Mathil's CoCSlam - It's exaclty what it sounds like.

So if i wanted to use this in Hardcore, how can I modify this to be more defensive?

Debating on something like this or a CoC quill rain. This looks more interesting bar far, but i want to survive :)
Terminate wrote:
So if i wanted to use this in Hardcore, how can I modify this to be more defensive?

Debating on something like this or a CoC quill rain. This looks more interesting bar far, but i want to survive :)

I wouldn't even attempt this build in hardcore. just hit level 60 and im still getting 1 shotted by mobs and the damage out point at this point isn't worth the extra risk.

One change i made was to use an aurumvorax to help with resistances. only lose about 5% crit. 60% resist or 5% crit........ yeah


Would it be better to stack attack speed and go with Trypanon for 100% melee crit chance. would free up about 10 points. but the weapon does attack slow as hell and also what would we use 2 6links for?

Last edited by spawn10459#0220 on Apr 1, 2016, 8:55:44 PM
Great build.
I am making one, I hope to be very good too.
spawn10459 wrote:

Would it be better to stack attack speed and go with Trypanon for 100% melee crit chance. would free up about 10 points. but the weapon does attack slow as hell and also what would we use 2 6links for?

with every build there is a point where attack speed will always be the biggest DPS boost in ratio to anything else.
think about it. you can either get 2k more dps on your spells (lets say its 25k already) or you can get more attack speed and proc those spells more often, meaning you essentially gain 25k dps if you were to gain 1 more proc per second

personally i just don't see how a vagan's scepter is the best choice. i can't help but always revert back to death's hand. the damage is WAAAY higher and procs just as often. with max crit 95% and 90-91% accuracy is just as good because you save so many passives from stacking much more crit with a vagan scepter.

i had to ton down my DPS because i was starting to nuke myself with physical reflect on a single mob. my bladefall DPS got as high as 32k with charges and auras compared to mathil's 13ishK. this allows me to get more attack speed, by toning down some damage.
this also allows you to tone down damage and become more defensive, if you wish
xMustard wrote:

personally i just don't see how a vagan's scepter is the best choice. i can't help but always revert back to death's hand. the damage is WAAAY higher and procs just as often. with max crit 95% and 90-91% accuracy is just as good because you save so many passives from stacking much more crit with a vagan scepter.

can you explain why death's hand damage is "WAAAY higher"?

And I'm curious how you get 90% hit chance at lvl 82+ (T15 mob lvl) what are the investments you make for accuracy?

I'm guessing you obviously know that hit rating is rolled twice to decide it is a crit right?(once to confirm hit and once to confirm crit)

So if and when you achieve 90% hit rating and 95% crit:

Vagan weapon : 100 swings - 100 hits - 95crits - 95crits landing
Other weapon : 100 swings - 95 hits - 85.5crits - 76.95crits landing

that 5% hit costs you to loose 20% actual crits even after all that accuracy investment.

Hi Mathil, thanks for the build, I've just started with this and it has been quite fun so far.

Just a general question, even with 2 Elreon rings, with Hatred and the 2 Heralds up (100%) mana reserved, I won't be able to cast ice golem, whirling blades or even blood rage.

How do we deal with this issue? Blood magic or do we take some "less mana reserved" nodes?
kaliXL wrote:
xMustard wrote:

personally i just don't see how a vagan's scepter is the best choice. i can't help but always revert back to death's hand. the damage is WAAAY higher and procs just as often. with max crit 95% and 90-91% accuracy is just as good because you save so many passives from stacking much more crit with a vagan scepter.

can you explain why death's hand damage is "WAAAY higher"?

And I'm curious how you get 90% hit chance at lvl 82+ (T15 mob lvl) what are the investments you make for accuracy?

I'm guessing you obviously know that hit rating is rolled twice to decide it is a crit right?(once to confirm hit and once to confirm crit)

So if and when you achieve 90% hit rating and 95% crit:

Vagan weapon : 100 swings - 100 hits - 95crits - 95crits landing
Other weapon : 100 swings - 95 hits - 85.5crits - 76.95crits landing

that 5% hit costs you to loose 20% actual crits even after all that accuracy investment.

first of all, while your math is technically correct, it isn't really applicable. there is no monster in this game that you'll swing 100 times at with this CoC build. i 1 shot everything, unless i miss or don't crit, then i two swing everything. with the attack speed you can achieve its hardly noticeable.

i am currently trying to craft a good vagan scepter so i can side by side comparison, but right now i just don't see a difference. 95% crit rate and 90% hit rate is still enough to majority time crit on your first swing unless you get real unlucky, which can still happen with vagan's weapon too, mind you.

however with death's hand the bonus 30% of physical damage added as extra chaos damage is quite large, especially if you're using a legacy consuming dark dagger as offhand for the poison (which i am). this is arguable if its necessary, as the build already has very high damage, but for things like trio where i can almost 1 shot all three of them, i just like it.

yes you need to account for some accuracy, but without death's hand you need to spec more crit chance with a vagan weapon to compensate for the lower base crit. pick your poison. personally i pick poison and use death's hand.
this is my tree @88

gear that gives me flat accuracy

thats all i have. thats all i need. i do gain 1% more from using ice golem but i'll most likely give him up for the lightning golem. more attack speed the better. right now i sit at almost 7 APS with vaal haste active, which is pretty awesome.

death's hand also single handedly keeps my power charges up 100% of the time with ease, due to the chance to gain PC on stun. i don't use assassin's mark. this build with vagan weapon kinda needs to. this allows me to use whatever else i want, vulnerability is great for damage, warlord's mark is great for defense

crit rate on EK is 95% and on bladefall/GC its 85.34%.

i currently use Herald of Ash and Herald of Lightning curse on hit, but since i do such crazy high damage im thinking of dropping both to use blasphemy curse. cursing with HoL (currently using poacher's mark) is still good enough to keep frenzy up almost 100% of the time. it also minimizes your NEED for a curse, such as curse resistant mobs, maps, and curse effect reduction vs bosses.
not to mention curse on hit herald of ice only occurs if and when you shatter nearby enemies. this will always happen on trash but you don't need your curse vs trash, unless you are trash. bosses is where it matters.

edit: forgot to mention that i curse with poacher's mark. this also lowers evasion rating which in turn raises my accuracy rating. also provides me with frenzy and flask charges
Last edited by xMustard#3403 on Apr 6, 2016, 10:18:28 AM
ocha wrote:
Hi Mathil, thanks for the build, I've just started with this and it has been quite fun so far.

Just a general question, even with 2 Elreon rings, with Hatred and the 2 Heralds up (100%) mana reserved, I won't be able to cast ice golem, whirling blades or even blood rage.

How do we deal with this issue? Blood magic or do we take some "less mana reserved" nodes?

link an enlighten with the hatred or heralds so it reserves less mana that way.
hi, looks really fun :)

can the 'cant be evaded' thingy also be on the dagger or does it have to be the weapon that is used for the attack itself?
Malaclypsety wrote:
hi, looks really fun :)

can the 'cant be evaded' thingy also be on the dagger or does it have to be the weapon that is used for the attack itself?

Needs to be on attacking weapon.

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