let me explain:

During leveling I mainly used Earthquake with Geofri's, then The Blood Reaper (a bleed weapon, although I didn't notice a big damage increase compared to the Geofri's) until 57. ST was very weak to level with, EQ was basically one hit per pack and oneshot everything. The problem was that ST required two hits for a normal mob to die and occasionally leave enemies alive, wheras EQ would even kill rares in 1-3 hits. Also due to not using Faster Projectiles and the gloves requiring a late level it had very limited range.

Already during leveling I had the impression that I kill things simply through the absurd base EQ damage and Herald of Ash AoE detonation instead of anything bleed related. The build really slowed down from 50-57 until I could equip a Marohi Erqi, which again brought me back to one hit with EQ for almost all mobpacks.

I farmed Dried Lake until 70, mainly with Flicker Strike (Melee Splash + HoA) making short process of packs. I thought that I would get a great damage boost when I equip my two Rive... but that didn't happen. Quite on the contrary - where before I had killed an entire pack of the smallest mobs with one Flicker, now I had to cast 3-4 ST to kill them. Sure, when they die usually the whole pack (if close together) explodes, but the rares are left and a major problem, because you can't use EQ with claws.

Right now the problem seems to me that it takes to long to kill the first enemy in a pack. And Bino's is not really a budget option, so I'm on the edge if I should continue with this build. Imo with Atziri's Disfavour you could basically make any build work, f.e. just do Hatred/HOA/HoI for excellent splash damage and run ST on BM - and have a different ascendancy.

I think it's a very nice build and well thought out, but usually the build works and you can make it great with good equip - here it seems to be the contrary, the weapon works and the build enhances it a bit.

But maybe I just did something wrong - posting my gear for you to look at and I'm open for any hints you can give. I'd really love to play with bleeds. :)


€: I just noticed that Bino's is a budget option, it's price is only around 20c, I thought it would be 2-3 ex. Oo

€²: Bino and Rive is a bit better then double rive, but still way worse then simply doing Marohi + flickering. I think I spent like a minute on Voll instead of 15 seconds. :/

€³: Fuck me, accidentaly 6-linked the Marohi... Guess I have to play Flicker Marohi. Also, have you thought about using Iron Grip as a support gem for ST? I think this build has 300+ strength, but I don't know how strong the support would be.
Current league chars: Bladestorm Champion SSF
Last edited by Shaileen#3285 on Apr 11, 2016, 8:36:05 PM
Awesome build!

Can you post a leveling tree as to where you traveled?

Do you know if i would need the increased area nodes if i choose to use the flicker strike option? does this scale the aoe of the bleed explosion?

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