[2.3]CI Bladefall BOOM BOOM mines with poison, Tri-curse, deathless uber at 82. Affordable.
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edit: for prophecy league I would use 4X Coated shrapnel jewels for another gem socket in chest. You could use rare jewels instead, but you would need godly jewels to make it ok. I think coated jewels are really nice for this build. Also, Bino dagger does not spread poison unless mobs actually dies from the poison dmg. It's actually quite hard to pull off if you got too high dps. You don't get any regen from it if they die from bladefall dmg. I tried this build in prophecy and my damage was too high to get any regen. So I guess a rare dagger/wand is better. READ THROUGH COMMENTS and you will most likely get all your questions answered. I don't actively answer in the comment section anymore. I am busy trying to get loot into my pockets in-game. If you have read the guide and comments, and still don't know the answer to your question, whisper me in-game! Not much changed regarding bladefall or mines or poison. Some slight nerfs to curses(enfeeble), but nothing major.This build works just as it did in 2.2. I would still go occultist and choose the same passive nodes. As for the extra 2 points, take regen or minus to ress, to fix what you need. Or go minus chaos ress on enemies. It's all just flavour anyway, we don't really need the two points. TLDR: No major changes. Works just as it did in 2.2. Coated Shrapnel X 4 jewels instead of poison gem solid way to go. The build: mobs are slowed so much that they hardly pose any threat. You do so much burst damage with mines that any boss dies in seconds. The idea of the build is not mine, I looked at Nucl3ar_'s reddit post of his uberkill in HC. I honestly have no idea who did the build first, nor do I care. I simply wrote a guide to share the build. More people doing uber for the first time is good for all of us. Link you his uber-kill in HC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2kkaMMyHnw New video up, full uber run! Videos:
Tier 14 / Half Palace with boss:Sorry about quality. My upload connection sucks. Took me about 40 minutes to upload 2 minutes. https://youtu.be/DAnsF7zAGIM Deathless full uber run. Not the most flawless one, but at least you can see how a dirty one looks. https://youtu.be/XkLWTzvoP7c Credit to Darkee. I did not know he did this build, but I saw it on reddit today. He has an excellent guide on uber. He obviously leveled to 100 doing only uber from 94 in Perandus HC. Well played! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o7P-kQzC3Q My current gear:
Passive tree:
poeurl.com/EpJ For bosses, you could swap out Binos for dagger with high spell dmg and 1.6APS+ and LEO dmg over time mod(prefix) In the end, I felt that I don't need it, I kill uber with Binos, so why bother having two daggers. We run three curses: Temporal chains Enfeeble Vulnerability Via many curse nodes in the tree, we heavily increase the effectiveness of our curses, making mobs very slow. You can pretty much manually dodge spells just by walking around and inside a pack of mobs. This is one of the reasons this build is so strong when it comes to doing Uber Atziri. Main skill is Bladefall in Mine-setup. This enables us to deal intense burst dps for bosses like uber-atziri. You need: Stun immunity / curse helm: ES Regen items: + stone golem gives you great ES regen. The flask gives Zealot's Oath which makes life regen into ES regen during flask effect. This let's you regen ES when killing packs. Also, the poison spread helps a lot. Rest of gear is up to you, but you need DEX and STR on gear. Another good thing about this build is that you can level with mines from level 12. I used Firestorm Mine from level 12 in tabula. At 28 I swapped to Bladefall. All acts went smooth. When to do lab / when to swap to CI
I rushed Clever Construction node(far right side) when I leveled, as this makes leveling a lot easier. Mobs don't trigger mines with damage then. I went hybrid life/ES until level 70, reasons for this is I refuse to enter the lab as CI. I did normal lab when I was finished with act 3, and it went very smooth. I waited with cruel until level 70 because there was no need for me to rush the next points. I got +100ES first in normal, then 4 points at 70. The lab runs were quite easy with the mine dps. The build is actually really cheap. No expensive gear is required. For 6L you can buy cheap 6L ES bases for 1ex on market and try to roll them somewhat ok. Or continue using a tabula. What surprised me about this build, is how good it is for mapping. It provides a steady pace in maps with very high defenses since mobs are slowed and weakened. It's not flicker-strike or CoC clear speed, but it's steady and safe. I like builds where I can avoid deaths at 95+. With this build you can do crazy mods in high tier maps because of the curses and the crazy dps. Bandits:
Normal: Kraityn/Alira or kill all. I went with Alira for bigger mana pool. The mines costs a wooping 150 mana! Cruel: Oak/kill all. I went with Oak for phys dmg. Merci: Kill all. Recommended node order for PSC:
Clever Construction
Volatile Mines Melding Written in Blood Coldhearted Calculation Nullification --> get all the nodes in to the shadow start, i.e. the dmg nodes. After this fill out the rest of the tree. I did not use curses while leveling, because I was too lazy. And frankly, everything just died in normal, cruel and merci. What you want on gear:
rings: Two-Stone or resist base prefered: Stats: DEX/STR resists / mana / mana regen / ES belt: rustic sash or heavy belt or even chain belt: Stats: STR / ES / resists Shield: ES (300++) / Spell damage / resists. Beware, spell damage greatly increases price of shield. Not needed. Helmet: See my gear. If you can get +20% temp chains curse effect from lab, then GG. Gloves: ES/res I do have a ton of INT on my gear. This is not needed, BUT it does greatly increase my ES and mana pool. Having a great mana pool makes the build better as you can put out more mines faster without mana flask. Benchmarks before uber:
9000+ Energy Shield. I have 11.300ES at 94.
100++ on gloves, 100+ on boots, 300+++ on shield, 600++ on chest. It can be done with less, but don't expect to breeze through with minimal effort gearing the character. DPS: My dps is around 8000 with Binos and minefield. GEM LEVELs are very important, especially bladefall. Quality is not that important on bladefall gem, 21 > 20Q, so a corrupt 21/0 is ok. Special notes on uber:
Practice on normal Atziri from around lvl 70. You get sick xp, and should not die when you get it under farm. When you enter uber zone, remove Vaal Discpline gems. You want to secure that your vaal lighnting trap gem has at least 2 charges for double vaal boss. Once your vaal lightning trap gem has 2 charges, put vaal discpline back in. You could put just 1 gem back in, and use during double vaal if you need. At double vaal take out minefield and use controlled destrucion. Reason for this is that minefield gives you a total of 3+3+3 mines. This is not an even number, and you want to spread your damage evenly on the vaal bosses. Once one is dead, the other will enrage. After Vaal bosses are dead, put minefield back in.
Trio: Kill tittybitch first, then whoever you want. Just kite them either way. Uber Atziri: Use Vaal discpline as needed, if you feel you are in a tight spot etc. You should have 3 charges of vaal lightning trap. Use these for each split phase. When Atziri vanishes, be fast and put out trap + 9 mines. Flask up ur dps flasks and unleash mines. OP builds deserve OP loots:
Boots random drop in magic Abyss map:O Gloves dropped 29/03 from uber after doing 20 runs with masks/chests and 1 axe. Feels good. And last, but not least, remember that you can remap the key you use to detonate mines with. I did not like D, so I remapped to space. Test around:) I can recommend everyone to try it out. Especially if you want to do the hardest content available. Good hunt Exiles! Last edited by Madzak#4730 on Jul 26, 2016, 3:41:53 PM Last bumped on Jan 6, 2018, 5:36:22 AM
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Tri curse without any item + add curse on enemy? How?
Ahh occultist. Well. I tried make low life this build. Last edited by BoneFaer#1791 on Mar 28, 2016, 10:34:02 AM
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Last edited by Madzak#4730 on Mar 28, 2016, 11:57:14 AM
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" Low life is an option, but you don't really need more damage, so why do it? I'm sitting at 10.5k ES, immune to chaos, vaal discipline 16kES. It feels very comfortable. Also, low life means you need to grab arcane vision. Last edited by Madzak#4730 on Mar 28, 2016, 11:56:51 AM
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i'm about to start leveling your/this build just for the cheap uber farming reasons :)
-can you tell me how much does your gear cost after min-maxing? -and also as far as i can observe there isnt that many jewels need in this build right? u only use 3 if i'm not mistaken? -have u took any other nodes (prioritised) before taking clever construc? increase area and volatile mines seem appealing to me but i never leveled a mine/trap build so i cant visualize how much effects the gameplay that traps/mines not taking dmg. -can u also recommend some levelling uniques to make lvling easier if there is any? :) Last edited by elenaor#6945 on Mar 28, 2016, 2:05:26 PM
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" I don't really know. I crafted all my gear myself, except jewelry. I bought it for 1-10C per piece. My chest is self craft, self linked. Upgrade bits and pieces at a time. The only difference from GG gear to semi ok gear is ES. I do deathless uber, but if you are ok with dying 1-3 times you don't even need that much ES. Like really, 7k should be ok:O I'd say 4EX total get's you a long way. " 1 uniqe - 2 rare. " In order: Clever Construction Volatile Mines Melding Written in Blood Coldhearted Calculation Nullification --> get all the nodes in to the shadow start, i.e. the dmg nodes. After this fill out the rest of the tree. I did not use curses while leveling, because I was too lazy. And frankly, everything just died in normal, cruel and merci. " Tabula 2X Abberath's horn for firestorm mine Wanderlust shoes Daressio's Passion is cheap 1c item for frenzy and boss kills(when you don't have frenzy). When you start using bladefall that is. or simply 2X lifesprig. Goldrim hat Also, you might wanna grab a +30 STR and DEX node while leveling untill you can fix the stats via gear. Bladefall requires alot of dex. Last edited by Madzak#4730 on Mar 28, 2016, 4:17:15 PM
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thank you so much for infos :)
i was almost clueless with talent tree progress while leveling, will help me alot :) i hope i can be lucky with at least chest crafting if not gathering almost 19-20ex just for this build to one shot uber :) |
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" 6L chests are super cheap now. Just stay away from Vaal Regalia untill you are really rich. Don't try to 6L urself unless you don't really need money anymore. It can be anywhere from 1 to 50000000000 fuses. It's just not worth it if you need the currency. If you look at http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Body_armour#Energy_Shield_Chests_.28Intelligence.29 you will see the bases in order of ES base. If you go for say necromancer silk 6L you can maybe get it for 1-2EX as 6L. Then you can chaos spam it and hopefully get something ok. Don't waste too much, just get it working to start with. Then after a while you can look for the sweet GG loot. |
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Some videos with tier 14-15 maps?
My last miner very SLOWLY clear maps. This build looking good but i want to see clear speed. Sorry for my poor english. |
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" If you can help me make my Shadowplay work, I'll record. It just won't record. Nothing happens when I press the record buttons. I tried windowed mode, fullscreen, windowed fullscreen etc. I'm on Windows 10. |
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