[2.2](Raider) Oro's Sacrifice Frenzied Frost Blades (feat. 11 Frenzy Charges)

If you are on standard i can give you fireborn jewel.
Thanks WorldAtWar. I sent you a PM.
SonOfSmak wrote:
What Ascendant passives are you taking? GGG's Passive Tree web page does not show this when I use your URL. I know it is Raider, but which nodes within Raider?

Oh! I completely forgot all about this. I will go back and update the thread.
Doing more or less this in Prophecy and having a good time (level 87, not particularly fussed about going for 90 but I might get there). Only running 8 frenzy charges, might get to 9 or 10 if I can find a useable and affordable amulet or boot (I tried Darkrays for a while but they're just too slow when I don't have charges, so I'm using Atziri's Step), but given how much res I have on my amulet it seems unlikely. It reminds me a lot of playing Split Arrow.

ETA: Also, on the recommendation of some guildmates, just switched from Heavy Strike for single target to the Ancestral Warchief brotem and I'm liking it a lot. The tooltip dps is lower than mine, but that's because I attack almost 6 times a second even without charges, and it doesn't; it hits MUCH harder, and that's with zero totem support in tree or gear, in a 4L! (Ancestral Warchief - WED - Fire Pen - Conc Effect) Plus I can use Frost Blades at the same time as my totem is up. Big fan.
OPA Guild Officer: to join see http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1119502
Last edited by Cidira#4903 on Jun 29, 2016, 11:39:44 PM
Further update: hit level 90, thought I'd link my tree:

My profile is also public, so for the time being (i.e. until I decide to do something else with the character in Standard after respec) you can see gear and gemlinks:

Character name is Cid_Rillany. Yes, I'm using a Tabula for endgame. No, I'm not killing Atziri or running red maps, and I'm not silly enough to solo the uber lab either when my 92 Raider in Standard with similar life and better DPS who's wearing a damn Lightning Coil still gets oneshot by Izaro, but I did have excellent results the one time I tried running it with a guildie who's playing a support tank -- he played decoy totem and provided me with some extra defense via Guardian nodes and buffed Purities, I provided whomp, which is actually fairly whompy in a 2-man party with Warchief up (I did some Gorge rotas while leveling, though, and my Frost Blades just kind of tickle in a 6-man party).

Anyway, Yordle's suggestion of Daresso's is a pretty good one too, Lightning Coil is almost never a bad idea, and of course there's Hyrri's Ire (probably my choice if I weren't fond of my 6L). But I like my Tabula. I originally meant to use another DPS gem, probably Slower Projectiles or Chain or Pierce or something, but I had mana management issues at the time, and by the time I had the resources to resolve them, I was using Oro's and my DPS was fine, and I was used to being perma-Fortified.

Also, +1 frenzy charge amulets are cheap cheap cheap this league and while +1 frenzy Darkrays are still pricey, many other +1 frenzy boots are cheap, including Atziri's Step. If I can figure out how to regear around losing the 60% lightning res (and 16% fire/cold, and also the massive mana regen) from my current amulet, I might go up to 10 frenzy charges.
OPA Guild Officer: to join see http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1119502
Last edited by Cidira#4903 on Aug 2, 2016, 10:48:24 AM
posting in this because I like the idea of the build and might try it when 3.0 hits.
Does it work in 3.0 ?

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