[2.2](Raider) Oro's Sacrifice Frenzied Frost Blades (feat. 11 Frenzy Charges)

Oro’s Sacrifice Frenzied Frost Blades: A Build Guide

Featured on the official Community Build Guides #4!

Original Build Thread (From 2.0)


  • This is a fire, two-handed sword, attack build using the Raider ascendancy class.
  • It has been planned with Standard in mind. Taking this build into Hardcore is up to you (and any changes you want to make).
  • The concept is centred around various interactions with Frenzy charges to push their value to the limit.
  • This includes Oro’s Sacrifice - the core of the build.
  • If you enjoy swinging and leaping around with a giant sword while shooting out chaining frost projectiles (that burn), this build may be for you.
  • This build does not really "start" until you reach at least level 67. If you want a build that you can jump right into and play to full effect while leveling, this build may not be for you.
  • The build is not overly expensive, but will require some funding to get up and running. There are also corrupted uniques involved to play it as shown in this guide. Overall, I would say it is a medium cost build.

The Concept


This build revolves around using a Oro’s Sacrafice unique 2H sword, gaining a bunch of Frenzy Charges and murdering everything with Frost Blades.

So why Oro's?

Apart from just being a kick-ass weapon with insane ele dps, chance to ignite, and culling against ignited enemies, a big reason I’m using the weapon is the 100% chance to gain a frenzy charge when you ignite.

Most Frenzy generating methods requiring you to actually kill an enemy (Blood Rage, Blood Dance, Poacher’s Mark, etc.) and that can be rather annoying when it comes to keeping up your charges - especially on a boss. When working with eleven total charges, you don’t want some bad RNG to cause your stacks to fall off. And you definitely want them up for bossing!

Oro’s does not have these problems. You will get and maintain max charges with ease.

So why all the Frenzy Charges?

Frenzy Charges are good. By now, we’ve all accepted that fact. But there are several ways to make them even better. Here is what this build gets per charge:

  • 4% more damage (base)
  • 4% increased attack speed (base)
  • 4% increased cast speed (base)
  • 4% increased evasion (passive tree)
  • 5% increased movement speed (Darkray Vectors)
  • 2% change to dodge attacks (Darkray Vectors)
  • 2% increased movement speed (Raider ascendancy)
  • 3% increased attack speed (Raider ascendancy)
  • 3% increased attack damage (Raider ascendancy)

The build then gets every frenzy charge at its disposal. Three base charges to start, three off the passive tree, one from Merciless bandit quest, one from Raider ascendancy class, one from Darkray Vectors, one from corrupted boot and one from corrupted amulet. That totals out to a whopping eleven charges!

So in the end, with all charges up, we get a total of…

  • 44% more damage
  • 77% increased attack speed
  • 44% increased cast speed
  • 44% increased evasion
  • 77% increased movement speed
  • 22% change to dodge attacks
  • 33% increased attack damage

Not too shabby, eh?

So why Frost Blades?

Well, there are a lot of things I could do with Oro’s. Basically, any attack that a 2H sword can do, you can use Oro’s with. It comes down to personal preference and overall effectiveness. By no means do I think Frost Blades is the only choice here.

Personally, I’ve chosen Frost Blades for a few reasons:

  • Because of where the Frenzy charges are on the passive tree, you are very close to the projectile speed nodes, making a projectile attack a good choice.
  • The skill itself has a low mana cost and high base damage with no further damage penalty to the projectiles.
  • Auto-targeting projectiles mean you won't miss your target (apart from your hit chance) so mana gain on hit is very reliable to sustain with.

All this is great, but the true magic happens when the skill is linked with multistrike and chain with enough projectile speed. The auto-targeting of the skill + multistrike and the coverage of chain + projectile speed means you wipe out everything on screen plus a bunch of stuff off screen, too. It makes for a visually apealing and quite fast clear speed.

Apart from Frost Blades, there are quite a few options. I’ll go through a few in the cut below:


* Spectral Throw

This is a great skill for this build and is interchangeable with Frost Blades for the most part. With the amount of projectile speed the build gets, you can attack from a very safe distance and kite mobs with your high move speed. The big issue you will run into is mana cost. I have to sustain my skill off the tiny bit of mana I have post-auras with a small amount of mana leech and mana on hit. Spectral Throw is delayed in hitting and does not auto-target. This means it needs more investment into mana than I’ve currently taken. Apart from this, it’s a fun skill and works wonders with this build - virtually no tree changes needed..

* Lightning Strike

This skill is literally interchangeable with Frost Blades. You can replace the two gems and just go. It also gives you the option to swap out Chain for Pierce if you also run a 20% quality Lightning Strike for a total of 90% pierce change. With the more multiplier on the Pierce gem, you can get much higher tooltip - though chain is still nice here, too! The big reason I don’t often run it, however, is the way the projectiles travel. They often get stuck on ground effects and such (like Arctic Breath) and it can get a little awkward indoors. I’m also not a huge fan of having to shift-click to attack at range. All that said, it’s still an excellent choice with virtually no tree changes needed.

* Flicker Strike

Probably the most popular choice for Oro’s and one with quite a few build threads out there. With the Blood Rage nerf, Oro’s is one of the easiest ways to get a 100% up-time flicker strike going (the skill uses up a frenzy charge to bypass it’s cooldown). This requires quite a lot of stacking chance to ignite, however, and is not really a great idea when pathing so far south for every last frenzy charge. It is better served in the Witch/Templar area. The build also does not have room for more uniques with ignite chance on them.

* Ice Crash / Static Strike

Both are similar skills in that they are elemental themed attacks that deal a circle AoE around your character, so you would probably build them almost the exact same for Oro’s. Again, to get really nice clear speed with these, you probably want AoE nodes near the Witch/Templar area. I’d suspect that with an Inc AoE gem, though, you could get some decent clear speed with this build using one of these gems.

* Wild Strike

Because this build is elemental, all three of the Wild Strike procs will do 100% fire - no phys conversion. This means you don't shock/freeze anything (a big plus to the skill). Apart from this, the procs themselves are a little awkward and often don't hit all that many mobs (especially with Multistrike targeting whatever it pleases). That said, it does nice damage without needing any chain/lmp type supports. If it's your thing, it will get the job done.

So what about defence?

This character mixes evasion mechanics and mitigation mechanics together to stay alive.

  • Dodge through Acrobatics, Daresso’s, Darkray and Raider (74% total)
  • Spell dodge through Phase Acrobatics (30%)
  • Evasion through gear and the Grace aura (roughly 50~60%)
  • Armour through gear (roughly 5~10%)
  • Phys Reduction through endurance charges (16%)
  • Fortify with high up-time
  • Immortal Call + CWDT
  • Enfeeble + CWDT
  • Flasks! (whatever types you choose - jade/granite/stibnite/basalt all can help out)

All together, this combination has been enough to keep me alive even through some very tough maps and bosses. That said, know your weaknesses! DoT, physical spells and unavoidable damage are some things you are going to want to be very careful around - or just avoid.

And that's the basics of the build! :)

Passive Tree & Asendancy


108 Point Tree:


It is important to note here that a Fireborn jewel is socketed in the Duelist area. This transforms all the nodes that have ‘%phys damage with two handers’ into ‘%fire damage with two handers’. You still gain any attack speed and accuracy with two handers on these nodes as you normally would.

Asendancy Points:

These are the points I recommend & the order I pick them up in:

  • Way of the Poacher
  • Avatar of the Slaughter
  • Quartz Infusion (Defense) -or- Rapid Assult (Offense)

The last two points is personal preference. The dodge in Quartz Infusion brings my total to 74% and Phasing is a nice bonus. Rapid Assult gives more consistent Onslaught (though I do already get some from my unique chest) and some base damage.



(If you want to skip explanations and just see the gear I'm using currently, check the "My Gear" section at the bottom of the post - it's not in here)

I use three other uniques to compliment my Oro’s

* Darkray Vectors, Corrupted with +1 Frenzy Charges

These not only give us TWO extra frenzy charges, but a whopping 22% dodge and 55% move speed on max frenzy charges! Even without life and only one resist, the overall stat gain from these are insane. The two downsides to the boot are rather small and you won’t feel either all that much.

* Karui Ward, Corrupted with +1 Frenzy Charges

The main thing here is using a corrupted amulet for the last of our extra frenzy charges, bringing us up to 11. I chose a Karui because it is very cheap and easy to either find corrupted or buy up and corrupt yourself. The stats it does have, while not very clearly defensive or offensive, are a nice boost to overall clear speed with Frost Blades.

* Daresso’s Defiance

This chest does not interact with Frenzy itself, but compliments our Darkray very well. With Acrobatics, we can achieve a total of 74% dodge. Pair that with evasion and you’re not getting hit much at all. When you are hit, the free endurance charges from Daresso’s will almost always be up, mitigating that hit, and then - the cherry on top - proccing CWDT+Immortal Call BEFORE the charges are consumed by the Daresso Onslaught buff! You get both buffs for the price of your endurance charges. A perfect blend of offensive and defensive power.

The rest of my rare slots...

Gloves / Helmet

  • Use either Ev or Ar/Ev - keeping in mind that Acrobatics cuts your Armour by 50% (though if you get enough of it, it still helps!)
  • Life is important! Using life-less uniques sets you back. Aim for a top roll.
  • Accuracy is important. Try and get it on at least one of these slots. Remember: it's a suffix, so it shares the same slots as resists! You can't get tri-res + accuracy.
  • Attack Speed and Added Fire To Attacks on gloves are nice perks. Again, Attack Speed is a suffix, so keep that in mind for resists.


  • Use a Leather base if possible. Again, life is important - this slot can have a lot of it!
  • This is also where you can make up a lot of resists. Try and get high tri-res to ease the requirements on your other slots.
  • A nice bonus roll here is Weapon Elemental Damage. You can craft it on, too, if you find a nice belt without it (and an open prefix).


  • Use the various resist bases to help you cap those resists - or Coral for extra life if you're good on resists. Avoid the weak bases like Iron and Moonstone if possible.
  • Rings can have a lot of damage - such as Weapon Elemental rolls and Added Fire rolls - but can get very expensive. Don't feel bad if you need to buy pure life + resist rings at first to cap. You can always upgrade later. These may very well be your most expensive slots!

The jewels...

I use three jewel sockets on my build.

  • The socket near Duelist needs to be a "Fireborn" unique jewel. This coverts all the 2H phys damage nodes to 2H fire damage nodes.
  • For the others, I make sure to run one +2 mana on hit jewel to help with sustain.
  • Apart from the mana on hit, look for Attack Speed, Fire Damage, Projectile Damage, Projectile Speed, and Maximum Life.

The flasks...

In 2.2, we have many new flasks and flask rolls to choose from.

  • I always run a Seething Divine life flask. This is my "oh shit" button to quickly top me up.
  • I always run one flask as "Staunching". Because no one wants to die to corrupting blood.
  • I would also recommend you run a Basalt flask. It's flat phys damage reduction is not lowered by Acrobatics.
  • Apart from that, you are fairly open on flasks!
  • For offensive, an Atziri's Promise unique flask is always a good choice.
  • For defensive, a Stibnite flask can give extra evasion and great a smoke cloud to blind.

The enchants...

In 2.2, we also can enchant our gloves, boots and helmet through the Lab.

  • Gloves: For damage, Decree of Fury (on hit, sends out a wave of projectiles). For defense, Decree of Spite (on you being hit, sends out projectiles with chilled ground).
  • Boots: (Mostly) N/A. If you're using a corrupted Darkray, chances are it is not already enchanted. You can't enchant a corrupted item. Sorry! If you plan to vaal your own pair, try to enchant them all first - but even then, you probably don't want to be too picky.
  • Helmet: Anything Frost Blades! Grace/Anger reservation could also help shave points off the tree as you might be able to drop the aura reservation cluster.



Frost Blades + Multistrike + WeD + Chain + Fire Pen [+ Faster Attacks]

* This is my main skill of choice. Fire Pen is very important here since I don't currently run any elemental curses to lower enemy resists. Try and get a good quality Chain if possible - it adds up to 20% projectile speed. If I ever get a 6L for Frost Blades, I would try and get Faster Attacks to work, but the mana cost might not allow this - will have to test it out.

Vaal Lightning Strike + Multistrike + WeD + Fire Pen + Elemental Focus [+ Vaal Lightning Strike]

* This is my single target skill of choice. It holds up to three charges. A single charge wipes out any tanky rares while dumping all charges on a boss wipes it out very quickly. The Elemental Focus gem cannot be leveled up very high with my currency int, but still provides a good more multiplier. With a 6L, I would add a second copy of Vaal Lightning Strike to hold more charges.

* You can replace Vaal Lightning Strike with a non-Vaal, single target skill of choice if you would rather not be on a charge-based system or are running something like Labyrinth.

CWDT (lvl 1) + Immortal Call + Inc Duration + Temp Chains or Enfeeble

* Since you are virtually always at max charges unless on a boss, you will get a lot of strong IC procs from this set-up. Enfeeble is great even at a low level of gem and works great with a dodge/evasion based build - however, the int requirement and rolling colors for it may be tricky. Temp Chains is a fine substitute.

Leap Slam + Fortify + Faster Attacks + Blood Magic

* I use this on most packs to engage and proc fortify. It also works as amazing mobility with all your charges up. Blood Magic is because my mana pool is very small and I want to make sure I can attack after a string of leap slams in a row.

Grace + Anger + Spare + Spare

* This is my “spare” 4L. I put my auras here and then have two links left over. Currently, I run Flame Golem + Blind. You could also run something like Enduring Cry (or any other Warcry), an Ancestral Protector totem, or any number of other things. It's up to you!

Bandit Choices


  • Normal: Life
  • Cruel: Attack Speed
  • Merciless: Frenzy Charge

I would not take a point on any of the bandits, as each of them gives something important for the build.


Notes on leveling

Generally, you want to just level as if you were an Elemental Buzzsaw style character.

Take any decent elemental weapon - a bow or foil both work great - and link it to things like added lightning and added cold while running elemental auras and/or heralds. Use any attack skill with good AoE clear that does not require many extra links (Spectral Throw, Tornado Shot, etc.).

To avoid running into mana issues, I would recommend buying one or two pieces of Elreon jewelry to keep your costs at or close to zero. This lets you reserve more mana for auras and heralds.

When you get a chance to run the labyrinth for the first time, you can get pick up 10% change to gain frenzy charge on kill - this will really help up your clear speed!

Remember: level up your end-game gems in your weapon swap or spare gem sockets so they are ready for the switch at 67!

Notes on keeping it budget

While the build can be costly the way I'm running it, you can trim some things to bring it down to well under 20 chaos if you are on a budget. Here is what I would change:

  • 5L Oro's Sacrifice > 4L Oro's Sacrifice
  • 5L Daresso's > 4L Daresso's
  • +1 Corrupted Darkray > Non-Corrupted Darkray
  • +1 Corrupted Karui > Rare Amulet

Then all you need apart from that is a Fireborn jewel and rare gear to fill the slots!

Remember: although getting 11 charges is the goal, the build does not fall apart without them. You can do just fine on a 4L with nine charges well into mapping.

Remember: you can buy Darkray and Karui for very cheap and attempt to corrupt one yourself (keeping in mind it may take many tries) if you want those bonus frenzy charges! You don't have to do this in one sitting and can corrupt them slowly over time.

My Stats

Current level: 88


*** These numbers are all with 11 Frenzy charges ***

  • Frost Blades (5L): 32,454 DPS
  • Projectile Speed: 96%
  • Vaal Lightning Strike (5L): 9,064 Per Hit
  • Chance to Hit: 91%


  • Life: 4,758
  • Change to Evade Attacks : 58%
  • Change to Dodge Attacks: 74%
  • Chance to Dodge Spells: 30%
  • Phys Reduction (w/ endurance charges): 23%
  • Movement Speed[/i]: 95%

My Gear


(2.2) Build Update + Gorge:


(Old; 2.0) Build Overview + Strand:


Last edited by Yordle#4292 on Apr 8, 2016, 4:34:06 PM
Last bumped on Oct 10, 2017, 4:22:49 AM
New video posted with 2.2 changes & a Gorge run.

Well written guide. I shall start my attempt, and return with questions.

For example, why doesn't using Elemental Focus prevent Frost Blades from igniting things? Does Oro's "20% Chance to Ignite" just ignore that?
Last edited by SonOfSmak#6261 on Apr 3, 2016, 7:44:12 PM
Elemental Focus is tied only to Vaal Lightning Strike - and it does override Oro's 20% ignite chace, yes. I don't need it to ignite, though, since Frost Blades can do that while VLS ticks away :)
I have both Surgebinders and Snakebite (Frenzy related unique gloves). Would you recommend either for your build?
SonOfSmak wrote:
I have both Surgebinders and Snakebite (Frenzy related unique gloves). Would you recommend either for your build?

Well, Snakebite have "10% reduced Frenzy Charge Duration per Frenzy Charge". So at 11 charges and -50% duration on Darkray boots...yea...that's not going to work, haha. We also can't poison, so it's not very useful.

Surgebinders is something people always bring up. I tried them again (a nice pair, too) and they only gave me like 3k~ tooltip or something. My current gloves have attack speed, accuracy, added fire damage, life, AND evasion, so it's not a great trade-off for just a little more damage, IMHO. If your gloves are not great, it might be worth it, but the loss of life is a BIG deal when you're using as many zero life uniques as I am!
Ohh... I'm too lazy to reroll on this version of build from trickster. But honestly, i don't think that trickster version is worse than raider version. They are almost equal.
What Ascendant passives are you taking? GGG's Passive Tree web page does not show this when I use your URL. I know it is Raider, but which nodes within Raider?
Last Update: ExileCraft had badly mangled the Inquisitor URL upon load. All calculated values are off. I'm going to remove all of the data I had here. Will repost later if data is worth reporting.
Last edited by SonOfSmak#6261 on Apr 7, 2016, 6:18:37 PM
Last Update: ExileCraft had badly mangled the Inquisitor URL upon load. All calculated values are off. I'm going to remove all of the data I had here. Will repost later if data is worth reporting.
Last edited by SonOfSmak#6261 on Apr 7, 2016, 6:18:53 PM

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