Elemental Reave Raider [2.2 Guide, Atziri & HC/SC Viable]
![]() Why going elemental reave. First of all, I wanted to find a build that doesn't require a high currency invertment to get started. Also why reave? Reave is a skill that have one of the best clear speed in the game, no it doesn't off screen but almost. Going elemental remove a lot of pressure on the gear side, just a little weapon with crit and a regular 5 links and you are good to go, can even work on a 4 links. Pros: Can work even at low level Really cheap to get started SUPER fast clear speed Really tanky Normal Atziri is just a face roll Do a lot of crits so flask recharge really quickly Cons: Minus max + elemental reflect hurts like hell if you don't use your flasks. Lose all charges on long boss fight if you don't have a frenzy setup (around 60% of our dps come from our charges). Really starving on elemental resistances and int if going full retard softcore dps Ascendency choice This build works on raider for more survivability or or assassin for more damage. It probably work on other classes but i haven't tried them yet. Why raider? I descided to go raider just for the fun of using frenzy charges since they give an insane amount of damage. Also having a lot of frenzy charges give a good amount of dodge and evasion thanks to darkrey vector (+18%-20% dodge and +36%-40%evasion depending on the corruption). Also raider give onslaught that is mainly just fun, it's nice to have but not more. Is this build hardcore viable? Yah it is, for now i'm using a softcore version which mean i'm going for "tooltip hero". If you want to adapt this build for a hardcore version you trade dps for survivability (mainly on helmet), just to be safer against reflect. My current stats: 5k life. 4k evasion 20k with flask. 60% dodge. 30% spell dodge. more or less 0 armour Vaal pact 130k dps normaly buffed
Gems setup
This is the setup that i use and it's not optimal by any means. 6l : reave -> multistrike -> WED -> Inc Aoe -> lightning penetration -> (added lightning damage / increased critical damage) 4l : herald of ice, herald of thunder, cursed on hit, assassin's mark 4l : vaal reave, multistrike, faster attack, wrath 4l : blood magic, blood rage, ice golem, inc ducation 3l : whriling blade, faster attack, fortify 3l : cast when damage taken, inc duration, immortal call
Offensive stats
unbuffed (only auras): ![]() buffed only with charges (about 99% uptime on normal maps): ![]() fully buffed with Atziri flask and Vinktar flask: ![]() full retard "toooltip hero" selfbuff dps (2 herald wrath 10 frenzy 4 power, conc effect, added lightning dmg, inc critical chance Atziri flask and Vinktar flask): ![]()
Defensive stats
Town deffences ![]() With frenzy charges deffences ![]()
Current gear and explanation
For the weapon, you are looking for any foil (30% crit multi implicit) with at least 2 attack per second and 7% crit. Once you get that base, aim for flat lightning damage and crit multi. If you get all those four stats you are in good shape and all the other stats is just icing on the cake. This is a good alternative until you get a crit foil (i was wearing this until level 80) For offhand THIS is by far the best option. The part where you don't need to have mana to use your attack skill is HUGE. It make you able to run another aura or remove blood magic from your gems setup. For me it gave me about 25%-30% more dps. The only stat that you are looking for on this piece is cold resistance since we are not hitting with it... so, take the cheapest on poe.trade. This is by far the best leveling offhand that you can get. It's about 1 chaos and is really low level. What makes this really good is the fact that if give you onslaught on kill and culling strike (kinda 10% dps boost). Rat's nest, well it's the home of dps (soft core only unless you want to die). The boost to critical strike chance and the 15% attack speed is really big for elemental build. Not much to say it does what it does and it does it pretty well. And don't forget that 600 evasion is really good. For hardcore players just aim for a High evasion (around 700) with high life and resists. Since the build have a lot of pressure on resists, the extra resists from the helmet is gonna reduce the price of accessories by a LOT. If you want to be more tanky than with a rat's nest, you can use this. It is cheep and it does almost all of what rat's nest does. For accessories, not much to say, just aim for life, Resists, Elemental damage and flat lightning damage. If you can get attack speed or lightning damage as a suffix, it's a nice dps boost but normally for the cost it's really not worth it. For body armor there are a lot of choice but i prefer the "belly of the beast" since we don't have that much life (for me it gave me about 650 life). If you want to have more physical mitigation you can still go for lightning coil but i haven't tested it at the moment so i can't really say much on that topic. Also, since we are already starving on resists, lightning coil will put a LOT of presure on the accessories. For gloves there is a lot of option. First i was going for facebreaker. This is the highest dps option, the 90% critical multiplier is HUGE and it will give you even more dps then Maligaro. Why I chose to not go for facebreaker is because of the intelligence that a lvl 21 wrath require. I was starving so much on int and i wanted to remove some pressure from the amulet. So i went for rare gloves. Also if you go for facebreaker, Reflect will be an issue because of 500% critical multiplier (you will end up to that much and maybe more) is pretty dangerous. Not much to say on the belt side, Aim for a little bit of str so you wont have to spec for it in the passive tree. Then aim for HIGH life, elemental resistances and weapon elemental damage. For boots the Darkray vector is a HUGE dps boost with a HUGE survivability boost. the 18%-20% dodge that it give at full frenzy charge will help you a tonne. Other then that there is not much to say, best in slot by far and pretty cheep if not corrupted.
Price of the gear
Price of the gear (PSC) - Helmet 60c - Chest 8ex - Weapon 10c - Offhand 30c - belt 10c - gloves 8c - Boots 1ex - ring(both) 2ex - amulet 60c - Total about 14ex-15ex
Video comming soon
To conclude This is the build with the highest clear speed i've ever played. For the price it's RELLY strong and very affordable for new players. Atziri have never been easier. The only down side of the build is during long fight where you can't have 100% uptime on your charges, your dps and survivabilité REALLY go down. So on and all, Really solid build. Ps. English is not my native language so i hope you don't have to much trouble understanding it. Last edited by ziavenchin666#0352 on Apr 5, 2016, 7:21:03 AM Last bumped on Jun 12, 2016, 4:16:08 AM
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Change log:
2016-04-02 : Bandits Last edited by ziavenchin666#0352 on Apr 2, 2016, 11:30:17 AM
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Seems solid. Doing it right now. Will let you know how it goes.
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" Glad you like it. If you have any questions feel free to ask ill try to answer them as fast as possible |
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I'm currently lvl78 with it and my dps is only 13k (unbuffed, with facebreakers).
My gear:
Got any suggestions? Last edited by Venüm#0306 on Apr 2, 2016, 4:44:17 AM
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" Can you show me your gear and your dps with max frenzy charges? My dps without any auras with a 5l setup is only 15.3k (35k with auras). Try to level up your gems a bit more because almost all of your dps come from that. Hope that help and good luck. |
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Hello, I am new to PoE and ARPGs in general. I was thinking of making your build here my first character in PoE.
I was hoping you could provide a quick guideline on what is top priority to aim for in the Passive Skill tree (softcore) and also what skills to use before acquiring Reave. Thank you. |
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" I don't have a lot of time these days. So as soon as i can I'll do a leveling guide on what passive points to go for what gems to level first, etc. Just a word of advise, the build is not that good until you can equip the Multistrike gem so try to use different alternative until that point (level 38). I was using Lightning arrow for the leveling part until i got multistrike. Hope it help and I'll add that leveling section soon. |
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Hello, I am using this build in the new Hardcore Prophecy league and having a blast so far. I was wandering if you could share which flask setup you use, I can't seem to find the right combination. Also, could you tell us which jewels you have used?
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