Are Perandus mobs killing your frame rates?

 I know many have trouble with Perandus mobs killing video frame rates. The question is why? I'm ok with my aging gaming rig consisting of:

1. Intel core-i5 660 (old dual core + HT socket 755 cpu)
2. MSI Hawk PCIe 16x video card with AMD 6870 and only 1 GB of vram
    (I run at full HD (1920 x 1080) with medium settings and full shadow.)
3. 1 TB Samsung SATA hard drive
4. 8 GB of DDR3-1600 memory (2 x 4 GB = dual channel)
5. Windows 7 Pro 64-bit OS
6. Low cpu overhead NOD32 anti-virus (older version 4)
7. No other cpu hogging background utilities (only Spybot S&D)
8. Non-Steam version of PoE

Started playing in CB PoE so I know just how bad that PoE: The Desync Years editions were. I suffered through it along with everyone else and never pretended that "it isn't that bad". The hell it was bad and GGG took entirely way too long to get us "Lockstep" code and end desync forever (unless your pings to the realm you play on are way over 100 ms. If so you have my sympathy).

 So now with Ascendancy many players are finding Perandus mobs are too much for their GPU to handle. let's see if we can get more scientific on this to help understand why my older GPU is ok (no freezing up or any other frame rate killing of performance when I come upon Perandus mob). Let's get a few GPU facts out of the way:

1. Always play PoE with dedicated video card. No integrated gpu will ever work.
2. Need to have a 256-bit data wide card (or wider), the cheaper 128-bit cards are too
    memory access bottlenecked and severely hurt frame rates.
3. I found this post early on in my PoE playing (March 1, 2013) and am using this:
    ShaderCache Fix/Temp Fix (simple)
4. You need 8 GB of main memory, sorry but 4 GB isn't going to cut it anymore.
    Memory is super cheap so there is no excuse not to have at least 8 gigs of ram.
    Ideally if you have 12 GB or more ram you can do this:
    Ramdisk to remove load times completely!!

Of my own personal thoughts on ways to maximize PoE performance:

1. Intel cpu is way better than AMD any day. My 2 core Intel will run circles around a
    quad-core AMD when it comes to floating point calculations. AMD lost the battle over
    a decade ago and has never been able to compete against Intel.
2. Keep Windows lean and mean. Don't install bells and whistles utils that load at boot up
    and steal cpu cycles away from PoE. The less cpu overhead the better for playing PoE.
3. Run CCleaner regularly to keep the temp folders as empty as possible.
4. Run SpyBot or Malwarebytes or other good anti-malware at least once a month to make
    sure you aren't infected with something that is unwanted (adware, spyware, etc.)
    and usually taking up way too much cpu time.
5. Always run PoE on a hard-wired link to your router. NEVER run with wireless network.
    The overhead (performance penalty) of wifi is too high to play PoE well.
    This is important and can never be over-emphasized.
6. If you have an older wifi router it may have too slow of a processor and could be a
    source of slow server/client performace. Not all routers are equal. The el-cheepo
    ones are more likely to process data packets slower. Also, never stream video and
    play PoE at the same time (unless you have super high bandwidth such as FIOS).
7. Some types of Internet communications technologies have much higher latencies than
    others. Phone companies DSL tops the list of high latency Internet services. High
    latency is bad for all on-line games, especially true for PoE.
8. For PoE only a faster fewer core cpu is better than a higher core but slower clock
    speed cpu. All other new games have wonderful multi-threaded graphics engines that
    makes a quad-core cpu better than a dual core cpu but PoE doesn't have a wonderful
    high performance game engine in it (and never will so don't ask for one).
    I have OC'd my little old dual Intel 660 to 3.8 GHz to squeeze out the maximum
    instructions per second I can get (without a costly hardware upgrade).
    Note: GGG recently stated they upgraded to a newer version of MS-Studio C++.
      I'm not sure how much better (if any) multi-threading PoE has now that it is
      compiled with a newer C++. Anyone in the know on this please reply.
9. I'm still using AMD Catalyst video driver and haven't desired to upgrade to Crimson
    yet until it is much more mature (debugged). Also since my games work well on my
    video hardware there is the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" thinking here.

 So I run PoE very well IMHO on my hardware and don't experience Perandus mobs video stops. Anyone reading this who is experiencing severe frame rate drops needs to provide their gaming rig specs to be able to understand and provide help. I'm a good example of being able to play PoE on older hardware with no to minimal video problems.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

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Last edited by Arrowneous#3097 on Mar 28, 2016, 9:32:42 PM
Last bumped on Apr 6, 2016, 9:37:21 AM
No but I am crashing more frequently.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
I have an even older set up and it runs fine. I think most of PoE's problems come from the fact that it was designed with a 2007 machine in mind.
I_NO wrote:
No but I am crashing more frequently.


 I know what you mean. I don't crash out of PoE but something weird happens where I'm being switched out to the desktop (as if I had just pressed Alt-Tab but I haven't). This was especially annoying today as I was in the 1st Merc Izaro battle. I quick as I could clicked on PoE in the task bar and got back in and fortunately I wasn't dead yet but the disruption was extremely frustrating and threw me off my attack/move rhythm and I died a few seconds later.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Shagsbeard wrote:
I have an even older set up and it runs fine. I think most of PoE's problems come from the fact that it was designed with a 2007 machine in mind.

 Those of us who have been here since CB know the story. Hey, I didn't have any money either right out of college or a money bags relative to fund a new startup and neither did the GGG founders have the funds to buy into a commercial game engine at that time (2006/2007).

Edit: We can all bitch and complain about bad graphics performance today but if you think about it it is pretty frick'n amazing that the devs have gotten PoE to this level of sophistication on their own without a huge up front financial investment. That's difficult to do in the 21st century computer game market.

Edit 2: Yes, I know that is all water under the bridge and doesn't help us play PoE today any better.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Last edited by Arrowneous#3097 on Mar 28, 2016, 9:54:18 PM
Slow set a fixed framerate about 40, when perandus mobs spawn ur gpu wouldnt overheat and clock its self down and yes that is a shitty way to solve the problem but the only one I know
Yes, Perandus mobs kill my framerate.
On the plus side, I hardly have any crashes.
Since my laptop is 4.5 years old and wasn't a gaming machine when it was new it's kinda OK.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
That and the boss in Lab Shooting out Blobs of green shit. There is no need for it to be that big spamming the screen
Perandus mobs don't affect my framerate. I don't think my system is any better than yours. I guess it's some issue with how the effects work on different video cards.
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
No but I get sudden strange Frame rate lag I never did before and game start up takes two or three minutes on a regular basis.

I think GGG are aware though.

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